[Cryptech-Commits] [core/util/keywrap] 70/95: Updated testbench to work with the parameterized memory.

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Wed Mar 25 17:19:09 UTC 2020

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paul at psgd.org pushed a commit to branch master
in repository core/util/keywrap.

commit 8836e5db9c8c8cdcf7e0a144f8d9a42f73d212f6
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
AuthorDate: Tue Sep 4 11:58:04 2018 +0200

    Updated testbench to work with the parameterized memory.
 src/tb/tb_keywrap_mem.v | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tb/tb_keywrap_mem.v b/src/tb/tb_keywrap_mem.v
index 000bd16..0cc8ca0 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_keywrap_mem.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_keywrap_mem.v
@@ -42,11 +42,15 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
   // Parameters.
+  parameter DEBUG = 1;
   parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1;
   parameter CLK_PERIOD      = 2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD;
-  parameter API_ADDR_MAX = 2**14 - 1;
-  parameter CORE_ADDR_MAX = 2**13 - 1;
+  parameter API_ADDR_BITS  = 4;
+  parameter CORE_ADDR_BITS = API_ADDR_BITS - 1;
+  parameter API_ADDR_MAX   = (2 ** API_ADDR_BITS) - 1;
+  parameter CORE_ADDR_MAX  = (2 ** CORE_ADDR_BITS) - 1;
@@ -56,21 +60,22 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
   reg [31 : 0]  error_ctr;
   reg [31 : 0]  tc_ctr;
-  reg           tb_clk;
-  reg           tb_api_we;
-  reg [13 : 0]  tb_api_addr;
-  reg [31 : 0]  tb_api_wr_data;
-  wire [31 : 0] tb_api_rd_data;
-  reg           tb_core_we;
-  reg [12 : 0]  tb_core_addr;
-  reg [63 : 0]  tb_core_wr_data;
-  wire [63 : 0] tb_core_rd_data;
+  reg                            tb_clk;
+  reg                            tb_api_we;
+  reg [(API_ADDR_BITS - 1) : 0]  tb_api_addr;
+  reg [31 : 0]                   tb_api_wr_data;
+  wire [31 : 0]                  tb_api_rd_data;
+  reg                            tb_core_we;
+  reg [(CORE_ADDR_BITS - 1) : 0] tb_core_addr;
+  reg [63 : 0]                   tb_core_wr_data;
+  wire [63 : 0]                  tb_core_rd_data;
   // Device Under Test.
-  keywrap_mem dut(
+  keywrap_mem #(.API_ADDR_BITS(API_ADDR_BITS))
+              dut(
@@ -120,11 +125,11 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
       cycle_ctr = 0;
       tb_clk    = 0;
-      tb_api_we       = 0;
-      tb_api_addr     = 14'h0;
+      tb_api_we       = 1'h0;
+      tb_api_addr     = {API_ADDR_BITS{1'h0}};
       tb_api_wr_data  = 32'h0;
-      tb_core_we      = 0;
-      tb_core_addr    = 13'h0;
+      tb_core_we      = 1'h0;
+      tb_core_addr    = {CORE_ADDR_BITS{1'h0}};
       tb_core_wr_data = 64'h0;
@@ -140,11 +145,12 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
       reg [13 : 0] addr_ctr;
-      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr < API_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
+      $display("Content of the memory:");
+      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr <= API_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
           tb_api_addr = addr_ctr;
-          $display("api_mem [0x%05x] = 0x%08x", addr_ctr, tb_api_rd_data);
+          $display("api_mem [0x%08x] = 0x%08x", addr_ctr, tb_api_rd_data);
   endtask // dump_api_mem
@@ -158,11 +164,12 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
       reg [12 : 0] addr_ctr;
-      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr < CORE_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
+      $display("Content of the memory:");
+      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr <= CORE_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
           tb_core_addr = addr_ctr;
-          $display("core_mem [0x%04x] = 0x%016x", addr_ctr, tb_core_rd_data);
+          $display("core_mem [0x%08x] = 0x%016x", addr_ctr, tb_core_rd_data);
   endtask // dump_core_mem
@@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
       $display("** TC CORE RMW START");
-      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr < CORE_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
+      for (addr_ctr = 0 ; addr_ctr <= CORE_ADDR_MAX ; addr_ctr = addr_ctr + 1)
           tb_core_addr = addr_ctr;
@@ -199,7 +206,7 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
   task test_api_write;
     begin : test_api_write
-      reg [13 : 0] addr_ctr;
+      reg [(API_ADDR_BITS - 1) : 0] addr_ctr;
       $display("** TC API WRITE START");
@@ -207,7 +214,11 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
           tb_api_we       = 1;
           tb_api_addr     = addr_ctr;
-          tb_api_wr_data  = {2'h0, addr_ctr, 2'h0, addr_ctr};
+          tb_api_wr_data  = {{(32 - API_ADDR_BITS){1'h0}}, addr_ctr,
+                             {(32 - API_ADDR_BITS){1'h1}}, addr_ctr};
+          if (DEBUG)
+            $display("Writing 0x%08x to address 0x%08x", tb_api_wr_data, tb_api_addr);
           tb_api_we       = 0;
@@ -224,7 +235,7 @@ module tb_keywrap_mem();
   // test_api_read;
   task test_api_read;
-    begin : test_api_reaqd
+    begin : test_api_read
       $display("** TC API READ START");

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