[Cryptech-Commits] [core/util/keywrap] 18/95: Adding a lot of functionality. Starting to get everthing in place.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Mar 25 17:18:17 UTC 2020

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

paul at psgd.org pushed a commit to branch master
in repository core/util/keywrap.

commit 9e08b2d3f5cdcca969f13c2cacd4511693848d59
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
AuthorDate: Thu Jun 28 16:04:13 2018 +0200

    Adding a lot of functionality. Starting to get everthing in place.
 src/rtl/keywrap.v      |  34 +++++++++++++
 src/rtl/keywrap_core.v | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v  |  29 +++++------
 3 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap.v b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
index b656299..41f3bd5 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ module keywrap(
   localparam CTRL_KEYLEN_BIT  = 1;
   localparam ADDR_RLEN        = 8'h0c;
+  localparam ADDR_A0          = 8'h0e;
+  localparam ADDR_A1          = 8'h0f;
   localparam ADDR_KEY0        = 8'h10;
   localparam ADDR_KEY7        = 8'h17;
@@ -109,6 +111,12 @@ module keywrap(
   reg [12 : 0] rlen_reg;
   reg          rlen_we;
+  reg [31 : 0] a0_reg;
+  reg          a0_we;
+  reg [31 : 0] a1_reg;
+  reg          a1_we;
   reg [31 : 0] key_reg [0 : 7];
   reg          key_we;
@@ -126,6 +134,7 @@ module keywrap(
   wire           core_valid;
   wire [255 : 0] core_key;
   wire [31 : 0]  core_api_rd_data;
+  wire [63 : 0]  core_a_result;
@@ -157,6 +166,9 @@ module keywrap(
+                    .a_init({a1_reg, a0_reg}),
+                    .a_result(core_a_result),
@@ -185,6 +197,8 @@ module keywrap(
           ready_reg  <= 1'h0;
           api_cs_reg <= 1'h0;
           api_we_reg <= 1'h0;
+          a0_reg     <= 32'h0;
+          a1_reg     <= 32'h0;
@@ -204,6 +218,12 @@ module keywrap(
           if (rlen_we)
             rlen_reg <= write_data[12 : 0];
+          if (a0_we)
+            a0_reg <= write_data;
+          if (a1_we)
+            a1_reg <= write_data;
           if (key_we)
             key_reg[address[2 : 0]] <= write_data;
@@ -224,6 +244,8 @@ module keywrap(
       key_we        = 1'h0;
       api_cs_new    = 1'h0;
       api_we_new    = 1'h0;
+      a0_we         = 1'h1;
+      a1_we         = 1'h1;
       tmp_read_data = 32'h0;
       tmp_error     = 1'h0;
@@ -246,6 +268,12 @@ module keywrap(
               if ((address >= ADDR_KEY0) && (address <= ADDR_KEY7))
                 key_we = 1'h1;
+              if (ADDR_A0)
+                a0_we = 1'h1;
+              if (ADDR_A1)
+                a1_we = 1'h1;
               if (address == ADDR_WRITE_DATA)
                   api_cs_new = 1'h1;
@@ -267,6 +295,12 @@ module keywrap(
               endcase // case (address)
+              if (ADDR_A0)
+                tmp_read_data = core_a_result[31 : 0];
+              if (ADDR_A1)
+                tmp_read_data = core_a_result[63 : 32];
               if (address == ADDR_READ_DATA)
                   api_cs_new = 1'h1;
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
index 6e29d45..e3e0723 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ module keywrap_core (
                      input wire [255 : 0] key,
                      input wire           keylen,
+                     input wire  [63 : 0] a_init,
+                     output wire [63 : 0] a_result,
                      input wire           api_cs,
                      input wire           api_we,
                      input wire [31 : 0]  api_wr_data,
@@ -68,12 +71,10 @@ module keywrap_core (
   localparam OUTER_LOOP_MAX = 6;
   localparam CTRL_IDLE  = 3'h0;
   localparam CTRL_INIT  = 3'h1;
   localparam CTRL_NEXT  = 3'h2;
-  localparam RFC5649_A_IV = 32'ha65959a6;
+  localparam CTRL_STEP1 = 3'h3;
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ module keywrap_core (
   reg [63 : 0] a_reg;
   reg [63 : 0] a_new;
   reg          a_we;
-  reg          a_init;
+  reg          init_a;
   reg          ready_reg;
   reg          ready_new;
@@ -124,6 +125,8 @@ module keywrap_core (
   wire [127 : 0] aes_result;
   wire           aes_valid;
+  reg            update_state;
   reg            core_we;
   reg [12 : 0]   core_addr;
   reg [63 : 0]   core_wr_data;
@@ -166,9 +169,11 @@ module keywrap_core (
   // Assignments for ports.
+  assign a_result = a_reg;
@@ -178,12 +183,30 @@ module keywrap_core (
     begin: reg_update
       if (!reset_n)
+          a_reg                 <= 64'h0;
+          ready_reg             <= 1'h0;
+          api_addr_ctr_reg      <= 14'h0;
+          block_ctr_reg         <= 13'h0;
+          iteration_ctr_reg     <= 3'h0;
           keywrap_core_ctrl_reg <= CTRL_IDLE;
-        end
+       end
+          if (a_we)
+            a_reg <= a_new;
+          if (ready_we)
+            ready_reg <= ready_new;
+          if (api_addr_ctr_we)
+            api_addr_ctr_reg <= api_addr_ctr_new;
+          if (block_ctr_we)
+            block_ctr_reg <= block_ctr_new;
+          if (iteration_ctr_we)
+            iteration_ctr_reg <= iteration_ctr_new;
           if (keywrap_core_ctrl_we)
             keywrap_core_ctrl_reg <= keywrap_core_ctrl_new;
@@ -191,6 +214,36 @@ module keywrap_core (
     end // reg_update
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // keywrap_dp
+  //
+  // Main logic for the key wrap functionality.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  always @*
+    begin : keywrap_dp
+      reg xor_val;
+      a_we  = 1'h0;
+      a_new = 32'h0;
+      aes_block = {a_reg, core_rd_data};
+      core_wr_data = aes_result[63 : 0];
+      xor_val = (rlen * iteration_ctr_reg) + block_ctr_reg;
+      if (init_a)
+        begin
+          a_we  = 1'h1;
+          a_new = a_init;
+        end
+      if (update_state)
+        begin
+          a_we  = 1'h1;
+          a_new = aes_result[127 : 64] ^ xor_val;
+        end
+    end
   // api_addr_ctr
@@ -275,21 +328,65 @@ module keywrap_core (
   always @*
     begin : keywrap_core_ctrl
-      aes_encdec        = 0;
-      aes_init          = 0;
-      aes_next          = 0;
-      block_ctr_inc     = 0;
-      block_ctr_rst     = 0;
-      iteration_ctr_inc = 0;
-      iteration_ctr_dec = 0;
-      iteration_ctr_set = 0;
-      iteration_ctr_rst = 0;
+      init_a                = 1'h0;
+      update_state          = 1'h0;
+      aes_encdec            = 1'h0;
+      aes_init              = 1'h0;
+      aes_next              = 1'h0;
+      api_addr_ctr_rst      = 1'h0;
+      api_addr_ctr_inc      = 1'h0;
+      block_ctr_inc         = 1'h0;
+      block_ctr_rst         = 1'h0;
+      iteration_ctr_inc     = 1'h0;
+      iteration_ctr_dec     = 1'h0;
+      iteration_ctr_set     = 1'h0;
+      iteration_ctr_rst     = 1'h0;
+      keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+      keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h0;
       case (keywrap_core_ctrl_reg)
+            if (init)
+              begin
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT;
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+              end
+            if (next)
+              begin
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_NEXT;
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+              end
+          end
+        CTRL_INIT:
+          begin
+            api_addr_ctr_rst      = 1'h1;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+        CTRL_NEXT:
+          begin
+            init_a                = 1'h1;
+            block_ctr_rst         = 1'h1;
+            iteration_ctr_rst     = 1'h1;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_STEP1;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+          end
+        CTRL_STEP1:
+          begin
+            update_state          = 1'h1;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+          end
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
index dc1d873..d31c76c 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ module keywrap_mem (
   // Wires.
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_api_rd_data0;
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_api_rd_data1;
-  reg [31 : 0] muxed_tmp_api_rd_data;
+  reg [31 : 0] api_rd_data0;
+  reg [31 : 0] api_rd_data1;
+  reg [31 : 0] muxed_api_rd_data;
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_core_rd_data0;
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_core_rd_data1;
+  reg [31 : 0] core_rd_data0;
+  reg [31 : 0] core_rd_data1;
   // Assignments for ports.
-  assign api_rd_data = muxed_tmp_api_rd_data;
-  assign core_rd_data = {tmp_core_rd_data1, tmp_core_rd_data0};
+  assign api_rd_data    = muxed_api_rd_data;
+  assign core_rd_data   = {core_rd_data1, core_rd_data0};
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ module keywrap_mem (
   always @(posedge clk)
     begin : mem0_access
-      tmp_core_rd_data0 <= mem0[core_addr];
-      tmp_api_rd_data0  <= mem0[api_addr[13 : 1]];
+      core_rd_data0   <= mem0[core_addr];
+      api_rd_data0    <= mem0[api_addr[13 : 1]];
       if (mem0_we)
         mem0[mem0_addr] <= mem0_data;
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ module keywrap_mem (
   always @(posedge clk)
     begin : mem1_access
-      tmp_core_rd_data1 <= mem1[core_addr];
-      tmp_api_rd_data1  <= mem1[api_addr[13 : 1]];
+      core_rd_data1   <= mem1[core_addr];
+      api_rd_data1    <= mem1[api_addr[13 : 1]];
       if (mem1_we)
         mem1[mem1_addr] <= mem1_data;
@@ -111,13 +111,14 @@ module keywrap_mem (
+  // api_rd_data_mux
   always @*
-    begin
+    begin : api_rd_data_mux
       if (api_addr[0])
-        muxed_tmp_api_rd_data = tmp_api_rd_data1;
+        muxed_api_rd_data = api_rd_data1;
-        muxed_tmp_api_rd_data = tmp_api_rd_data0;
+        muxed_api_rd_data = api_rd_data0;

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