[Cryptech-Commits] [user/shatov/modexpng] 09/13: Fixed all the testbenches to work with the latest RTL sources.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Oct 23 16:22:08 UTC 2019

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meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/shatov/modexpng.

commit 57d250bd603b60a1052093240daa05561815fa78
Author: Pavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru>
AuthorDate: Wed Oct 23 16:55:18 2019 +0300

    Fixed all the testbenches to work with the latest RTL sources.
 bench/tb_core_full_1024.v |  52 +++++++++++++++++------
 bench/tb_core_full_512.v  |  13 +++++-
 bench/tb_mmm_dual_x8.v    | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 bench/tb_wrapper.v        |  20 +++++----
 4 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bench/tb_core_full_1024.v b/bench/tb_core_full_1024.v
index 87eac79..90e3ae9 100644
--- a/bench/tb_core_full_1024.v
+++ b/bench/tb_core_full_1024.v
@@ -300,18 +300,16 @@ module tb_core_full_1024;
             sync_clk_bus;           // switch to slow bus clock
             core_set_input;         // write to core input banks
-            //sync_clk;               // switch to fast core clock
-            //core_set_crt_mode(1);   // enable CRT signing
-            //core_pulse_next;        // assert 'next' bit for one cycle
-            //core_wait_valid;        // wait till 'valid' bit gets asserted
-            //sync_clk_bus;           // switch to slow bus clock
-            //core_get_output;        // read from core output banks
-            //core_verify_output;     // check, whether core output matches precomputed known good refrence values
-            bit_index_last_n   = 16;
-            bus_write(2'd2, BANK_IN_2_D, 7'd0, 32'h00010001);
+            sync_clk;               // switch to fast core clock
+            core_set_crt_mode(1);   // enable CRT signing
+            core_pulse_next;        // assert 'next' bit for one cycle
+            core_wait_valid;        // wait till 'valid' bit gets asserted
+            sync_clk_bus;           // switch to slow bus clock
+            core_get_output;        // read from core output banks
+            core_verify_output;     // check, whether core output matches precomputed known good refrence values
+            core_print_load;        //
             sync_clk;               // switch to fast core clock
             core_set_crt_mode(0);   // disable CRT signing
             core_pulse_next;        // assert 'next' bit for one cycle
@@ -320,6 +318,7 @@ module tb_core_full_1024;
             sync_clk_bus;           // switch to slow bus clock
             core_get_output;        // read from core output banks
             core_verify_output;     // check, whether core output matches precomputed known good refrence values
+            core_print_load;        //
@@ -592,4 +591,33 @@ module tb_core_full_1024;
+    //
+    // Multiplier Load Calculator
+    //
+    real load_cyc_total_prev = 0.0;
+    real load_cyc_mult_prev = 0.0;
+    real load_cyc_total = 0.0;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        //
+        if (!core_valid)
+            load_cyc_total <= load_cyc_total + 1.0;
+    task core_print_load;
+        real delta_cyc_total, delta_cyc_mult, load_pct;
+        begin
+        `ifndef MODEXPNG_ENABLE_DEBUG
+            $display("core_print_load: Multiplier load was not calculated, since MODEXPNG_ENABLE_DEBUG was no defined.");   
+        `else
+            delta_cyc_total = load_cyc_total - load_cyc_total_prev;
+            delta_cyc_mult  = uut.mmm_x.load_cyc_mult - load_cyc_mult_prev;
+            load_pct = 100.0 * delta_cyc_mult / delta_cyc_total;  
+            $display("Multiplier load: %.1f%%", load_pct);
+            load_cyc_total_prev = load_cyc_total; 
+            load_cyc_mult_prev = uut.mmm_x.load_cyc_mult;
+        `endif
+        end
+    endtask
diff --git a/bench/tb_core_full_512.v b/bench/tb_core_full_512.v
index 6357d4e..b4bdfb3 100644
--- a/bench/tb_core_full_512.v
+++ b/bench/tb_core_full_512.v
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ module tb_core_full_512;
     wire [ 1:0] bus_addr_sel  = bus_addr[11:10];
     wire [ 2:0] bus_addr_bank = bus_addr[9:7];
     wire [ 6:0] bus_addr_data = bus_addr[6:0];
     // UUT
@@ -531,4 +531,15 @@ module tb_core_full_512;
+    //
+    // Multiplier Load Calculator
+    //
+    integer cyc_total = 0;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        //
+        if (!core_valid)
+            cyc_total <= cyc_total + 1'b1;
diff --git a/bench/tb_mmm_dual_x8.v b/bench/tb_mmm_dual_x8.v
index 7e54d09..1188f92 100644
--- a/bench/tb_mmm_dual_x8.v
+++ b/bench/tb_mmm_dual_x8.v
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
     // Headers
     `include "../rtl/modexpng_parameters.vh"
-    //`include "../rtl_1/modexpng_mmm_fsm_old.vh"
@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
     modexpng_mmm_dual uut
         .clk                        (clk),
-        .rst                        (rst),
+        .rst_n                      (~rst),
         .ena                        (ena),
         .rdy                        (rdy),
@@ -362,6 +361,7 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
         .word_index_last_minus1     (word_index_last_minus1),
         .force_unity_b              (1'b0),
         .only_reduce                (1'b0),
+        .just_multiply              (1'b0),
         .sel_wide_in                (BANK_WIDE_A),
         .sel_narrow_in              (BANK_NARROW_A),
@@ -372,16 +372,16 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
         .rd_wide_xy_bank_aux        (rd_wide_xy_bank_aux),
         .rd_wide_xy_addr            (rd_wide_xy_addr),
         .rd_wide_xy_addr_aux        (rd_wide_xy_addr_aux),
-        .rd_wide_x_dout             (rd_wide_x_dout),
-        .rd_wide_y_dout             (rd_wide_y_dout),
-        .rd_wide_x_dout_aux         (rd_wide_x_dout_aux),
-        .rd_wide_y_dout_aux         (rd_wide_y_dout_aux),
+        .rd_wide_x_din              (rd_wide_x_dout),
+        .rd_wide_y_din              (rd_wide_y_dout),
+        .rd_wide_x_din_aux          (rd_wide_x_dout_aux),
+        .rd_wide_y_din_aux          (rd_wide_y_dout_aux),
         .rd_narrow_xy_ena           (rd_narrow_xy_ena),
         .rd_narrow_xy_bank          (rd_narrow_xy_bank),
         .rd_narrow_xy_addr          (rd_narrow_xy_addr),
-        .rd_narrow_x_dout           (rd_narrow_x_dout),
-        .rd_narrow_y_dout           (rd_narrow_y_dout),
+        .rd_narrow_x_din            (rd_narrow_x_dout),
+        .rd_narrow_y_din            (rd_narrow_y_dout),
         .rcmb_wide_xy_bank          (rcmb_wide_xy_bank),
         .rcmb_wide_xy_addr          (rcmb_wide_xy_addr),
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
     modexpng_reductor reductor
         .clk                    (clk),
-        .rst                    (rst),
+        .rst_n                  (~rst),
         .ena                    (rdct_ena),
         .rdy                    (rdct_rdy),
@@ -422,15 +422,13 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
         .sel_wide_out           (BANK_WIDE_B),
         .sel_narrow_out         (BANK_NARROW_B),
-        .rd_wide_xy_addr_aux    (rd_wide_xy_addr_aux),
-        .rd_wide_xy_bank_aux    (rd_wide_xy_bank_aux),
-        .rd_wide_x_dout_aux     (rd_wide_x_dout_aux),
-        .rd_wide_y_dout_aux     (rd_wide_y_dout_aux),
+        .rd_wide_x_din_aux      (rd_wide_x_dout_aux),
+        .rd_wide_y_din_aux      (rd_wide_y_dout_aux),
         .rcmb_final_xy_bank     (rcmb_final_xy_bank),
         .rcmb_final_xy_addr     (rcmb_final_xy_addr),
-        .rcmb_final_x_dout      (rcmb_final_x_dout),
-        .rcmb_final_y_dout      (rcmb_final_y_dout),
+        .rcmb_final_x_din       (rcmb_final_x_dout),
+        .rcmb_final_y_din       (rcmb_final_y_dout),
         .rcmb_final_xy_valid    (rcmb_final_xy_valid),
         .rdct_wide_xy_bank      (rdct_wide_xy_bank),
@@ -452,7 +450,7 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
     modexpng_storage_block storage_block
         .clk                    (clk),
-        .rst                    (rst),
+        .rst_n                  (~rst),
         .wr_wide_xy_ena         (wr_wide_xy_ena),
         .wr_wide_xy_bank        (wr_wide_xy_bank),
@@ -481,37 +479,49 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
         .rd_narrow_xy_bank      (rd_narrow_xy_bank),
         .rd_narrow_xy_addr      (rd_narrow_xy_addr),
         .rd_narrow_x_dout       (rd_narrow_x_dout),
-        .rd_narrow_y_dout       (rd_narrow_y_dout)
+        .rd_narrow_y_dout       (rd_narrow_y_dout),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_ena        (1'b0),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_bank       (),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_addr       (),
+        .wrk_wide_x_dout        (),
+        .wrk_wide_y_dout        (),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_ena      (1'b0),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_bank     (),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_addr     (),
+        .wrk_narrow_x_dout      (),
+        .wrk_narrow_y_dout      ()
     modexpng_storage_manager storage_manager
         .clk                    (clk),
-        .rst                    (rst),
+        .rst_n                  (~rst),
         .wr_wide_xy_ena         (wr_wide_xy_ena),
         .wr_wide_xy_bank        (wr_wide_xy_bank),
         .wr_wide_xy_addr        (wr_wide_xy_addr),
-        .wr_wide_x_din          (wr_wide_x_din),
-        .wr_wide_y_din          (wr_wide_y_din),
+        .wr_wide_x_dout         (wr_wide_x_din),
+        .wr_wide_y_dout         (wr_wide_y_din),
         .wr_narrow_xy_ena       (wr_narrow_xy_ena),
         .wr_narrow_xy_bank      (wr_narrow_xy_bank),
         .wr_narrow_xy_addr      (wr_narrow_xy_addr),
-        .wr_narrow_x_din        (wr_narrow_x_din),
-        .wr_narrow_y_din        (wr_narrow_y_din),
+        .wr_narrow_x_dout       (wr_narrow_x_din),
+        .wr_narrow_y_dout       (wr_narrow_y_din),
-        .ext_wide_xy_ena        (ext_wide_xy_ena),
-        .ext_wide_xy_bank       (ext_wide_xy_bank),
-        .ext_wide_xy_addr       (ext_wide_xy_addr),
-        .ext_wide_x_din         (ext_wide_x_din),
-        .ext_wide_y_din         (ext_wide_y_din),
-        .ext_narrow_xy_ena      (ext_narrow_xy_ena),
-        .ext_narrow_xy_bank     (ext_narrow_xy_bank),
-        .ext_narrow_xy_addr     (ext_narrow_xy_addr),
-        .ext_narrow_x_din       (ext_narrow_x_din),
-        .ext_narrow_y_din       (ext_narrow_y_din),
+        .io_wide_xy_ena         (ext_wide_xy_ena),
+        .io_wide_xy_bank        (ext_wide_xy_bank),
+        .io_wide_xy_addr        (ext_wide_xy_addr),
+        .io_wide_x_din          (ext_wide_x_din),
+        .io_wide_y_din          (ext_wide_y_din),
+        .io_narrow_xy_ena       (ext_narrow_xy_ena),
+        .io_narrow_xy_bank      (ext_narrow_xy_bank),
+        .io_narrow_xy_addr      (ext_narrow_xy_addr),
+        .io_narrow_x_din        (ext_narrow_x_din),
+        .io_narrow_y_din        (ext_narrow_y_din),
         .rcmb_wide_xy_bank      (rcmb_wide_xy_bank),
         .rcmb_wide_xy_addr      (rcmb_wide_xy_addr),
@@ -523,7 +533,31 @@ module tb_mmm_dual_x8;
         .rcmb_narrow_xy_addr    (rcmb_narrow_xy_addr),
         .rcmb_narrow_x_din      (rcmb_narrow_x_dout),
         .rcmb_narrow_y_din      (rcmb_narrow_y_dout),
-        .rcmb_narrow_xy_ena     (rcmb_narrow_xy_valid)
+        .rcmb_narrow_xy_ena     (rcmb_narrow_xy_valid),
+        .rdct_wide_xy_bank      (),
+        .rdct_wide_xy_addr      (),
+        .rdct_wide_x_din        (),
+        .rdct_wide_y_din        (),
+        .rdct_wide_xy_valid     (1'b0),
+        .rdct_narrow_xy_bank    (),
+        .rdct_narrow_xy_addr    (),
+        .rdct_narrow_x_din      (),
+        .rdct_narrow_y_din      (),
+        .rdct_narrow_xy_valid   (1'b0),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_ena        (1'b0),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_bank       (),
+        .wrk_wide_xy_addr       (),
+        .wrk_wide_x_din         (),
+        .wrk_wide_y_din         (),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_ena      (1'b0),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_bank     (),
+        .wrk_narrow_xy_addr     (),
+        .wrk_narrow_x_din       (),
+        .wrk_narrow_y_din       ()
diff --git a/bench/tb_wrapper.v b/bench/tb_wrapper.v
index 0c51228..e8eacd1 100644
--- a/bench/tb_wrapper.v
+++ b/bench/tb_wrapper.v
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module tb_wrapper;
         .clk        (clk_bus),
         .rst_n      (rst_n),
-        .clk_core   (clk_bus),
+        .clk_core   (clk),
         .cs         (bus_cs),
         .we         (bus_we),
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ module tb_wrapper;
             rst_n = 1'b1;
+            // use the following code to observe how the core handles invalid parameter settings...
                                             bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d",            to);
             ti =  100; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
@@ -96,7 +98,6 @@ module tb_wrapper;
             ti =  513; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti =  514; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 1022; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 1023; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 1024; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
@@ -104,12 +105,11 @@ module tb_wrapper;
             ti = 1026; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 4094; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
-            ti = 4095; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);*/
-            ti = 4096; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);/*
+            ti = 4095; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
+            ti = 4096; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 4097; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 4098; bus_write('h11, ti); bus_read('h11, to); $display("modulus_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
                                             bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d",            to);
             ti =    0; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti =    1; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
@@ -136,11 +136,13 @@ module tb_wrapper;
             ti = 1026; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 4094; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
-            ti = 4095; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);*/
-            ti = 4096; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);/*
+            ti = 4095; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
+            ti = 4096; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
             ti = 4097; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
-            ti = 4098; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);
-            */
+            ti = 4098; bus_write('h12, ti); bus_read('h12, to); $display("exponent_bits = %0d -> %0d", ti, to);*/
+            // use the following to observe how the core handles "next" bit rising edge
             //ti = 0; bus_write('h08, ti);
             //ti = 2; bus_write('h08, ti);
             //ti = 0; bus_write('h08, ti);

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