[Cryptech-Commits] [user/js/fpga_mkm] branch master updated: Completed first RTL for the SPI slave. Simplified the design to simply be two shift registers and a somple FSM that detects clock flanks and SS.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Mar 26 13:50:57 UTC 2019

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/js/fpga_mkm.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 6f167e3  Completed first RTL for the SPI slave. Simplified the design to simply be two shift registers and a somple FSM that detects clock flanks and SS.
6f167e3 is described below

commit 6f167e358cd681722eea2b482e2e8d429ea673ad
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at assured.se>
AuthorDate: Tue Mar 26 14:49:45 2019 +0100

    Completed first RTL for the SPI slave. Simplified the design to simply be two shift registers and a somple FSM that detects clock flanks and SS.
 src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v           |  32 +++++-
 src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 toolruns/Makefile            |  13 ++-
 3 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
index eb6172d..e0dc14a 100644
--- a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
+++ b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 module fpga_mkm(
                 input wire clk,
+                // SPI slave interface ports.
+                input wire ss,
                 input wire sclk,
                 input wire mosi,
                 output wire miso,
@@ -66,9 +68,14 @@ module fpga_mkm(
   localparam CTRL_DONE  = 3;
+  localparam MEM_WORDS = 16;
   // Registers including update variables and write enable.
+  reg [31 : 0] key_mem [0 : (MEM_WORDS - 1)];
   reg [21 : 0] alarm_counter_reg = 22'h0;
   reg alarm_reg = 1'h0;
@@ -95,8 +102,23 @@ module fpga_mkm(
   assign rled4 = alarm_counter_reg[21];
   assign gled5 = key_loaded_reg;
-  assign miso  = miso_reg;
-  assign alarm = alarm_reg;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Module instantiations.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  fpga_mkm_spi_slave spi_slave(
+                               .clk(clk),
+                               .ss(ss),
+                               .sclk(sclk),
+                               .mosi(mosi),
+                               .miso(miso),
+                               .spi_active(),
+                               .rx_byte_available(),
+                               .rx_byte(),
+                               .tx_byte_load(),
+                               .tx_byte()
+                              );
@@ -104,10 +126,12 @@ module fpga_mkm(
   always @ (posedge clk or negedge tamper)
     begin : reg_update
+      integer i;
       if (!tamper)
-          // Zeroise the key material!
+          for (i = 0 ; i < MEM_WORDS ; i = i + 1)
+            key_mem[i] <= 32'h0;
diff --git a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v
index 473d37d..1449af2 100644
--- a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v
+++ b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v
@@ -48,91 +48,78 @@
 module fpga_mkm_spi_slave(
-                          input wire clk,
+                          input wire          clk,
-                          input wire ss,
-                          input wire sclk,
-                          input wire mosi,
-                          output wire miso,
+                          input wire          ss,
+                          input wire          sclk,
+                          input wire          mosi,
+                          output wire         miso,
-                          output wire rx_byte_available,
-                          output wire rx_byte_ack,
+                          output wire         spi_active,
+                          output wire         rx_byte_available,
                           output wire [7 : 0] rx_byte,
-                          input wire tx_byte_available,
-                          output wire tx_byte_ack,
-                          output wire tx_byte_error,
-                          input wire [7 : 0] tx_byte
+                          input wire          tx_byte_load,
+                          input wire [7 : 0]  tx_byte
   // Internal constant and parameter definitions.
-  localparam CTRL_IDLE = 3'h0;
+  localparam CTRL_IDLE     = 3'h0;
+  localparam CTRL_SELECTED = 3'h1;
+  localparam CTRL_POS_EDGE = 3'h2;
+  localparam CTRL_NEG_EDGE = 3'h3;
   // Registers including update variables and write enable.
-  reg ss_sample0_reg;
-  reg ss_sample1_reg;
-  reg ss_reg;
+  reg         ss_sample0_reg;
+  reg         ss_sample1_reg;
+  reg         ss_reg;
-  reg sclk_sample0_reg;
-  reg sclk_sample1_reg;
-  reg sclk_reg;
+  reg         sclk_sample0_reg;
+  reg         sclk_sample1_reg;
+  reg         sclk_reg;
-  reg mosi_sample0_reg;
-  reg mosi_sample1_reg;
-  reg mosi_reg;
+  reg         mosi_sample0_reg;
+  reg         mosi_sample1_reg;
+  reg         mosi_reg;
   reg [7 : 0] rx_byte_reg = 8'h0;
   reg [7 : 0] rx_byte_new;
-  reg         rx_byte_we;
-  reg [2 : 0] rx_bit_ctr_reg = 3'h0;
-  reg [2 : 0] rx_bit_ctr_new;
-  reg         rx_bit_ctr_we;
-  reg         rx_bit_ctr_rst;
-  reg         rx_bit_ctr_inc;
-  reg rx_byte_available_reg = 1'h0;
-  reg rx_byte_available_new;
-  reg rx_byte_available_we;
+  reg         rx_byte_next;
   reg [7 : 0] tx_byte_reg = 8'h0;
   reg [7 : 0] tx_byte_new;
   reg         tx_byte_we;
-  reg         tx_byte_load;
-  reg         tx_byte_loadz;
   reg         tx_byte_next;
+  reg         tx_byte_loadz;
-  reg [2 : 0] tx_bit_ctr_reg = 3'h0;
-  reg [2 : 0] tx_bit_ctr_new;
-  reg         tx_bit_ctr_we;
-  reg         tx_bit_ctr_rst;
-  reg         tx_bit_ctr_inc;
-  reg         tx_byte_ack_reg = 1'h0;
-  reg         tx_byte_ack_new;
+  reg [2 : 0] bit_ctr_reg = 3'h0;
+  reg [2 : 0] bit_ctr_new;
+  reg         bit_ctr_we;
+  reg         bit_ctr_rst;
+  reg         bit_ctr_inc;
-  reg         tx_byte_error_reg = 1'h0;
-  reg         tx_byte_error_new;
+  reg         spi_active_reg = 1'h0;
+  reg         spi_active_new;
+  reg         spi_active_we;
-  reg [2 : 0]  spi_slave_ctrl_reg = CTRL_IDLE;
-  reg [2 : 0]  spi_slave_ctrl_new;
-  reg          spi_slave_ctrl_we;
+  reg [2 : 0] spi_slave_ctrl_reg = CTRL_IDLE;
+  reg [2 : 0] spi_slave_ctrl_new;
+  reg         spi_slave_ctrl_we;
   // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc.
   assign miso              = tx_byte_reg[7];
-  assign rx_byte_available = rx_byte_available_reg;
+  assign rx_byte_available = (bit_ctr_reg == 3'h7);
   assign rx_byte           = rx_byte_reg;
-  assign tx_byte_ack       = tx_byte_ack_reg;
-  assign tx_byte_error     = tx_byte_error_reg;
+  assign spi_active        = spi_active_reg;
@@ -152,23 +139,17 @@ module fpga_mkm_spi_slave(
       mosi_sample1_reg <= mosi_sample0_reg;
       mosi_reg         <= mosi_sample1_reg;
-      tx_byte_ack_reg <= tx_byte_ack_new;
-      tx_byte_error_reg <= tx_byte_error_new;
-      if (rx_byte_we)
+      if (rx_byte_next)
         rx_byte_reg <= {rx_byte_reg[6 : 0], mosi_reg};
-      if (rx_bit_ctr_we)
-        rx_bit_ctr_reg <= rx_bit_ctr_new;
-      if (rx_byte_available_we)
-        rx_byte_available_reg <= rx_byte_available_new;
+      if (bit_ctr_we)
+        bit_ctr_reg <= bit_ctr_new;
       if (tx_byte_we)
         tx_byte_reg <= tx_byte_new;
-      if (tx_bit_ctr_we)
-        tx_bit_ctr_reg <= tx_bit_ctr_new;
+      if (spi_active_we)
+        spi_active_reg <= spi_active_new;
       if (spi_slave_ctrl_we)
         spi_slave_ctrl_reg <= spi_slave_ctrl_new;
@@ -181,7 +162,7 @@ module fpga_mkm_spi_slave(
   // set the next bit to transmit.
   always @*
-    begin : tx_byt_logic
+    begin : tx_byte_logic
       tx_byte_new = 8'h0;
       tx_byte_we  = 1'h0;
@@ -199,52 +180,30 @@ module fpga_mkm_spi_slave(
       if (tx_byte_next)
-          tx_byte_new = {tx_byte_reg[6 : 0], 1'h0]};
+          tx_byte_new = {tx_byte_reg[6 : 0], 1'h0};
           tx_byte_we  = 1'h1;
-  // rx_bit_ctr
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @*
-    begin : rx_bit_ctr
-      rx_bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
-      rx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h0;
-      if (rx_bit_ctr_rst)
-        begin
-          rx_bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
-          rx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h1;
-        end
-      if (rx_bit_ctr_inc)
-        begin
-          rx_bit_ctr_new = rx_bit_ctr_reg + 1'h1;
-          rx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h0;
-        end
-    end
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  // tx_bit_ctr
+  // bit_ctr
   always @*
-    begin : tx_bit_ctr
-      tx_bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
-      tx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h0;
+    begin : bit_ctr
+      bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
+      bit_ctr_we  = 1'h0;
-      if (tx_bit_ctr_rst)
+      if (bit_ctr_rst)
-          tx_bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
-          tx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h1;
+          bit_ctr_new = 3'h0;
+          bit_ctr_we  = 1'h1;
-      if (tx_bit_ctr_inc)
+      if (bit_ctr_inc)
-          tx_bit_ctr_new = tx_bit_ctr_reg + 1'h1;
-          tx_bit_ctr_we  = 1'h0;
+          bit_ctr_new = bit_ctr_reg + 1'h1;
+          bit_ctr_we  = 1'h1;
@@ -254,22 +213,81 @@ module fpga_mkm_spi_slave(
   always @*
     begin : spi_slave_ctrl_fsm
-      rx_bit_ctr_rst    = 1'h0;
-      rx_bit_ctr_inc    = 1'h0;
-      tx_bit_ctr_rst    = 1'h0;
-      tx_bit_ctr_inc    = 1'h0;
-      tx_byte_load      = 1'h0;
-      tx_byte_loadz     = 1'h0;
-      tx_byte_next      = 1'h0;
-      tx_byte_ack_new   = 1'h0;
-      tx_byte_error_new = 1'h0;
-      rx_byte_we        = 1'h0;
+      bit_ctr_rst        = 1'h0;
+      bit_ctr_inc        = 1'h0;
+      rx_byte_next       = 1'h0;
+      tx_byte_loadz      = 1'h0;
+      tx_byte_next       = 1'h0;
+      spi_active_new     = 1'h0;
+      spi_active_we      = 1'h0;
+      spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+      spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h0;
       case (spi_slave_ctrl_reg)
+        CTRL_IDLE:
+          begin
+            if (ss_reg == 0)
+              begin
+                spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_SELECTED;
+                spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+              end
+          end
+          begin
+            bit_ctr_rst    = 1'h1;
+            tx_byte_loadz  = 1'h1;
+            spi_active_new = 1'h1;
+            spi_active_we  = 1'h1;
+            spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_POS_EDGE;
+            spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+          end
+        CTRL_POS_EDGE:
+          begin
+            if (ss_reg == 0)
+              begin
+                if ((sclk_sample1_reg == 1'h1) && (sclk_reg == 1'h0))
+                  begin
+                    rx_byte_next       = 1'h1;
+                    tx_byte_next       = 1'h1;
+                    bit_ctr_inc        = 1'h1;
+                    spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_NEG_EDGE;
+                    spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+                  end
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                spi_active_new     = 1'h0;
+                spi_active_we      = 1'h1;
+                spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+                spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+              end
+          end
+        CTRL_NEG_EDGE:
+          begin
+            if (ss_reg == 0)
+              begin
+                if ((sclk_sample1_reg == 1'h0) && (sclk_reg == 1'h1))
+                  begin
+                    spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_POS_EDGE;
+                    spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+                  end
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                spi_active_new     = 1'h0;
+                spi_active_we      = 1'h1;
+                spi_slave_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+                spi_slave_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
+              end
+          end
       endcase // case (spi_slave_ctrl_reg)
-    end
+    end // block: spi_slave_ctrl_fsm
 endmodule // fpga_mkm_spi_slave
diff --git a/toolruns/Makefile b/toolruns/Makefile
index bb1f4bf..82f2de3 100755
--- a/toolruns/Makefile
+++ b/toolruns/Makefile
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ FOOTPRINT = tq144
 TOP_NAME = fpga_mkm
 TOP_SRC = ../src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
 TB_TOP_SRC = ../src/tb/tb_fpga_mkm.v
+SPI_SRC = ../src/rtl/fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v
+TB_SPI_SRC = ../src/tb/tb_fpga_mkm_spi_slave.v
 CONFIG_SRC = ../src/config/pinmap_icestick.pcf
 CC = iverilog
@@ -70,19 +73,19 @@ LINT_FLAGS = +1364-2001ext+ --lint-only  -Wall -Wno-fatal -Wno-DECLFILENAME
 all: top.sim
-top.sim: $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC)
-	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -o top.sim $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC)
+top.sim: $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC) $(SPI_SRC)
+	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -o top.sim $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC) $(SPI_SRC)
 sim-top: top.sim
-lint:  $(TOP_SRC)
+lint:  $(TOP_SRC) $(SPI_SRC)
-bitstream: $(TOP_SRC)
+bitstream: $(TOP_SRC) $(SPI_SRC)
 	mkdir -p $(BUILD)
 	yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top $(TOP_NAME) -blif $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif" $(TOP_SRC)
 	arachne-pnr -d $(DEVICE) -P $(FOOTPRINT) -o $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).asc -p $(CONFIG_SRC) $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif

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