[Cryptech-Commits] [user/js/fpga_mkm] branch master updated: (1) Fixed Makefile. Now we can build sim target, generate bitstream and also burn it to the FPGA dev board. (2) Started structuring the RTL source file.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Feb 12 09:42:44 UTC 2019

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/js/fpga_mkm.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new ea442d7  (1) Fixed Makefile. Now we can build sim target, generate bitstream and also burn it to the FPGA dev board. (2) Started structuring the RTL source file.
ea442d7 is described below

commit ea442d768cba08d3728ea2e7e62f1d90e0e781fd
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at assured.se>
AuthorDate: Tue Feb 12 10:41:53 2019 +0100

    (1) Fixed Makefile. Now we can build sim target, generate bitstream and also burn it to the FPGA dev board. (2) Started structuring the RTL source file.
 src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 toolruns/Makefile  | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
index 133a3f8..de96ffa 100644
--- a/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
+++ b/src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
@@ -37,25 +37,37 @@
-module fpga_mkm (
-                 input wire clk_in,
-                 output wire rled1,
-                 output wire rled2,
-                 output wire rled3,
-                 output wire rled4,
-                 output wire gled5
-                );
+module fpga_mkm(
+                input wire clk_in,
+                output wire rled1,
+                output wire rled2,
+                output wire rled3,
+                output wire rled4,
+                output wire gled5
+               );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Registers including update variables and write enable.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
   reg [31 : 0] counter_reg = 32'b0;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
   assign rled1 = counter_reg[21];
   assign rled2 = counter_reg[22];
   assign rled3 = counter_reg[23];
   assign rled4 = counter_reg[24];
   assign gled5 = counter_reg[25];
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // reg_update
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
   always @ (posedge clk_in)
-    begin
+    begin : reg_update
       counter_reg <= counter_reg + 1;
diff --git a/toolruns/Makefile b/toolruns/Makefile
index b95b3cc..e056830 100755
--- a/toolruns/Makefile
+++ b/toolruns/Makefile
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ BUILD     = ./build
 DEVICE    = 1k
 FOOTPRINT = tq144
-TOP_SRC= ../src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
+TOP_NAME = fpga_mkm
+TOP_SRC = ../src/rtl/fpga_mkm.v
 TB_TOP_SRC = ../src/tb/tb_fpga_mkm.v
-CONFIG_SRC= ../src/config/pinmap.pcf
+CONFIG_SRC = ../src/config/pinmap_icestick.pcf
 CC = iverilog
 CC_FLAGS = -Wall
@@ -55,10 +56,13 @@ CC_FLAGS = -Wall
 LINT = verilator
 LINT_FLAGS = +1364-2001ext+ --lint-only  -Wall -Wno-fatal -Wno-DECLFILENAME
-.PHONY: all implement burn
+.PHONY: all bitstream burn
 all: top.sim
 top.sim: $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC)
 	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -o top.sim $(TB_TOP_SRC) $(TOP_SRC)
@@ -71,38 +75,34 @@ lint:  $(TOP_SRC)
-	rm -f *.sim
-	rm build/*
-implement: $(TOP_SRC)
-	# if build folder doesn't exist, create it
+bitstream: $(TOP_SRC)
 	mkdir -p $(BUILD)
-	# synthesize using Yosys
-	yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top top -blif $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif" $(TOP_SRC)
-	# Place and route using arachne
-	arachne-pnr -d $(DEVICE) -P $(FOOTPRINT) -o $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).asc -p pinmap.pcf $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif
-	# Convert to bitstream using IcePack
+	yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top $(TOP_NAME) -blif $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif" $(TOP_SRC)
+	arachne-pnr -d $(DEVICE) -P $(FOOTPRINT) -o $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).asc -p $(CONFIG_SRC) $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).blif
 	icepack $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).asc $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).bin
-burn:	$(PROJ).bin
 	iceprog $(BUILD)/$(PROJ).bin
+	rm -f *.sim
+	rm -rf build
 	@echo "Build system for simulation of AES Verilog core"
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Supported targets:"
 	@echo "------------------"
-	@echo "all:          Build all simulation targets."
-	@echo "lint:         Lint all rtl source files."
-	@echo "top.sim:      Build top level simulation target."
-	@echo "sim-top:      Run top level simulation."
-	@echo "implement:    Implement design for the FPGA."
-	@echo "burn:         Write bitstream to FPGA config mem.."
-	@echo "clean:        Delete all built files."
+	@echo "all:       Build all simulation targets."
+	@echo "lint:      Lint all rtl source files."
+	@echo "top.sim:   Build top level simulation target."
+	@echo "sim-top:   Run top level simulation."
+	@echo "bitstream: Generate FPGA bitstream."
+	@echo "burn:      Write bitstream to FPGA config mem.."
+	@echo "clean:     Delete all built files and directories."
 # EOF Makefile

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