[Cryptech-Commits] [user/js/keywrap] branch integrate_mkmif updated: Updated the keywrap API to support access to MKM status. Updated keywrap_core to support control of MKM access operations.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Sep 25 12:35:54 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch integrate_mkmif
in repository user/js/keywrap.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/integrate_mkmif by this push:
     new d3e94a0  Updated the keywrap API to support access to MKM status. Updated keywrap_core to support control of MKM access operations.
d3e94a0 is described below

commit d3e94a0efeec9b2cbac41eea9a57dc3eaf848b21
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
AuthorDate: Tue Sep 25 14:35:35 2018 +0200

    Updated the keywrap API to support access to MKM status. Updated keywrap_core to support control of MKM access operations.
 src/rtl/keywrap.v      | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/rtl/keywrap_core.v |  52 +++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap.v b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
index 870a85c..829ddd1 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
@@ -70,44 +70,47 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
   // Internal constant and parameter definitions.
-  localparam ADDR_NAME0       = 8'h00;
-  localparam ADDR_NAME1       = 8'h01;
-  localparam ADDR_VERSION     = 8'h02;
-  localparam ADDR_CTRL        = 8'h08;
-  localparam CTRL_INIT_BIT    = 0;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_BIT    = 1;
-  localparam CTRL_READ_BIT    = 2;
-  localparam CTRL_WRITE_BIT   = 3;
-  localparam ADDR_STATUS      = 8'h09;
-  localparam STATUS_READY_BIT = 0;
-  localparam STATUS_VALID_BIT = 1;
-  localparam ADDR_CONFIG      = 8'h0a;
-  localparam CTRL_ENCDEC_BIT  = 0;
-  localparam CTRL_KEYLEN_BIT  = 1;
-  localparam ADDR_RLEN        = 8'h0c;
-  localparam ADDR_A0          = 8'h0e;
-  localparam ADDR_A1          = 8'h0f;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY0        = 8'h10;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY1        = 8'h11;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY2        = 8'h12;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY3        = 8'h13;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY4        = 8'h14;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY5        = 8'h15;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY6        = 8'h16;
-  localparam ADDR_KEY7        = 8'h17;
-  localparam CORE_NAME0       = 32'h6b657920; // "key "
-  localparam CORE_NAME1       = 32'h77726170; // "wrap"
-  localparam CORE_VERSION     = 32'h302e3830; // "0.80"
-  localparam MEM_BITS         = ADDR_BITS - 1;
-  localparam RLEN_BITS        = ADDR_BITS - 2;
-  localparam PAD              = ADDR_BITS - 8;
+  localparam ADDR_NAME0        = 8'h00;
+  localparam ADDR_NAME1        = 8'h01;
+  localparam ADDR_VERSION      = 8'h02;
+  localparam ADDR_CTRL         = 8'h08;
+  localparam CTRL_INIT_BIT     = 0;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_BIT     = 1;
+  localparam CTRL_READ_BIT     = 2;
+  localparam CTRL_WRITE_BIT    = 3;
+  localparam ADDR_STATUS       = 8'h09;
+  localparam STATUS_READY_BIT  = 0;
+  localparam STATUS_VALID_BIT  = 1;
+  localparam ADDR_CONFIG       = 8'h0a;
+  localparam CONFIG_ENCDEC_BIT = 0;
+  localparam CONFIG_KEYLEN_BIT = 1;
+  localparam CONFIG_MKS_BIT    = 2;
+  localparam ADDR_RLEN         = 8'h0c;
+  localparam ADDR_A0           = 8'h0e;
+  localparam ADDR_A1           = 8'h0f;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY0         = 8'h10;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY1         = 8'h11;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY2         = 8'h12;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY3         = 8'h13;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY4         = 8'h14;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY5         = 8'h15;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY6         = 8'h16;
+  localparam ADDR_KEY7         = 8'h17;
+  localparam ADDR_MSTATUS      = 8'h20;
+  localparam CORE_NAME0        = 32'h6b657920; // "key "
+  localparam CORE_NAME1        = 32'h77726170; // "wrap"
+  localparam CORE_VERSION      = 32'h302e3830; // "0.80"
+  localparam MEM_BITS          = ADDR_BITS - 1;
+  localparam RLEN_BITS         = ADDR_BITS - 2;
+  localparam PAD               = ADDR_BITS - 8;
   // If set to one, will allow read access to key memory.
@@ -130,6 +133,9 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
   reg write_reg;
   reg write_new;
+  reg mkey_mstatus_reg;
+  reg mkey_mstatus_new;
   reg encdec_reg;
   reg keylen_reg;
   reg config_we;
@@ -164,7 +170,8 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
   wire           core_ready;
   wire           core_valid;
   wire [255 : 0] core_key;
-  wire [255 : 0] core_read_key;
+  wire [255 : 0] core_mkey;
+  wire [31 : 0]  core_mstatus;
   wire [63 : 0]  core_a_init;
   wire [63 : 0]  core_a_result;
   wire [31 : 0]  core_api_rd_data;
@@ -201,6 +208,7 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
+                    .mkey_mstatus(mkey_mstatus_reg),
@@ -210,7 +218,8 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
-                    .read_key(core_read_key),
+                    .mkey(core_mkey),
+                    .mstatus(core_mstatus),
@@ -238,6 +247,7 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
           next_reg         <= 1'h0;
           read_reg         <= 1'h0;
           write_reg        <= 1'h0;
+          mkey_mstatus_reg <= 1'h0;
           encdec_reg       <= 1'h0;
           keylen_reg       <= 1'h0;
           rlen_reg         <= {RLEN_BITS{1'h0}};
@@ -255,12 +265,14 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
           next_reg         <= next_new;
           read_reg         <= read_new;
           write_reg        <= write_new;
+          mkey_mstatus_reg <= mkey_mstatus_new;
           api_rd_delay_reg <= api_rd_delay_new;
           if (config_we)
-              encdec_reg <= write_data[CTRL_ENCDEC_BIT];
-              keylen_reg <= write_data[CTRL_KEYLEN_BIT];
+              mkey_mstatus_reg <= write_data[CONFIG_MKS_BIT];
+              encdec_reg       <= write_data[CONFIG_ENCDEC_BIT];
+              keylen_reg       <= write_data[CONFIG_KEYLEN_BIT];
           if (rlen_we)
@@ -364,11 +376,14 @@ module keywrap #(parameter ADDR_BITS = 13)
               if (address == {{PAD{1'h0}}, ADDR_A1})
                 api_rd_delay_new = core_a_result[31 : 0];
+              if (address == {{PAD{1'h0}}, ADDR_MSTATUS})
+                api_rd_delay_new = core_mstatus;
               // Warning: Should be disabled after mkmif
               // integration has been completed.
               if (DEBUG_MKM_READ)
                 if ((address >= {{PAD{1'h0}},ADDR_KEY0}) && (address <= {{PAD{1'h0}}, ADDR_KEY7}))
-                  api_rd_delay_new = core_read_key[(7 - (address - {{PAD{1'h0}}, ADDR_KEY7})) * 32 +: 32];
+                  api_rd_delay_new = core_mkey[(7 - (address - {{PAD{1'h0}}, ADDR_KEY7})) * 32 +: 32];
             end // else: !if(we)
         end // if (cs)
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
index 5a05b63..8688e31 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
                      input wire                       next,
                      input wire                       read,
                      input wire                       write,
+                     input wire                       mkey_mstatus,
                      input wire                       encdec,
                      output wire                      ready,
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
                      input wire [255 : 0]             key,
                      input wire                       keylen,
-                     output wire [255 : 0]            read_key,
-                     output wire [31 : 0]             mkm_status,
+                     output wire [255 : 0]            mkey,
+                     output wire [31 : 0]             mstatus,
                      input wire  [63 : 0]             a_init,
                      output wire [63 : 0]             a_result,
@@ -81,21 +82,22 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
   localparam MAX_ITERATIONS = 6 - 1;
-  localparam CTRL_IDLE          = 6'h0;
-  localparam CTRL_INIT_WAIT     = 6'h1;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WSTART   = 6'h2;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_USTART   = 6'h3;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_LOOP0    = 6'h4;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_LOOP     = 6'h5;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WAIT     = 6'h6;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_UPDATE   = 6'h7;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WCHECK   = 6'h8;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_UCHECK   = 6'h9;
-  localparam CTRL_NEXT_FINALIZE = 6'ha;
-  localparam CTRL_READ_START    = 6'h10;
-  localparam CTRL_READ_END      = 6'h11;
-  localparam CTRL_WRITE_START   = 6'h18;
-  localparam CTRL_WRITE_END     = 6'h19;
+  localparam CTRL_IDLE           = 6'h0;
+  localparam CTRL_INIT_WAIT      = 6'h1;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WSTART    = 6'h2;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_USTART    = 6'h3;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_LOOP0     = 6'h4;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_LOOP      = 6'h5;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WAIT      = 6'h6;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_UPDATE    = 6'h7;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_WCHECK    = 6'h8;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_UCHECK    = 6'h9;
+  localparam CTRL_NEXT_FINALIZE  = 6'ha;
+  localparam CTRL_MKM_RD_START   = 6'h10;
+  localparam CTRL_MKM_RD_END     = 6'h11;
+  localparam CTRL_MKM_WR_START   = 6'h18;
+  localparam CTRL_MKM_WR_END     = 6'h19;
   // API for mkm used by the core.
   localparam MKM_ADDR_CTRL        = 8'h08;
@@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
                 ready_new             = 1'h0;
                 ready_we              = 1'h1;
-                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_READ_START;
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_MKM_RD_START;
                 keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
@@ -499,7 +501,7 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
                 ready_new             = 1'h0;
                 ready_we              = 1'h1;
-                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_WRITE_START;
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_MKM_WR_START;
                 keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
@@ -633,14 +635,14 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
-            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_READ_END;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_MKM_RD_END;
             keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
-        CTRL_READ_END:
+        CTRL_MKM_RD_END:
             ready_new             = 1'h1;
             ready_we              = 1'h1;
@@ -649,14 +651,14 @@ module keywrap_core #(parameter MEM_BITS = 11)
-            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_WRITE_END;
+            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_MKM_WR_END;
             keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
-        CTRL_WRITE_END:
+        CTRL_MKM_WR_END:
             ready_new             = 1'h1;
             ready_we              = 1'h1;

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