[Cryptech-Commits] [user/js/keywrap] branch master updated: Implemented test design for key wrap memory. To be tested in ISE.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Thu Jun 21 14:57:47 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/js/keywrap.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 3884cd3  Implemented test design for key wrap memory. To be tested in ISE.
3884cd3 is described below

commit 3884cd39fd1bcaf9293d4356aa9aa958a7626b5d
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
AuthorDate: Thu Jun 21 16:57:31 2018 +0200

    Implemented test design for key wrap memory. To be tested in ISE.
 src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
index 21d3a2b..2076a57 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
@@ -40,10 +40,105 @@
 module keywrap_mem
-   input wire          sys_clk,
-   input wire          reset_n
+   input wire           clk,
+   input wire           reset_n,
+   input wire           api_we,
+   input wire [8 : 0]   api_addr,
+   input wire [31 : 0]  api_wr_data,
+   output wire [31 : 0] api_rd_data,
+   input wire           core_we,
+   input wire [7 : 0]   core_addr,
+   input wire [63 : 0]  core_wr_data,
+   output wire [63 : 0] core_rd_data
+  reg [31 : 0] tmp_api_rd_data;
+  reg [63 : 0] tmp_core_rd_data;
+  reg [31 : 0] mem0 [0 : 255];
+  reg [31 : 0] mem0_data;
+  reg  [7 : 0] mem0_addr;
+  reg          mem0_we;
+  reg [31 : 0] mem1 [0 : 255];
+  reg [31 : 0] mem1_data;
+  reg  [7 : 0] mem1_addr;
+  reg          mem1_we;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Assignments for ports.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  assign api_rd_data = tmp_api_rd_data;
+  assign core_rd_data = tmp_core_rd_data;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // mem_access
+  //
+  // Clocked read and write to the memory banks.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin : mem_access
+      tmp_core_rd_data <= {mem1[core_addr], mem0[core_addr]};
+      if (api_addr[0])
+        tmp_api_rd_data <= mem1[api_addr[8 : 1]];
+      else
+        tmp_api_rd_data <= mem0[api_addr[8 : 1]];
+      if (mem0_we)
+        mem0[mem0_addr] <= mem0_data;
+      if (mem1_we)
+        mem1[mem1_addr] <= mem1_data;
+    end
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // write_mux
+  // Mux that handles priority of writes and selection
+  // of memory bank to write api data to.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  always @*
+    begin : write_mux
+      mem0_data = 32'h0;
+      mem0_addr = 8'h0;
+      mem0_we   = 1'h0;
+      mem1_data = 32'h0;
+      mem1_addr = 8'h0;
+      mem1_we   = 1'h0;
+      if (core_we)
+        begin
+          mem0_data = core_wr_data[31 : 0];
+          mem0_addr = core_addr;
+          mem0_we   = 1'h1;
+          mem1_data = core_wr_data[63 : 32];
+          mem1_addr = core_addr;
+          mem1_we   = 1'h1;
+        end
+      else if (api_we)
+        begin
+          if (api_addr[0])
+            begin
+              mem1_data = api_wr_data;
+              mem1_addr = api_addr[7 : 0];
+              mem1_we   = 1'h1;
+            end
+          else
+            begin
+              mem0_data = api_wr_data;
+              mem0_addr = api_addr[7 : 0];
+              mem0_we   = 1'h1;
+            end
+        end
+    end
 endmodule // keywrap_mem

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