[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/libhal] branch pkcs8 updated: Unit tests for key backup operations.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Sun Apr 9 17:46:09 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch pkcs8
in repository sw/libhal.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/pkcs8 by this push:
     new 3c7c7e2  Unit tests for key backup operations.
3c7c7e2 is described below

commit 3c7c7e20da805b3abea3fa4debdf255208164366
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Sun Apr 9 13:45:20 2017 -0400

    Unit tests for key backup operations.
 unit-tests.py | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 186 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/unit-tests.py b/unit-tests.py
index 6fe5ccf..d5b6c77 100644
--- a/unit-tests.py
+++ b/unit-tests.py
@@ -42,28 +42,34 @@ import datetime
 import logging
 import sys
+from struct import pack, unpack
 from libhal import *
-    from Crypto.Util.number     import inverse
-    from Crypto.PublicKey       import RSA
-    from Crypto.Signature       import PKCS1_v1_5
-    from Crypto.Hash.SHA256     import SHA256Hash as SHA256
-    from Crypto.Hash.SHA384     import SHA384Hash as SHA384
-    from Crypto.Hash.SHA512     import SHA512Hash as SHA512
+    from Crypto.Util.number             import inverse
+    from Crypto.PublicKey               import RSA
+    from Crypto.Cipher                  import AES
+    from Crypto.Cipher.PKCS1_v1_5       import PKCS115_Cipher
+    from Crypto.Signature.PKCS1_v1_5    import PKCS115_SigScheme
+    from Crypto.Hash.SHA256             import SHA256Hash as SHA256
+    from Crypto.Hash.SHA384             import SHA384Hash as SHA384
+    from Crypto.Hash.SHA512             import SHA512Hash as SHA512
     pycrypto_loaded = True
 except ImportError:
     pycrypto_loaded = False
-    from ecdsa                  import der as ECDSA_DER
-    from ecdsa.keys             import SigningKey as ECDSA_SigningKey, VerifyingKey as ECDSA_VerifyingKey
-    from ecdsa.ellipticcurve    import Point
-    from ecdsa.curves           import NIST256p, NIST384p, NIST521p, find_curve as ECDSA_find_curve
-    from ecdsa.util             import oid_ecPublicKey
+    from ecdsa                          import der as ECDSA_DER
+    from ecdsa.keys                     import SigningKey as ECDSA_SigningKey
+    from ecdsa.keys                     import VerifyingKey as ECDSA_VerifyingKey
+    from ecdsa.ellipticcurve            import Point
+    from ecdsa.curves                   import NIST256p, NIST384p, NIST521p
+    from ecdsa.curves                   import find_curve as ECDSA_find_curve
+    from ecdsa.util                     import oid_ecPublicKey
     if not pycrypto_loaded:
-        from hashlib            import sha256 as SHA256, sha384 as SHA384, sha512 as SHA512
+        from hashlib                    import sha256 as SHA256, sha384 as SHA384, sha512 as SHA512
     ecdsa_loaded = True
 except ImportError:
     ecdsa_loaded = False
@@ -852,6 +858,168 @@ class TestPkeyECDSAVerificationNIST(TestCaseLoggedIn):
             py_hash   = SHA384)
+ at unittest.skipUnless(pycrypto_loaded, "Requires Python Crypto package")
+class TestPKeyBackup(TestCaseLoggedIn):
+    oid_rsaEncryption = "\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x0D\x01\x01\x01"
+    oid_aesKeyWrap    = "\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x01\x30"
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(der, oid):
+        from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerObject, DerSequence, DerOctetString, DerObjectId
+        encryptedPrivateKeyInfo = DerSequence()
+        encryptedPrivateKeyInfo.decode(der)
+        encryptionAlgorithm = DerSequence()
+        encryptionAlgorithm.decode(encryptedPrivateKeyInfo[0])
+        algorithm = DerObjectId()
+        algorithm.decode(encryptionAlgorithm[0])
+        encryptedData = DerOctetString()
+        encryptedData.decode(encryptedPrivateKeyInfo[1])
+        if algorithm.payload != oid:
+            raise ValueError
+        return encryptedData.payload
+    @staticmethod
+    def encode_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(der, oid):
+        from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerOctetString
+        return DerSequence([
+            DerSequence([chr(0x06) + chr(len(oid)) + oid]).encode(),
+            DerOctetString(der).encode()
+        ]).encode()
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_kek():
+        import Crypto.Random
+        return Crypto.Random.new().read(256/8)
+    def sig_check(self, pkey, der):
+        from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerNull, DerOctetString
+        p115 = PKCS115_SigScheme(RSA.importKey(der))
+        hash = SHA256("Your mother was a hamster")
+        data = DerSequence([
+            DerSequence([hash.oid, DerNull().encode()]).encode(),
+            DerOctetString(hash.digest()).encode()
+        ]).encode()
+        sig1 = p115.sign(hash)
+        sig2 = pkey.sign(data = data)
+        self.assertEqual(sig1, sig2)
+        p115.verify(hash, sig1)
+        p115.verify(hash, sig2)
+        pkey.verify(signature = sig1, data = data)
+        pkey.verify(signature = sig2, data = data)
+    def test_export(self):
+        kekek = hsm.pkey_load(
+            der   = PreloadedKey.db[HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC, 1024].der)
+        self.addCleanup(kekek.delete)
+        pkey = hsm.pkey_generate_rsa(
+            keylen= 1024,
+        self.addCleanup(pkey.delete)
+        pkcs8_der, kek_der = kekek.export_pkey(pkey)
+        kek = PKCS115_Cipher(PreloadedKey.db[HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, 1024].obj).decrypt(
+            self.parse_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(kek_der, self.oid_rsaEncryption),
+            self.make_kek())
+        der = AESKeyWrapWithPadding(kek).unwrap(
+            self.parse_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(pkcs8_der, self.oid_aesKeyWrap))
+        self.sig_check(pkey, der)
+    def test_import(self):
+        kekek = hsm.pkey_generate_rsa(
+            keylen= 1024,
+        self.addCleanup(kekek.delete)
+        kek = self.make_kek()
+        der = PreloadedKey.db[HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, 1024].der
+        pkey = kekek.import_pkey(
+            pkcs8 = self.encode_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(
+                AESKeyWrapWithPadding(kek).wrap(der),
+                self.oid_aesKeyWrap),
+            kek = self.encode_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(
+                PKCS115_Cipher(RSA.importKey(kekek.public_key)).encrypt(kek),
+                self.oid_rsaEncryption),
+        self.addCleanup(pkey.delete)
+        self.sig_check(pkey, der)
+class AESKeyWrapWithPadding(object):
+    """
+    Implementation of AES Key Wrap With Padding from RFC 5649.
+    """
+    class UnwrapError(Exception):
+        "Something went wrong during unwrap."
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        self.ctx = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
+    def _encrypt(self, b1, b2):
+        aes_block = self.ctx.encrypt(b1 + b2)
+        return aes_block[:8], aes_block[8:]
+    def _decrypt(self, b1, b2):
+        aes_block = self.ctx.decrypt(b1 + b2)
+        return aes_block[:8], aes_block[8:]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _start_stop(start, stop):               # Syntactic sugar
+        step = -1 if start > stop else 1
+        return xrange(start, stop + step, step)
+    def wrap(self, Q):
+        "RFC 5649 section 4.1."
+        m = len(Q)                              # Plaintext length
+        if m % 8 != 0:                          # Pad Q if needed
+            Q += "\x00" * (8 - (m % 8))
+        R = [pack(">LL", 0xa65959a6, m)]        # Magic MSB(32,A), build LSB(32,A)
+        R.extend(Q[i : i + 8]                   # Append Q
+                 for i in xrange(0, len(Q), 8))
+        n = len(R) - 1
+        if n == 1:
+            R[0], R[1] = self._encrypt(R[0], R[1])
+        else:
+            # RFC 3394 section 2.2.1
+            for j in self._start_stop(0, 5):
+                for i in self._start_stop(1, n):
+                    R[0], R[i] = self._encrypt(R[0], R[i])
+                    W0, W1 = unpack(">LL", R[0])
+                    W1 ^= n * j + i
+                    R[0] = pack(">LL", W0, W1)
+        assert len(R) == (n + 1) and all(len(r) == 8 for r in R)
+        return "".join(R)
+    def unwrap(self, C):
+        "RFC 5649 section 4.2."
+        if len(C) % 8 != 0:
+            raise self.UnwrapError("Ciphertext length {} is not an integral number of blocks"
+                                   .format(len(C)))
+        n = (len(C) / 8) - 1
+        R = [C[i : i + 8] for i in xrange(0, len(C), 8)]
+        if n == 1:
+            R[0], R[1] = self._decrypt(R[0], R[1])
+        else:
+            # RFC 3394 section 2.2.2 steps (1), (2), and part of (3)
+            for j in self._start_stop(5, 0):
+                for i in self._start_stop(n, 1):
+                    W0, W1 = unpack(">LL", R[0])
+                    W1 ^= n * j + i
+                    R[0] = pack(">LL", W0, W1)
+                    R[0], R[i] = self._decrypt(R[0], R[i])
+        magic, m = unpack(">LL", R[0])
+        if magic != 0xa65959a6:
+            raise self.UnwrapError("Magic value in AIV should have been 0xa65959a6, was 0x{:02x}"
+                              .format(magic))
+        if m <= 8 * (n - 1) or m > 8 * n:
+            raise self.UnwrapError("Length encoded in AIV out of range: m {}, n {}".format(m, n))
+        R = "".join(R[1:])
+        assert len(R) ==  8 * n
+        if any(r != "\x00" for r in R[m:]):
+            raise self.UnwrapError("Nonzero trailing bytes {}".format(R[m:].encode("hex")))
+        return R[:m]
 class Pinwheel(object):
     Activity pinwheel, as needed.
@@ -901,14 +1069,16 @@ class PreloadedRSAKey(PreloadedKey):
         if pycrypto_loaded:
             k1 = RSA.importKey(pem)
             k2 = k1.publickey()
-            cls(HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, keylen, k1, k1.exportKey(format = "DER", pkcs = 8), keylen = keylen)
-            cls(HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC,  keylen, k2, k2.exportKey(format = "DER"          ), keylen = keylen)
+            cls(HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, keylen,
+                k1, k1.exportKey(format = "DER", pkcs = 8), keylen = keylen)
+            cls(HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC,  keylen,
+                k2, k2.exportKey(format = "DER"          ), keylen = keylen)
     def sign(self, text, hash):
-        return PKCS1_v1_5.PKCS115_SigScheme(self.obj).sign(hash(text))
+        return PKCS115_SigScheme(self.obj).sign(hash(text))
     def verify(self, text, hash, signature):
-        return PKCS1_v1_5.PKCS115_SigScheme(self.obj).verify(hash(text), signature)
+        return PKCS115_SigScheme(self.obj).verify(hash(text), signature)
 class PreloadedECKey(PreloadedKey):

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