[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/libhal] branch ksng updated: Add handle objects to make API a bit more Pythonic.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Oct 19 22:18:35 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch ksng
in repository sw/libhal.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/ksng by this push:
       new  d715708   Add handle objects to make API a bit more Pythonic.
d715708 is described below

commit d7157081e8edd10d15b0686429d9323a584c7133
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Wed Oct 19 18:18:10 2016 -0400

    Add handle objects to make API a bit more Pythonic.
 libhal.py | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libhal.py b/libhal.py
index 99004ad..fa01ffc 100644
--- a/libhal.py
+++ b/libhal.py
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH      = "Bad attribute length")
 HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND       = "Attribute not found")
 HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_NO_KEY_INDEX_SLOTS        = "No key index slots available")
 def def_enum(text):
     for i, name in enumerate(text.translate(None, ",").split()):
         globals()[name] = i
@@ -183,7 +184,101 @@ HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT      = (1 << 1)
 HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN                      = (1 << 3)
-class RPC(object):
+def cached_property(func):
+    attr_name = "_" + func.__name__
+    def wrapped(self):
+        try:
+            value = getattr(self, attr_name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            value = func(self)
+            setattr(self, attr_name, value)
+        return value
+    wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__
+    return property(wrapped)
+class Handle(object):
+    def __int__(self):
+        return self.handle
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp(self.handle, int(other))
+class Digest(Handle):
+    def __init__(self, hsm, handle, algorithm):
+        self.hsm       = hsm
+        self.handle    = handle
+        self.algorithm = algorithm
+    def update(self, data):
+        self.hsm.hash_update(self, data)
+    def finalize(self, length = None):
+        return self.hsm.hash_finalize(self, length or self.digest_length)
+    @cached_property
+    def algorithm_id(self):
+        return self.hsm.hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(self.algorithm)
+    @cached_property
+    def digest_length(self):
+        return self.hsm.hash_get_digest_length(self.algorithm)
+class PKey(Handle):
+    def __init__(self, hsm, handle, uuid):
+        self.hsm    = hsm
+        self.handle = handle
+        self.uuid   = uuid
+    def close(self):
+        self.hsm.pkey_close(self)
+    def delete(self):
+        self.hsm.pkey_delete(self)
+    @cached_property
+    def key_type(self):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_get_key_type(self)
+    @cached_property
+    def key_flags(self):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_get_key_flags(self)
+    @cached_property
+    def public_key_len(self):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_get_public_key_len(self)
+    @cached_property
+    def public_key(self):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_get_public_key(self, self.public_key_len)
+    def sign(self, hash = 0, data = "", length = 1024):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_sign(self, hash, data, length)
+    def verify(self, hash = 0, data = "", signature = None):
+        self.hsm.pkey_verify(self, hash, data, signature)
+    def set_attribute(self, type, value):
+        self.hsm.pkey_set_attribute(self, type, value)
+    def get_attribute(self, type):
+        return self.hsm.pkey_get_attribute(self, type)
+    def delete_attribute(self, type):
+        self.hsm.pkey_delete_attribute(self, type)
+class HSM(object):
     debug = True
@@ -257,7 +352,7 @@ class RPC(object):
     def _pack(self, packer, args):
         for arg in args:
-            if isinstance(arg, (int, long)):
+            if isinstance(arg, (int, long, Handle)):
             elif isinstance(arg, str):
@@ -269,7 +364,7 @@ class RPC(object):
                 raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to pack {!r} ({!r})".format(arg, type(arg)))
-    def _call(self, code, *args, **kwargs):
+    def rpc(self, code, *args, **kwargs):
         client = kwargs.get("client", 0)
         packer = xdrlib.Packer()
@@ -282,121 +377,121 @@ class RPC(object):
         return unpacker
     def get_version(self):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_GET_VERSION)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_GET_VERSION)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
     def get_random(self, n):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_GET_RANDOM, n)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_GET_RANDOM, n)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def set_pin(self, user, pin):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_SET_PIN, user, pin)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_SET_PIN, user, pin)
     def login(self, user, pin):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_LOGIN, user, pin)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGIN, user, pin)
     def logout(self):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT)
     def logout_all(self):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT_ALL)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT_ALL)
     def is_logged_in(self, user):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_IS_LOGGED_IN, user)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_IS_LOGGED_IN, user)
         r = u.unpack_bool()
         return r
     def hash_get_digest_length(self, alg):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_LEN, alg)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_LEN, alg)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
     def hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(self, alg, max_len = 256):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_ID, alg, max_len)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_ID, alg, max_len)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def hash_get_algorithm(self, handle):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_ALGORITHM, handle)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_ALGORITHM, handle)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
     def hash_initialize(self, alg, key = "", client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_INITIALIZE, session, alg, key, client = client)
-        r = u.unpack_uint()
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_INITIALIZE, session, alg, key, client = client)
+        r = Digest(self, u.unpack_uint(), alg)
         return r
     def hash_update(self, handle, data):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_UPDATE, handle, data)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_UPDATE, handle, data)
     def hash_finalize(self, handle, length = None):
         if length is None:
             length = self.hash_get_digest_length(self.hash_get_algorithm(handle))
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_HASH_FINALIZE, handle, length)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_FINALIZE, handle, length)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def pkey_load(self, type, curve, der, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LOAD, session, type, curve, der, flags, client = client)
-        r = u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes())
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LOAD, session, type, curve, der, flags, client = client)
+        r = PKey(self, u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes()))
         return r
     def pkey_find(self, uuid, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_FIND, session, uuid, flags, client = client)
-        r = u.unpack_uint()
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_FIND, session, uuid, flags, client = client)
+        r = PKey(self, u.unpack_uint(), uuid)
         return r
     def pkey_generate_rsa(self, keylen, exponent, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_RSA, session, keylen, exponent, flags, client = client)
-        r = u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes())
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_RSA, session, keylen, exponent, flags, client = client)
+        r = PKey(self, u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes()))
         return r
     def pkey_generate_ec(self, curve, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_EC, session, curve, flags, client = client)
-        r = u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes())
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_EC, session, curve, flags, client = client)
+        r = PKey(self, u.unpack_uint(), uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes()))
         return r
     def pkey_close(self, pkey):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_CLOSE, pkey)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_CLOSE, pkey)
     def pkey_delete(self, pkey):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE, pkey)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE, pkey)
     def pkey_get_key_type(self, pkey):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_TYPE, pkey)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_TYPE, pkey)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
     def pkey_get_key_flags(self, pkey):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_FLAGS, pkey)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_FLAGS, pkey)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
     def pkey_get_public_key_len(self, pkey):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, pkey)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, pkey)
         r = u.unpack_uint()
         return r
@@ -404,23 +499,23 @@ class RPC(object):
     def pkey_get_public_key(self, pkey, length = None):
         if length is None:
             length = self.pkey_get_public_key_len(pkey)
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY, pkey, length)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY, pkey, length)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def pkey_sign(self, pkey, hash = 0, data = "", length = 1024):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SIGN, pkey, hash, data, length)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SIGN, pkey, hash, data, length)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def pkey_verify(self, pkey, hash = 0, data = "", signature = None):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_VERIFY, pkey, hash, data, signature)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_VERIFY, pkey, hash, data, signature)
     def pkey_list(self, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0, length = 512):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LIST, session, length, flags, client = client)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LIST, session, length, flags, client = client)
         r = tuple((u.unpack_uint(), u.unpack_uint(), u.unpack_uint(),
                    uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes()))
                   for i in xrange(u.unpack_uint()))
@@ -429,7 +524,8 @@ class RPC(object):
     def pkey_match(self, type = 0, curve = 0, flags = 0, attributes = (),
                    previous_uuid = uuid.UUID(int = 0), length = 512, client = 0, session = 0):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, session, type, curve, flags, attributes, length, previous_uuid, client = client)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, session, type, curve, flags,
+                     attributes, length, previous_uuid, client = client)
         r = tuple(uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes())
                   for i in xrange(u.unpack_uint()))
         x = uuid.UUID(bytes = u.unpack_bytes())
@@ -438,51 +534,49 @@ class RPC(object):
         return r
     def pkey_set_attribute(self, pkey, type, value):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SET_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type, value)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SET_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type, value)
     def pkey_get_attribute(self, pkey, type):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type)
         r = u.unpack_bytes()
         return r
     def pkey_delete_attribute(self, pkey, type):
-        u = self._call(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type)
+        u = self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE, pkey, type)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     def hexstr(s):
         return "".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in s)
-    rpc = RPC()
+    hsm = HSM()
-    print hex(rpc.get_version())
+    print hex(hsm.get_version())
-    print hexstr(rpc.get_random(16))
+    print hexstr(hsm.get_random(16))
-    h = rpc.hash_initialize(hal_digest_algorithm_sha256)
-    rpc.hash_update(h, "Hi, Mom")
-    print hexstr(rpc.hash_finalize(h))
+    h = hsm.hash_initialize(hal_digest_algorithm_sha256)
+    h.update("Hi, Mom")
+    print hexstr(h.finalize())
-    h = rpc.hash_initialize(hal_digest_algorithm_sha256, key = "secret")
-    rpc.hash_update(h, "Hi, Dad")
-    print hexstr(rpc.hash_finalize(h))
+    h = hsm.hash_initialize(hal_digest_algorithm_sha256, key = "secret")
+    h.update("Hi, Dad")
+    print hexstr(h.finalize())
-    k, u = rpc.pkey_generate_ec(HAL_CURVE_P256)
-    t = rpc.pkey_get_key_type(k)
-    f = rpc.pkey_get_key_flags(k)
-    d = rpc.pkey_get_public_key(k)
-    print u, t, f, hexstr(d)
-    rpc.pkey_close(k)
-    k = rpc.pkey_find(u)
-    rpc.pkey_delete(k)
+    k = hsm.pkey_generate_ec(HAL_CURVE_P256)
+    print "{0.uuid} {0.key_type} {0.key_flags} {1}".format(k, hexstr(k.public_key))
+    hsm.pkey_close(k)
+    k = hsm.pkey_find(k.uuid)
+    hsm.pkey_delete(k)
     for flags in (0, HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN):
-        for t, c, f, u in rpc.pkey_list(flags = flags):
+        for t, c, f, u in hsm.pkey_list(flags = flags):
             print u, t, c, f
     for f in (HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN, 0):
-        for u in rpc.pkey_match(flags = f):
+        for u in hsm.pkey_match(flags = f):
             print u

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