[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/libhal] 02/05: More Pythonic API for certain pkey calls.

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Wed Nov 2 05:32:26 UTC 2016

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sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch ksng
in repository sw/libhal.

commit d3301ac269431c5aa45061abdb2d4400793b1eee
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Tue Nov 1 17:41:41 2016 -0400

    More Pythonic API for certain pkey calls.
    PKey objects can now be used as context managers, in which case the
    key handle will be closed when the block exits.
    HSM.pkey_find() now returns a generator which will iterate through the
    full set of results, making additional RPC calls as necessary.
    NIST ECDSA test vector test refactored to remove duplicated code.
 libhal.py     | 32 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 unit-tests.py | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libhal.py b/libhal.py
index 0a79ce9..745c761 100644
--- a/libhal.py
+++ b/libhal.py
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class Enum(int):
 class RPCFunc(Enum): pass
@@ -344,15 +344,24 @@ class LocalDigest(object):
 class PKey(Handle):
     def __init__(self, hsm, handle, uuid):
-        self.hsm    = hsm
-        self.handle = handle
-        self.uuid   = uuid
+        self.hsm     = hsm
+        self.handle  = handle
+        self.uuid    = uuid
+        self.deleted = False
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        if not self.deleted:
+            self.close()
     def close(self):
     def delete(self):
+        self.deleted = True
     def key_type(self):
@@ -627,11 +636,16 @@ class HSM(object):
                          for i in xrange(r.unpack_uint()))
     def pkey_match(self, type = 0, curve = 0, flags = 0, attributes = (),
-                   previous_uuid = UUID(int = 0), length = 512, client = 0, session = 0):
-        with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, session, type, curve, flags,
-                      attributes, length, previous_uuid, client = client) as r:
-            return tuple(UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())
-                         for i in xrange(r.unpack_uint()))
+                   length = 64, client = 0, session = 0):
+        u = UUID(int = 0)
+        n = length
+        while n == length:
+            with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, session, type, curve, flags,
+                          attributes, length, u, client = client) as r:
+                n = r.unpack_uint()
+                for i in xrange(n):
+                    u = UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())
+                    yield u
     def pkey_set_attribute(self, pkey, attr_type, attr_value = None):
         if attr_value is None and isinstance(attr_type, Attribute):
diff --git a/unit-tests.py b/unit-tests.py
index d460a26..de203a9 100644
--- a/unit-tests.py
+++ b/unit-tests.py
@@ -510,25 +510,7 @@ class TestPKeyList(TestCaseLoggedIn):
     Tests involving PKey list and match functions.
-    # Some kind of race condition, don't understand it yet, but
-    # without the sleep, the flash keystore code occasionally reads
-    # zeroed pages immediately after a deletion (which itself zeros
-    # pages, which is suspicious, but I haven't spotted a problem
-    # there yet), with the sleep it doesn't.  Worrisome.
-    kludge_around_race_condition = False
-    def cleanup(self):
-        for uuid, flags in self.keys:
-            if self.kludge_around_race_condition and (flags & HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN) != 0:
-                from time import sleep
-                sleep(0.1)
-            hsm.pkey_find(uuid, flags = flags).delete()
     def load_keys(self, flags):
-        self.keys = []
-        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup)
         for keytype, curve in static_keys:
             obj = static_keys[keytype, curve]
             if keytype in (HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC):
@@ -539,7 +521,8 @@ class TestPKeyList(TestCaseLoggedIn):
                 raise ValueError
             k = hsm.pkey_load(keytype, curve, der, flags)
-            self.keys.append((k.uuid, flags))
+            self.addCleanup(lambda uuid: hsm.pkey_find(uuid, flags = flags).delete(),
+                            k.uuid)
     def ks_list(self, flags):
@@ -553,35 +536,49 @@ class TestPKeyList(TestCaseLoggedIn):
     def test_ks_list_token(self):
+    def ks_match(self, flags):
+        for i in xrange(3):
+            self.load_keys(flags)
+        for uuid in hsm.pkey_match(flags = flags):
+            with hsm.pkey_find(uuid, flags) as k:
+                print "{0.uuid} {0.key_type} {0.key_flags}".format(k)
+    def test_ks_match_token(self):
+        self.ks_match(HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN)
 class TestPkeyECDSAVerificationNIST(TestCaseLoggedIn):
     ECDSA verification tests based on Suite B Implementer's Guide to FIPS 186-3.
-    def test_suite_b_p256_verify(self):
-        Q = Point(NIST256p.curve,
-                  0x8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8,
-                  0xd8a12ba61d599235f67d9cb4d58f1783d3ca43e78f0a5abaa624079936c0c3a9)
-        k = hsm.pkey_load(HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PUBLIC, HAL_CURVE_P256,
-                          ECDSA_VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, NIST256p, SHA256).to_der())
+    def verify(self, Qx, Qy, H, r, s, hal_curve, py_curve, py_hash):
+        Q = ECDSA_VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Point(py_curve.curve, Qx, Qy),
+                                                 py_curve, py_hash).to_der()
+        k  = hsm.pkey_load(HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PUBLIC, hal_curve, Q)
-        H = "7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377".decode("hex")
-        r = "7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c".decode("hex")
-        s = "7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367".decode("hex")
-        k.verify(signature = r + s, data = H)
+        k.verify(signature = (r + s).decode("hex"), data = H.decode("hex"))
+    def test_suite_b_p256_verify(self):
+        self.verify(
+            Qx = 0x8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8,
+            Qy = 0xd8a12ba61d599235f67d9cb4d58f1783d3ca43e78f0a5abaa624079936c0c3a9,
+            H  = "7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377",
+            r  = "7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c",
+            s  = "7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367",
+            hal_curve = HAL_CURVE_P256,
+            py_curve  = NIST256p,
+            py_hash   = SHA256)
     def test_suite_b__p384_verify(self):
-        Q = Point(NIST384p.curve,
-                  0x1fbac8eebd0cbf35640b39efe0808dd774debff20a2a329e91713baf7d7f3c3e81546d883730bee7e48678f857b02ca0,
-                  0xeb213103bd68ce343365a8a4c3d4555fa385f5330203bdd76ffad1f3affb95751c132007e1b240353cb0a4cf1693bdf9)
-        k = hsm.pkey_load(HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PUBLIC, HAL_CURVE_P384,
-                          ECDSA_VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, NIST384p, SHA384).to_der())
-        self.addCleanup(k.delete)
-        H = "b9210c9d7e20897ab86597266a9d5077e8db1b06f7220ed6ee75bd8b45db37891f8ba5550304004159f4453dc5b3f5a1".decode("hex")
-        r = "a0c27ec893092dea1e1bd2ccfed3cf945c8134ed0c9f81311a0f4a05942db8dbed8dd59f267471d5462aa14fe72de856".decode("hex")
-        s = "20ab3f45b74f10b6e11f96a2c8eb694d206b9dda86d3c7e331c26b22c987b7537726577667adadf168ebbe803794a402".decode("hex")
-        k.verify(signature = r + s, data = H)
+        self.verify(
+            Qx = 0x1fbac8eebd0cbf35640b39efe0808dd774debff20a2a329e91713baf7d7f3c3e81546d883730bee7e48678f857b02ca0,
+            Qy = 0xeb213103bd68ce343365a8a4c3d4555fa385f5330203bdd76ffad1f3affb95751c132007e1b240353cb0a4cf1693bdf9,
+            H  = "b9210c9d7e20897ab86597266a9d5077e8db1b06f7220ed6ee75bd8b45db37891f8ba5550304004159f4453dc5b3f5a1",
+            r  = "a0c27ec893092dea1e1bd2ccfed3cf945c8134ed0c9f81311a0f4a05942db8dbed8dd59f267471d5462aa14fe72de856",
+            s  = "20ab3f45b74f10b6e11f96a2c8eb694d206b9dda86d3c7e331c26b22c987b7537726577667adadf168ebbe803794a402",
+            hal_curve = HAL_CURVE_P384,
+            py_curve  = NIST384p,
+            py_hash   = SHA384)
 # Entire classes of tests still missing:

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