[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/pkcs11] 03/04: Remove vestigial KEK code, that's all handled by libhal now.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Fri May 13 01:48:46 UTC 2016

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sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch rpc
in repository sw/pkcs11.

commit f5269ae7fe6ff845c396734be7ef0c807efc9bc7
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Thu May 12 16:20:12 2016 -0400

    Remove vestigial KEK code, that's all handled by libhal now.
 pkcs11.c | 48 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkcs11.c b/pkcs11.c
index 55b25e4..d2f9f8a 100644
--- a/pkcs11.c
+++ b/pkcs11.c
@@ -728,51 +728,6 @@ static inline hal_session_handle_t p11_session_hal_session(const p11_session_t *

- * Initialize KEK.  If we had proper hardware support the KEK would be
- * living in special RAM where we could wipe it if anything triggered
- * our tamper circuitry.  But we have no such at the moment, so we
- * have no good place to store the KEK.
- *
- * So we store it in the SQL database, which kind of defeats the point
- * of wrapping private keys that live in the same database -- except
- * that we're trying to get all the other bits right so that we can
- * just move the KEK to secure memory once we have it.
- */
-static int kek_init(void)
-  static const char test_kek[] =
-    " SELECT kek IS NULL FROM global";
-  static const char set_kek[] =
-    " UPDATE global SET kek = ?1";
-  sqlite3_stmt *q = NULL;
-  int ok = (sql_check_ok(sql_prepare(&q, test_kek))                     &&
-            sql_check_row(sqlite3_step(q)));
-  if (ok && sqlite3_column_int(q, 0)) {
-    uint8_t kekbuf[bitsToBytes(256)];
-    ok = (hal_check(hal_get_random(NULL, kekbuf, sizeof(kekbuf)))       &&
-          sql_check_ok(sql_finalize_and_clear(&q))                      &&
-          sql_check_ok(sql_prepare(&q, set_kek))                        &&
-          sql_check_ok(sqlite3_bind_blob(q, 1, kekbuf,
-                                         sizeof(kekbuf),
-                                         NULL))                         &&
-          sql_check_done(sqlite3_step(q)));
-    memset(kekbuf, 0, sizeof(kekbuf));
-  }
-  sqlite3_finalize(q);
-  return ok;

  * Find an unused handle.
  * Note that zero is an excluded value (CK_INVALID_HANDLE), hence the
@@ -2511,9 +2466,6 @@ CK_RV C_Initialize(CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs)
   initialized_sql = 1;
-  if (!kek_init())
   initialized_pid = getpid();

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