[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/stm32] 02/05: Multi-client testing revealed race conditions in uart receive code (dropped characters, improper handoff of message buffers).

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Tue Aug 23 16:37:06 UTC 2016

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paul at psgd.org pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sw/stm32.

commit 6f00eb15959b916f725a1768c6ce71c02e43909e
Author: Paul Selkirk <paul at psgd.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Aug 17 19:24:00 2016 -0400

    Multi-client testing revealed race conditions in uart receive code
    (dropped characters, improper handoff of message buffers).
    Fixed by
    a) changing the uart receiver from interrupt to DMA mode, and
    b) replacing the dispatch mutex and rpc semaphore with a mail queue
    (memory pool + message queue).
 projects/hsm/hsm.c | 101 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/projects/hsm/hsm.c b/projects/hsm/hsm.c
index d6f778a..862e718 100644
--- a/projects/hsm/hsm.c
+++ b/projects/hsm/hsm.c
@@ -91,28 +91,21 @@ typedef struct {
     uint8_t buf[MAX_PKT_SIZE];
 } rpc_buffer_t;
+/* A mail queue (memory pool + message queue) for RPC request messages.
+ */
+osMailQId  ibuf_queue;
+osMailQDef(ibuf_queue, NUM_RPC_TASK, rpc_buffer_t);
 #if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
 /* A mutex to arbitrate concurrent UART transmits, from RPC responses.
 osMutexId  uart_mutex;
-/* A mutex so only one dispatch thread can receive requests.
- */
-osMutexId  dispatch_mutex;
-/* Semaphore to inform the dispatch thread that there's a new RPC request.
- */
-osSemaphoreId  rpc_sem;
 static volatile uint8_t uart_rx;	/* current character received from UART */
-static rpc_buffer_t * volatile rbuf;	/* current RPC input buffer */
-static volatile int reenable_recv = 1;
-/* Callback for HAL_UART_Receive_IT().
+/* Callback for HAL_UART_Receive_DMA().
  * With multiple worker threads, we can't do a blocking receive, because
  * that prevents other threads from sending RPC responses (because they
  * both want to lock the UART - see stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c). So we have to
@@ -122,25 +115,35 @@ static volatile int reenable_recv = 1;
 void HAL_UART2_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
+    /* current RPC input buffer */
+    static rpc_buffer_t *ibuf = NULL;
     int complete;
-    if (hal_slip_recv_char(rbuf->buf, &rbuf->len, sizeof(rbuf->buf), &complete) != LIBHAL_OK)
+    if (ibuf == NULL) {
+        if ((ibuf = (rpc_buffer_t *)osMailAlloc(ibuf_queue, 0)) == NULL)
+            Error_Handler();
+        ibuf->len = 0;
+    }
+    if (hal_slip_recv_char(ibuf->buf, &ibuf->len, sizeof(ibuf->buf), &complete) != LIBHAL_OK)
-    if (complete)
-	if (osSemaphoreRelease(rpc_sem) != osOK)
+    if (complete) {
+	if (osMailPut(ibuf_queue, (void *)ibuf) != osOK)
+        ibuf = NULL;
+    }
-    if (HAL_UART_Receive_IT(huart, (uint8_t *)&uart_rx, 1) != CMSIS_HAL_OK)
-        /* We may have collided with a transmit.
-         * Signal the dispatch_thread to try again.
-         */
-        reenable_recv = 1;
+void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
+    /* I dunno, just trap it for now */
+    Error_Handler();
 hal_error_t hal_serial_recv_char(uint8_t *cp)
-    /* return the character from HAL_UART_Receive_IT */
+    /* return the character from HAL_UART_Receive_DMA */
     *cp = uart_rx;
     return LIBHAL_OK;
@@ -154,49 +157,35 @@ hal_error_t hal_serial_send_char(uint8_t c)
 void dispatch_thread(void const *args)
-    rpc_buffer_t ibuf, obuf;
+    rpc_buffer_t obuf_s, *obuf = &obuf_s, *ibuf;
     while (1) {
-        memset(&ibuf, 0, sizeof(ibuf));
-        memset(&obuf, 0, sizeof(obuf));
-        obuf.len = sizeof(obuf.buf);
-#if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
-        /* Wait for access to the uart */
-        osMutexWait(dispatch_mutex, osWaitForever);
-        /* Start receiving, or re-enable after failing in the callback. */
-        if (reenable_recv) {
-            if (HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart_user, (uint8_t *)&uart_rx, 1) != CMSIS_HAL_OK)
-                Error_Handler();
-            reenable_recv = 0;
-        }
-        /* Wait for the complete rpc request */
-        rbuf = &ibuf;
-        osSemaphoreWait(rpc_sem, osWaitForever);
+        memset(obuf, 0, sizeof(*obuf));
+        obuf->len = sizeof(obuf->buf);
-#if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
-        /* Let the next thread handle the next request */
-        osMutexRelease(dispatch_mutex);
-        /* Let the next thread take the mutex */
-        osThreadYield();
+        /* Wait for a complete RPC request */
+        osEvent evt = osMailGet(ibuf_queue, osWaitForever);
+        if (evt.status != osEventMail)
+            continue;
+        ibuf = (rpc_buffer_t *)evt.value.p;
         /* Process the request */
-        if (hal_rpc_server_dispatch(ibuf.buf, ibuf.len, obuf.buf, &obuf.len) != LIBHAL_OK)
+	hal_error_t ret = hal_rpc_server_dispatch(ibuf->buf, ibuf->len, obuf->buf, &obuf->len);
+        osMailFree(ibuf_queue, (void *)ibuf);
+        if (ret != LIBHAL_OK) {
+            Error_Handler();
             /* If hal_rpc_server_dispatch failed with an XDR error, it
              * probably means the request packet was garbage. In any case, we
              * have nothing to transmit.
+	}
         /* Send the response */
 #if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
         osMutexWait(uart_mutex, osWaitForever);
-        hal_error_t ret = hal_rpc_sendto(obuf.buf, obuf.len, NULL);
+        ret = hal_rpc_sendto(obuf->buf, obuf->len, NULL);
 #if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
@@ -255,13 +244,13 @@ int main()
+    if ((ibuf_queue = osMailCreate(osMailQ(ibuf_queue), NULL)) == NULL)
+        Error_Handler();
 #if NUM_RPC_TASK > 1
-    if ((uart_mutex = osMutexCreate(osMutex(uart_mutex))) == NULL ||
-        (dispatch_mutex = osMutexCreate(osMutex(dispatch_mutex))) == NULL)
+    if ((uart_mutex = osMutexCreate(osMutex(uart_mutex))) == NULL)
-    if ((rpc_sem = osSemaphoreCreate(osSemaphore(rpc_sem), 0)) == NULL)
-	Error_Handler();
     if (hal_rpc_server_init() != LIBHAL_OK)
@@ -279,6 +268,10 @@ int main()
+    /* Start the UART receiver. */
+    if (HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&huart_user, (uint8_t *)&uart_rx, 1) != CMSIS_HAL_OK)
+        Error_Handler();
     /* Launch other threads (csprng warm-up thread?)
      * Wait for FPGA_DONE interrupt.

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