[Cryptech-Commits] [user/ft/bootstrap] 06/06: add test script

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Mon Aug 15 13:38:29 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fredrik at thulin.net pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/ft/bootstrap.

commit 7d4c495489ffa299118e3586d94d3a02af13a810
Author: Fredrik Thulin <fredrik at thulin.net>
AuthorDate: Mon Aug 15 15:37:41 2016 +0200

    add test script
 bin/cryptech_runcmd | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 bin/cryptech_upload | 10 +++++-----
 run.sh              | 12 ++++++++----
 run.sh => test.sh   | 26 +++++++++-----------------
 4 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/cryptech_runcmd b/bin/cryptech_runcmd
index 61f277a..b586c16 100755
--- a/bin/cryptech_runcmd
+++ b/bin/cryptech_runcmd
@@ -91,43 +91,59 @@ def _write(dst, data, debug=False):
         print("Wrote {!r}".format(data))
-def _read(dst, args, verbose=True):
+def _read(dst, retry=10, verbose=True, debug=False):
     res = ''
-    x = dst.read(args.timeout)
-    while not x:
-        x = dst.read(args.timeout)
+    x = dst.read(1)
+    while not x and retry:
+        x = dst.read(1)
+        retry -= 1
     while x:
         res += x
-        x = dst.read(args.timeout)
-    #print ("Read {!r}".format(res))
+        x = dst.read(1)
+    if debug:
+        print ("Read {!r}".format(res))
     if verbose:
     return res
+def _read_until_prompt(dst, retry):
+    _write(dst, '\r')
+    while retry:
+        prompt = _read(dst, retry = 1)
+        retry -= 1
+        if prompt.endswith('Username: ') or \
+                prompt.endswith('Password: ') or \
+                prompt.endswith('> '):
+            return prompt
+    return ''
 def _execute(dst, cmd, args):
     global default_pins
-    _write(dst, '\r')
-    prompt = _read(dst, args)
+    prompt = _read_until_prompt(dst, retry = args.timeout)
     if prompt.endswith('Username: '):
-        _write(dst, args.username + "\r")
-        prompt = _read(dst, args)
+        _write(dst, args.username + "\r", debug = True)
+        prompt = _read(dst, retry = args.timeout)
         if prompt.endswith('Password: '):
             pin = default_pins.get(args.username)
             if not pin:
                 pin = getpass.getpass("{} PIN: ".format(args.username))
             _write(dst, pin + '\r')
-            prompt = _read(dst, args)
+            prompt = _read(dst, retry = args.timeout)
     if not prompt.endswith('> '):
         #sys.stderr.write('Device does not seem to be ready for a file transfer (got {!r})\n'.format(prompt))
         return prompt
-    _write(dst, cmd + '\r')
-    response = _read(dst, args)
+    _write(dst, cmd)
+    response = _read_until_prompt(dst, retry = args.timeout)
     return response
 def main(args):
     global pin
-    dst = serial.Serial(args.device, 921600, timeout=args.timeout)
+    dst = serial.Serial(args.device, 921600, timeout=1)
     for this in args.commands:
         _execute(dst, this, args)
diff --git a/bin/cryptech_upload b/bin/cryptech_upload
index 3222e2e..d58ecd5 100755
--- a/bin/cryptech_upload
+++ b/bin/cryptech_upload
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ def parse_args():
 def _write(dst, data):
-    #if len(data) == 4:
-    #    print("Wrote 0x{!s}".format(data.encode("hex")))
-    #else:
-    #    print("Wrote {!r}".format(data))
+    if len(data) == 4:
+        print("Wrote 0x{!s}".format(data.encode("hex")))
+    else:
+        print("Wrote {!r}".format(data))
 def _read(dst):
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def _read(dst):
     while x:
         res += x
         x = dst.read(1)
-    #print ("Read {!r}".format(res))
+    print ("Read {!r}".format(res))
     return res
 wheel_pin = 'YouReallyNeedToChangeThisPINRightNowWeAreNotKidding'
diff --git a/run.sh b/run.sh
index d6243e2..3c4454a 100755
--- a/run.sh
+++ b/run.sh
@@ -5,20 +5,24 @@ set -e
 echo "##########################################"
 echo "# Flashing bootloader"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/flash-target bootloader
+./bin/flash-target firmware/bootloader
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Flashing temporary HSM firmware"
+echo "# Flashing temporary cli-test HSM firmware"
 echo "##########################################"
 ./bin/flash-target firmware/cli-test
+echo "##########################################"
+echo "# Sleeping after reset"
+echo "##########################################"
 sleep 5
 echo "##########################################"
 echo "# Uploading bitstream"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/cryptech_upload --fpga --username wheel
+./bin/cryptech_upload --fpga --username ct
 echo "##########################################"
 echo "# Programming AVR"
@@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ avrdude -c usbtiny -p attiny828 -U flash:w:firmware/tamper.hex
 echo "##########################################"
 echo "# Flashing official STM32 firmware"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/cryptech_upload --firmware --username wheel
+./bin/cryptech_upload --firmware --username ct
 sleep 15
diff --git a/run.sh b/test.sh
similarity index 53%
copy from run.sh
copy to test.sh
index d6243e2..8c74be1 100755
--- a/run.sh
+++ b/test.sh
@@ -3,37 +3,29 @@
 set -e
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Flashing bootloader"
-echo "##########################################"
-./bin/flash-target bootloader
-echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Flashing temporary HSM firmware"
+echo "# Flashing cli-test HSM firmware"
 echo "##########################################"
 ./bin/flash-target firmware/cli-test
 sleep 5
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Uploading bitstream"
+echo "# Checking FPGA"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/cryptech_upload --fpga --username wheel
+./bin/cryptech_runcmd --username ct "show fpga cores"
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Programming AVR"
+echo "# Testing SDRAM FMC bus"
 echo "##########################################"
-avrdude -c usbtiny -p attiny828 -U flash:w:firmware/tamper.hex
+./bin/cryptech_runcmd --username ct --timeout 20 "test sdram"
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Flashing official STM32 firmware"
+echo "# Uploading FMC test bitstream"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/cryptech_upload --firmware --username wheel
-sleep 15
+./bin/cryptech_upload --fpga --username ct -i firmware/alpha_fmc_top.bit
 echo "##########################################"
-echo "# Checking FPGA"
+echo "# Testing FPGA FMC bus"
 echo "##########################################"
-./bin/cryptech_runcmd --username wheel "fpga show cores"
+./bin/cryptech_runcmd --username ct --timeout 20 "test fmc"

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