[Cryptech-Commits] [core/platform/novena] 06/21: Configure makefile vfiles list too.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Sep 29 05:24:30 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch config_core_selector_sra
in repository core/platform/novena.

commit fbaa09c3192dcbe21da694b1a35eead58f10e761
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
Date:   Fri Sep 25 14:10:47 2015 -0400

    Configure makefile vfiles list too.
 config/config.cfg  | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 config/config.py   | 38 +++++++++++++++++------
 eim/build/Makefile | 88 ++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/config.cfg b/config/config.cfg
index 65659f7..8749b55 100644
--- a/config/config.cfg
+++ b/config/config.cfg
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
 # Config file for the Cryptech Novena FPGA framework.
+# At present, there are three kinds of variables in this file.
+# default-section: Name of the configuration to build if the user
+#   doesn't specify one.  Only meaningful in the default section.
+# cores: A list of cores to build.  Use with the --section option.
+# vfiles: A list of Verilog files to include in the vfiles list when
+#   including a particular core.  All (optional) cores must have a
+#   vfiles option, so that the configuration program knows what to put
+#   into core_vfiles.mk.
-default = rsa
+default-section = rsa
 cores = sha1 sha256 sha512
@@ -17,3 +29,80 @@ cores = sha256 aes trng modexp
 cores = sha256 aes aes chacha aes
+vfiles =
+	hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1.v
+	hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_core.v
+	hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_w_mem.v
+vfiles =
+	hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256.v
+	hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_core.v
+	hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_k_constants.v
+	hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_w_mem.v
+vfiles =
+	hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512.v
+	hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_core.v
+	hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_h_constants.v
+	hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_k_constants.v
+	hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_w_mem.v
+vfiles =
+	rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy.v
+	rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy_core.v
+	rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc.v
+	rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy.v
+	rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy_core.v
+	rng/trng/src/rtl/trng.v
+	rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng.v
+	rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng_fifo.v
+	rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_mixer.v
+vfiles =
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_core.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_decipher_block.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_encipher_block.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_inv_sbox.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_key_mem.v
+	cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_sbox.v
+vfiles =
+	cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha.v
+	cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_core.v
+	cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_qr.v
+vfiles =
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_adder64_carry32.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_core.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_user.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_modinv32.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_coeff.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_multiplier.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_top.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_wrapper.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/ram_1rw_1ro_readfirst.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/multiplier_s6.v
+	math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/subtractor_s6.v
+vfiles =
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/adder32.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem1r1w.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2r1w.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/modexp.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/modexp_core.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/montprod.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/residue.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/shl32.v
+	math/modexp/src/rtl/shr32.v
diff --git a/config/config.py b/config/config.py
index 74a9007..6a5e532 100755
--- a/config/config.py
+++ b/config/config.py
@@ -13,34 +13,41 @@ def main():
     from sys            import exit
     parser = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
-    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config",  help = "config file",        default = "config.cfg",      type = FileType("r"))
     parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug",   help = "enable debugging",   action = "store_true")
-    parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help = "output file",        default = "core_selector.v", type = FileType("w"))
     parser.add_argument("-s", "--section", help = "config file section")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config",  help = "configuration file",   default = "config.cfg",       type = FileType("r"))
+    parser.add_argument("--verilog",       help = "verilog output file",  default = "core_selector.v",  type = FileType("w"))
+    parser.add_argument("--makefile",      help = "output makefile",      default = "core_vfiles.mk",   type = FileType("w"))
     parser.add_argument("core",            help = "name(s) of core(s)", nargs = "*")
     args = parser.parse_args()
+        cfg = RawConfigParser()
+        cfg.readfp(args.config)
         if args.core:
             cores = args.core
-            cfg = RawConfigParser()
-            cfg.readfp(args.config)
-            section = args.section or cfg.get("default", "default")
+            section = args.section or cfg.get("default", "default-section")
             cores = cfg.get(section, "cores").split()
         cores.insert(0, "board_regs")
         cores.insert(1, "comm_regs")
-        cores = [Core.new(core) for core in cores]
+        cores = tuple(Core.new(core) for core in cores)
         core_number = 0
         for core in cores:
             core_number = core.assign_core_number(core_number)
+        for core in cores[2:]:
+            core.add_vfiles(cfg)
-        args.outfile.write(createModule_template.format(
-            addrs = "".join(core.createAddr() for core in cores),
+        args.verilog.write(createModule_template.format(
+            addrs = "".join(core.createAddr()     for core in cores),
             insts = "".join(core.createInstance() for core in cores),
-            muxes = "".join(core.createMux() for core in cores)))
+            muxes = "".join(core.createMux()      for core in cores)))
+        args.makefile.write(listVfiles_template.format(
+            vfiles = "".join(core.listVfiles()    for core in cores)))
     except Exception, e:
         if args.debug:
@@ -67,6 +74,7 @@ class Core(object):
     def __init__(self, name):
         self.name = name
         self.core_number = None
+        self.vfiles = ()
         self.instance_number = self._instance_count.get(name, 0)
         self._instance_count[name] = self.instance_number + 1
@@ -78,6 +86,10 @@ class Core(object):
         self.core_number = n
         return n + 1
+    def add_vfiles(self, cfg):
+        if self.instance_number == 0:
+            self.vfiles = cfg.get(self.name, "vfiles").split()
     def instance_name(self):
         if self._instance_count[self.name] > 1:
@@ -98,6 +110,8 @@ class Core(object):
     def createMux(self):
         return createMux_template.format(core = self, core0 = self)
+    def listVfiles(self):
+        return "".join(" \\\n\t$(core_tree)/" + vfile for vfile in self.vfiles)
 class SubCore(Core):
@@ -290,6 +304,12 @@ endmodule
+# Template for makefile snippet listing Verilog source files.
+listVfiles_template = """\
+vfiles +={vfiles}
 # Run main program.
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/eim/build/Makefile b/eim/build/Makefile
index badda45..baefa7f 100644
--- a/eim/build/Makefile
+++ b/eim/build/Makefile
@@ -1,67 +1,31 @@
-project = novena_eim
-vendor = xilinx
-family = spartan6
-part = xc6slx45csg324-3
-top_module = novena_top
-isedir = /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS
-xil_env = . $(isedir)/settings64.sh
-ucf = ../ucf/novena_eim.ucf
+core_tree	:= $(abspath ../../../..)
+word_size	:= $(shell python -c 'from struct import pack; print len(pack("L", 0)) * 8')
+project		= novena_eim
+vendor		= xilinx
+family		= spartan6
+part		= xc6slx45csg324-3
+top_module	= novena_top
+isedir		= /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS
+xil_env		= . $(isedir)/settings$(word_size).sh
+ucf		= ../ucf/novena_eim.ucf
 vfiles = \
-	../rtl/novena_eim.v \
-	../../common/rtl/novena_regs.v \
-	../../common/rtl/novena_clkmgr.v \
-	../../common/rtl/ipcore/clkmgr_dcm.v \
-	../../config/core_selector.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/cdc_bus_pulse.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_arbiter_cdc.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_arbiter.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_da_phy.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_indicator.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_regs.v \
-	../../../../comm/eim/src/rtl/eim.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_core.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_w_mem.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_core.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_k_constants.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_w_mem.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_core.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_h_constants.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_k_constants.v \
-	../../../../hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_w_mem.v \
-	../../../../rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy.v \
-	../../../../rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy_core.v \
-	../../../../rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc.v \
-	../../../../rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy.v \
-	../../../../rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy_core.v \
-	../../../../rng/trng/src/rtl/trng.v \
-	../../../../rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng.v \
-	../../../../rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng_fifo.v \
-	../../../../rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_mixer.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_core.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_decipher_block.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_encipher_block.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_inv_sbox.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_key_mem.v \
-	../../../../cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_sbox.v \
-	../../../../cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha.v \
-	../../../../cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_core.v \
-	../../../../cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_qr.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_adder64_carry32.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_core.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_user.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_modinv32.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_coeff.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_multiplier.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_top.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_wrapper.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/ram_1rw_1ro_readfirst.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/multiplier_s6.v \
-	../../../../math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/subtractor_s6.v
+	$(core_tree)/platform/novena/eim/rtl/novena_eim.v \
+	$(core_tree)/platform/novena/common/rtl/novena_regs.v \
+	$(core_tree)/platform/novena/common/rtl/novena_clkmgr.v \
+	$(core_tree)/platform/novena/common/rtl/ipcore/clkmgr_dcm.v \
+	$(core_tree)/platform/novena/config/core_selector.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/cdc_bus_pulse.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_arbiter_cdc.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_arbiter.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_da_phy.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_indicator.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim_regs.v \
+	$(core_tree)/comm/eim/src/rtl/eim.v
+include $(core_tree)/platform/novena/config/core_vfiles.mk
 include xilinx.mk

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