[Cryptech-Commits] [core/platform/common] 01/01: Fixed incorrect bitwidth of address to modexp core. Removed address block defines that are internal to the modexp core. Now the modexp core does not get optimized away.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Fri May 8 11:51:58 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository core/platform/common.

commit e34b409d8f01b0fe8b24b3cf8defa29bddc29ead
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Fri May 8 13:51:51 2015 +0200

    Fixed incorrect bitwidth of address to modexp core. Removed address block defines that are internal to the modexp core. Now the modexp core does not get optimized away.
 core_selector/src/rtl/math_selector.v | 20 ++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core_selector/src/rtl/math_selector.v b/core_selector/src/rtl/math_selector.v
index 93fc8d2..b47a433 100644
--- a/core_selector/src/rtl/math_selector.v
+++ b/core_selector/src/rtl/math_selector.v
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ module math_selector
    // Address Decoder
-   // upper 6 bits specify core being addressed
-   wire [ 5: 0]         addr_core_num   = sys_eim_addr[13: 8];
-   // lower 8 bits specify register offset in core
-   wire [ 7: 0]         addr_core_reg   = sys_eim_addr[ 7: 0];
+   // upper 2 bits specify core being addressed
+   wire [ 1: 0]         core_select = sys_eim_addr[13: 12];
+   // lower 12 bits specify addresses within the selected core.
+   wire [11: 0]         core_addr   = sys_eim_addr[11: 0];
@@ -73,18 +73,14 @@ module math_selector
    // Core Address Table
-   localparam   CORE_ADDR_MODEXP          = 6'd0;
-   localparam   CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_MODULUS  = 6'd1;
-   localparam   CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_EXPONENT = 6'd2;
-   localparam   CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_MESSAGE  = 6'd3;
-   localparam   CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_RESULT   = 6'd4;
+   localparam   CORE_MODEXP = 2'd0;
    // MODEXP
    `ifdef USE_CORE_MODEXP
-   wire                 enable_modexp = sys_ena && (addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_MODEXP) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_RESULT);
+   wire                 enable_modexp = sys_ena && (core_select == CORE_MODEXP);
    wire [31: 0]         read_data_modexp;
    modexp modexp_inst
@@ -95,7 +91,7 @@ module math_selector
       .cs(enable_modexp & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
-      .address(addr_core_reg),
+      .address(core_addr),
@@ -111,7 +107,7 @@ module math_selector
    always @*
    `ifdef USE_CORE_MODEXP
-     if ((addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_MODEXP) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_MODEXP_RESULT))
+     if (core_select == CORE_MODEXP)
             sys_read_data_mux = read_data_modexp;

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