[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexp] 01/01: Reorganized address generation and bit index generation.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Jun 24 14:04:51 UTC 2015

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joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch perfopt
in repository core/math/modexp.

commit faa8aff81f18d42c35751490ba3314d2cc17956e
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 16:04:44 2015 +0200

    Reorganized address generation and bit index generation.
 src/rtl/montprod.v | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 105 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/montprod.v b/src/rtl/montprod.v
index 4af1069..ccf8341 100644
--- a/src/rtl/montprod.v
+++ b/src/rtl/montprod.v
@@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   localparam CTRL_L_STALLPIPE_ES  = 4'h9;
   localparam CTRL_EMIT_S          = 4'ha;
-  localparam SMUX_0               = 2'h0;
-  localparam SMUX_ADD             = 2'h1;
-  localparam SMUX_SHR             = 2'h2;
+  localparam SMUX_ZERO            = 2'h0;
+  localparam SMUX_ITER            = 2'h1;
+  localparam SMUX_ADD             = 2'h2;
+  localparam SMUX_SHR             = 2'h3;
@@ -98,12 +99,11 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   reg  [1 : 0]         s_mux_new;
   reg  [1 : 0]         s_mux_reg;
-  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_new;
   reg                  s_mem_we_reg;
   reg                  s_mem_we_new;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_addr;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_wr_addr_reg;
-  wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] s_mem_read_data;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_read_addr_reg;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_write_addr_reg;
   reg                  q_new;
   reg                  q_reg;
@@ -117,8 +117,6 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   reg                  loop_ctr_set;
   reg                  loop_ctr_dec;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  b_word_index; //loop counter as a word index
   reg [(13 - ADW - 1) : 0] b_bit_index_reg;
   reg [(13 - ADW - 1) : 0] b_bit_index_new;
   reg                      b_bit_index_we;
@@ -153,36 +151,42 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] add_result_sm;
   wire                 add_carry_out_sm;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  b_word_index; //loop counter as a word index
   reg  [(OPW - 1) : 0] shr_data_in;
   wire                 shr_carry_out;
   wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] shr_data_out;
   reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  tmp_opa_addr;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  tmp_opb_addr;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  tmp_opm_addr;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  tmp_result_addr;
-  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  tmp_result_data;
   reg                  tmp_result_we;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_read_addr;
+  wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] s_mem_read_data;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_write_addr;
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  s_mem_write_data;
   reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  sa_adder_data_in;
   reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  muxed_s_mem_read_data;
-  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  length_m1;
+  wire [(ADW - 1) : 0] length_m1;
   // Temporary debug wires.
   reg b_js;
   reg pr_tt;
+  reg s_mem_we;
   // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc.
+  assign length_m1   = length - 1'b1;
   assign opa_addr    = tmp_opa_addr;
-  assign opb_addr    = tmp_opb_addr;
-  assign opm_addr    = tmp_opm_addr;
+  assign opb_addr    = b_word_index;
+  assign opm_addr    = word_index_reg;
-  assign result_addr = tmp_result_addr;
-  assign result_data = tmp_result_data;
+  assign result_addr = word_index_prev_reg;
+  assign result_data = s_mem_read_data;
   assign result_we   = tmp_result_we;
   assign ready       = ready_reg;
@@ -193,11 +197,11 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   blockmem1r1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW)) s_mem(
-                                             .read_addr(s_mem_addr),
+                                             .read_addr(s_mem_read_addr),
-                                             .wr(s_mem_we_reg),
-                                             .write_addr(s_mem_wr_addr_reg),
-                                             .write_data(s_mem_new)
+                                             .wr(s_mem_we_reg | s_mem_we),
+                                             .write_addr(s_mem_write_addr),
+                                             .write_data(s_mem_write_data)
   adder #(.OPW(OPW)) s_adder_sm(
@@ -245,16 +249,16 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
           shr_carry_in_reg    <= 1'b0;
           b_reg               <= 1'b0;
           q_reg               <= 1'b0;
-          s_mux_reg           <= SMUX_0;
+          s_mux_reg           <= SMUX_ZERO;
           s_mem_we_reg        <= 1'b0;
-          s_mem_wr_addr_reg   <= {ADW{1'b0}};
+          s_mem_read_addr_reg <= {ADW{1'b0}};
           b_bit_index_reg     <= {(13 - ADW){1'b0}};
           first_iteration_reg <= 1'b0;
           montprod_ctrl_reg   <= CTRL_IDLE;
-          s_mem_wr_addr_reg   <= s_mem_addr;
+          s_mem_read_addr_reg <= s_mem_read_addr;
           s_mem_we_reg        <= s_mem_we_new;
           s_mux_reg           <= s_mux_new;
@@ -294,74 +298,10 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
-  // prodcalc
-  //
-  // Logic to generate addresses and data selection
-  // for the OpA, OpM and Result memories.
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @*
-    begin : prodcalc
-      tmp_opa_addr     = word_index_reg;
-      tmp_opb_addr     = b_word_index;
-      tmp_opm_addr     = word_index_reg;
-      tmp_result_addr  = word_index_prev_reg;
-      tmp_result_data  = s_mem_read_data;
-      tmp_result_we    = 1'b0;
-      if (montprod_ctrl_reg == CTRL_LOOP_ITER)
-        begin
-          tmp_opa_addr = length_m1;
-        end
-      if (montprod_ctrl_reg == CTRL_EMIT_S)
-        tmp_result_we = 1'b1;
-    end // prodcalc
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  // word_index
-  //
-  // Logic that implements the word index used to drive
-  // addresses for operands.
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @*
-    begin : word_index
-      word_index_new = {ADW{1'b0}};
-      word_index_we  = 1'b0;
-      if (reset_word_index_lsw)
-        begin
-          word_index_new = length_m1;
-          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-      if (reset_word_index_msw)
-        begin
-          word_index_new = {ADW{1'b0}};
-          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-      if (inc_word_index)
-        begin
-          word_index_new = word_index_reg + 1'b1;
-          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-      if (dec_word_index)
-        begin
-          word_index_new = word_index_reg - 1'b1;
-          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-    end // word_index
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
   // s_logic
   // Logic to calculate S memory updates including address
-  // and write enable. This is where the main montprod
-  // calculation is performed.
+  // and write enable. This is the main montprod datapath.
   always @*
     begin : s_logic
@@ -370,9 +310,11 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
       sa_adder_data_in      = {OPW{1'b0}};
       add_carry_in_sa_new   = 1'b0;
       add_carry_in_sm_new   = 1'b0;
-      s_mem_new             = {OPW{1'b0}};
+      s_mem_read_addr       = word_index_reg;
+      s_mem_write_addr      = s_mem_read_addr_reg;
+      s_mem_write_data      = {OPW{1'b0}};
       s_mem_we_new          = 1'b0;
-      s_mem_addr            = word_index_reg;
+      s_mem_we              = 1'b0;
       case (montprod_ctrl_reg)
@@ -382,7 +324,7 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
-            s_mem_addr   = length_m1;
+            s_mem_read_addr = length_m1;
@@ -404,8 +346,19 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
       case (s_mux_reg)
+        SMUX_ZERO:
+          begin
+          s_mem_write_data = {OPW{1'b0}};
+          end
+        SMUX_ITER:
+          begin
+          end
+            s_mem_we = b_reg | q_reg | first_iteration_reg;
             if (first_iteration_reg)
               muxed_s_mem_read_data = {OPW{1'b0}};
@@ -418,13 +371,13 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
               sa_adder_data_in = muxed_s_mem_read_data;
             if (b_reg)
-              s_mem_new = add_result_sa;
+              s_mem_write_data = add_result_sa;
             else if (q_reg)
-              s_mem_new = add_result_sm;
+              s_mem_write_data = add_result_sm;
             else if (first_iteration_reg)
-              s_mem_new = {OPW{1'b0}};
+              s_mem_write_data = {OPW{1'b0}};
-              s_mem_new = s_mem_read_data;
+              s_mem_write_data = s_mem_read_data;
             add_carry_in_sa_new = add_carry_out_sa;
             add_carry_in_sm_new = add_carry_out_sm;
@@ -432,8 +385,9 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
+            s_mem_we         = 1'b1;
             shr_data_in      = s_mem_read_data;
-            s_mem_new        = shr_data_out;
+            s_mem_write_data = shr_data_out;
             shr_carry_in_new = shr_carry_out;
@@ -450,27 +404,63 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   // Extract b and q bits.
   // b: current bit of B used.
   // q = (s - b * A) & 1
+  // update the b bit and word indices based on loop counter.
   always @*
    begin : bq
      b_new = opb_data[b_bit_index_reg];
      q_new = s_mem_read_data[0] ^ (opa_data[0] & b_new);
+     b_bit_index_new = (2**(13 - ADW) - 1) - loop_ctr_reg[(13 - ADW - 1) : 0];
+     b_word_index    = loop_ctr_reg[12 : (13 - ADW)];
    end // bq
+  // word_index
+  //
+  // Logic that implements the word index used to drive
+  // addresses for operands.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  always @*
+    begin : word_index
+      word_index_new = {ADW{1'b0}};
+      word_index_we  = 1'b0;
+      if (reset_word_index_lsw)
+        begin
+          word_index_new = length_m1;
+          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
+        end
+      if (reset_word_index_msw)
+        begin
+          word_index_new = {ADW{1'b0}};
+          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
+        end
+      if (inc_word_index)
+        begin
+          word_index_new = word_index_reg + 1'b1;
+          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
+        end
+      if (dec_word_index)
+        begin
+          word_index_new = word_index_reg - 1'b1;
+          word_index_we  = 1'b1;
+        end
+    end // word_index
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
   // loop_ctr
-  // Logic for updating the loop counter and
-  // setting related B indices.
+  // Logic for updating the loop counter.
   always @*
    begin : loop_ctr
-     loop_ctr_new     = 13'h0;
-     loop_ctr_we      = 1'b0;
-     length_m1        = length - 1'b1;
-     b_bit_index_new  = (2**(13 - ADW) - 1) - loop_ctr_reg[(13 - ADW - 1) : 0];
-     b_word_index     = loop_ctr_reg[12 : (13 - ADW)];
+     loop_ctr_new = 13'h0;
+     loop_ctr_we  = 1'b0;
      if (loop_ctr_set)
@@ -499,16 +489,19 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
       loop_ctr_dec         = 1'b0;
       b_bit_index_we       = 1'b0;
       bq_we                = 1'b0;
-      s_mux_new            = SMUX_0;
+      s_mux_new            = SMUX_ZERO;
       dec_word_index       = 1'b0;
       inc_word_index       = 1'b0;
       reset_word_index_lsw = 1'b0;
       reset_word_index_msw = 1'b0;
       first_iteration_new  = 1'b0;
       first_iteration_we   = 1'b0;
+      tmp_opa_addr         = word_index_reg;
+      tmp_result_we        = 1'b0;
       montprod_ctrl_new    = CTRL_IDLE;
       montprod_ctrl_we     = 1'b0;
       case (montprod_ctrl_reg)
@@ -519,6 +512,7 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
                 ready_new            = 1'b0;
                 ready_we             = 1'b1;
                 reset_word_index_lsw = 1'b1;
+                loop_ctr_set         = 1'b1;
                 montprod_ctrl_new    = CTRL_INIT_S;
                 montprod_ctrl_we     = 1'b1;
@@ -526,11 +520,11 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
+            s_mux_new      = SMUX_ZERO;
             dec_word_index = 1'b1;
             if (word_index_reg == 0)
-                loop_ctr_set      = 1'b1;
                 montprod_ctrl_new = CTRL_WAIT;
                 montprod_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
@@ -538,7 +532,6 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
-            loop_ctr_set      = 1'b1;
             montprod_ctrl_new = CTRL_LOOP_ITER;
             montprod_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
@@ -547,6 +540,8 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
         // Also abort loop if done.
+            s_mux_new            = SMUX_ITER;
+            tmp_opa_addr         = length_m1;
             b_bit_index_we       = 1'b1;
             montprod_ctrl_new    = CTRL_LOOP_BQ;
             montprod_ctrl_we     = 1'b1;
@@ -617,6 +612,7 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
              dec_word_index = 1'b1;
+             tmp_result_we  = 1'b1;
              if (word_index_prev_reg == 0)

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