[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexp] 01/01: Updated all modules below modexp_core has been updated to have generic operand size. Updated module integrations in modexp_core to set the operand width and address width.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Jun 23 13:37:57 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch perfopt
in repository core/math/modexp.

commit 435b905a9e1ca2d5cc1b6e5d25689773d19dcde4
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 15:37:48 2015 +0200

    Updated all modules below modexp_core has been updated to have generic operand size. Updated module integrations in modexp_core to set the operand width and address width.
 src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v |  44 +++++----
 src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v |  41 ++++----
 src/rtl/modexp_core.v     | 239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 src/rtl/montprod.v        |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v b/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v
index 41efc85..b9abfa8 100644
--- a/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v
+++ b/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 // when the cs signal is set. The pointer is reset to zero when
 // the rst signal is asserted.
+// NOTE: This memory needs to be rebuilt if interface 0 is changed
+// to use bigger operand widths and fewer words than interface 1.
+// This adaption is NOT automatic.
 // The memory is used in the modexp core.
@@ -42,32 +48,32 @@
-module blockmem2r1wptr(
-                       input wire           clk,
-                       input wire           reset_n,
-                       input wire  [07 : 0] read_addr0,
-                       output wire [31 : 0] read_data0,
+module blockmem2r1wptr #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
+                      (
+                       input wire                  clk,
+                       input wire                  reset_n,
-                       output wire [31 : 0] read_data1,
+                       input wire  [(ADW - 1) : 0] read_addr0,
+                       output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] read_data0,
-                       input wire           rst,
-                       input wire           cs,
-                       input wire           wr,
-                       input wire  [31 : 0] write_data
+                       output wire [31 : 0]        read_data1,
+                       input wire                  rst,
+                       input wire                  cs,
+                       input wire                  wr,
+                       input wire  [31 : 0]        write_data
   // Memories and regs including update variables and write enable.
-  reg [31 : 0] mem [0 : 255];
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_read_data0;
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_read_data1;
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0] mem [0 :  (ADW ** 2 - 1)];
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0] tmp_read_data0;
+  reg [31 : 0]        tmp_read_data1;
-  reg [7 : 0] ptr_reg;
-  reg [7 : 0] ptr_new;
-  reg         ptr_we;
+  reg [7 : 0]         ptr_reg;
+  reg [7 : 0]         ptr_new;
+  reg                 ptr_we;
@@ -94,10 +100,10 @@ module blockmem2r1wptr(
-  // reg_update
+  // ptr_update
   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
-    begin : reg_mem_update
+    begin : ptr_update
       if (!reset_n)
         ptr_reg <= 8'h00;
diff --git a/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v b/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v
index 4eb529e..fc7d83a 100644
--- a/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v
+++ b/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
 // The memory is used in the modexp core.
+// NOTE: This memory needs to be rebuilt if interface 0 is changed
+// to use bigger operand widths and fewer words than interface 1.
+// This adaption is NOT automatic.
 // Author: Joachim Strombergson
 // Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
@@ -40,33 +45,33 @@
-module blockmem2rptr1w(
-                       input wire           clk,
-                       input wire           reset_n,
-                       input wire  [07 : 0] read_addr0,
-                       output wire [31 : 0] read_data0,
+module blockmem2rptr1w #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
+                      (
+                       input wire                  clk,
+                       input wire                  reset_n,
-                       output wire [31 : 0] read_data1,
+                       input wire  [(ADW - 1) : 0] read_addr0,
+                       output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] read_data0,
-                       input wire           rst,
-                       input wire           cs,
-                       input wire           wr,
-                       input wire  [07 : 0] write_addr,
-                       input wire  [31 : 0] write_data
+                       output wire [31 : 0]        read_data1,
+                       input wire                  rst,
+                       input wire                  cs,
+                       input wire                  wr,
+                       input wire  [07 : 0]        write_addr,
+                       input wire  [31 : 0]        write_data
   // Memories and regs including update variables and write enable.
-  reg [31 : 0] mem [0 : 255];
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_read_data0;
-  reg [31 : 0] tmp_read_data1;
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0] mem [0 :  (ADW ** 2 - 1)];
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0] tmp_read_data0;
+  reg [31 : 0]        tmp_read_data1;
-  reg [7 : 0] ptr_reg;
-  reg [7 : 0] ptr_new;
-  reg         ptr_we;
+  reg [7 : 0]         ptr_reg;
+  reg [7 : 0]         ptr_new;
+  reg                 ptr_we;
diff --git a/src/rtl/modexp_core.v b/src/rtl/modexp_core.v
index aa8a758..45d1aa9 100644
--- a/src/rtl/modexp_core.v
+++ b/src/rtl/modexp_core.v
@@ -251,121 +251,130 @@ module modexp_core #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   // core instantiations.
-  montprod montprod_inst(
-                         .clk(clk),
-                         .reset_n(reset_n),
-                         .calculate(montprod_calc),
-                         .ready(montprod_ready),
-                         .length(montprod_length),
-                         .opa_addr(montprod_opa_addr),
-                         .opa_data(montprod_opa_data),
-                         .opb_addr(montprod_opb_addr),
-                         .opb_data(montprod_opb_data),
-                         .opm_addr(montprod_opm_addr),
-                         .opm_data(montprod_opm_data),
-                         .result_addr(montprod_result_addr),
-                         .result_data(montprod_result_data),
-                         .result_we(montprod_result_we)
-                        );
-  residue residue_inst(
-                     .clk(clk),
-                     .reset_n(reset_n),
-                     .calculate(residue_calculate),
-                     .ready(residue_ready),
-                     .nn(residue_nn),
-                     .length(residue_length),
-                     .opa_rd_addr(residue_opa_rd_addr),
-                     .opa_rd_data(residue_opa_rd_data),
-                     .opa_wr_addr(residue_opa_wr_addr),
-                     .opa_wr_data(residue_opa_wr_data),
-                     .opa_wr_we(residue_opa_wr_we),
-                     .opm_addr(residue_opm_addr),
-                     .opm_data(residue_opm_data)
-                    );
-  blockmem2r1w residue_mem(
-                           .clk(clk),
-                           .read_addr0(residue_opa_rd_addr),
-                           .read_data0(residue_opa_rd_data),
-                           .read_addr1(residue_mem_montprod_read_addr),
-                           .read_data1(residue_mem_montprod_read_data),
-                           .wr(residue_opa_wr_we),
-                           .write_addr(residue_opa_wr_addr),
-                           .write_data(residue_opa_wr_data)
-                          );
-  blockmem2r1w p_mem(
-                     .clk(clk),
-                     .read_addr0(p_mem_rd0_addr),
-                     .read_data0(p_mem_rd0_data),
-                     .read_addr1(p_mem_rd1_addr),
-                     .read_data1(p_mem_rd1_data),
-                     .wr(p_mem_we),
-                     .write_addr(p_mem_wr_addr),
-                     .write_data(p_mem_wr_data)
-                    );
-  blockmem2r1wptr exponent_mem(
-                               .clk(clk),
-                               .reset_n(reset_n),
-                               .read_addr0(exponent_mem_int_rd_addr),
-                               .read_data0(exponent_mem_int_rd_data),
-                               .read_data1(exponent_mem_api_read_data),
-                               .rst(exponent_mem_api_rst),
-                               .cs(exponent_mem_api_cs),
-                               .wr(exponent_mem_api_wr),
-                               .write_data(exponent_mem_api_write_data)
-                              );
-  blockmem2r1wptr modulus_mem(
-                              .clk(clk),
-                              .reset_n(reset_n),
-                              .read_addr0(modulus_mem_int_rd_addr),
-                              .read_data0(modulus_mem_int_rd_data),
-                              .read_data1(modulus_mem_api_read_data),
-                              .rst(modulus_mem_api_rst),
-                              .cs(modulus_mem_api_cs),
-                              .wr(modulus_mem_api_wr),
-                              .write_data(modulus_mem_api_write_data)
-                             );
-  blockmem2r1wptr message_mem(
-                              .clk(clk),
-                              .reset_n(reset_n),
-                              .read_addr0(message_mem_int_rd_addr),
-                              .read_data0(message_mem_int_rd_data),
-                              .read_data1(message_mem_api_read_data),
-                              .rst(message_mem_api_rst),
-                              .cs(message_mem_api_cs),
-                              .wr(message_mem_api_wr),
-                              .write_data(message_mem_api_write_data)
-                             );
-  blockmem2rptr1w result_mem(
-                             .clk(clk),
-                             .reset_n(reset_n),
-                             .read_addr0(result_mem_int_rd_addr[7 : 0]),
-                             .read_data0(result_mem_int_rd_data),
-                             .read_data1(result_mem_api_read_data),
-                             .rst(result_mem_api_rst),
-                             .cs(result_mem_api_cs),
-                             .wr(result_mem_int_we),
-                             .write_addr(result_mem_int_wr_addr),
-                             .write_data(result_mem_int_wr_data)
-                            );
+  montprod #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  montprod_inst(
+                .clk(clk),
+                .reset_n(reset_n),
+                .calculate(montprod_calc),
+                .ready(montprod_ready),
+                .length(montprod_length),
+                .opa_addr(montprod_opa_addr),
+                .opa_data(montprod_opa_data),
+                .opb_addr(montprod_opb_addr),
+                .opb_data(montprod_opb_data),
+                .opm_addr(montprod_opm_addr),
+                .opm_data(montprod_opm_data),
+                .result_addr(montprod_result_addr),
+                .result_data(montprod_result_data),
+                .result_we(montprod_result_we)
+               );
+  residue #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  residue_inst(
+               .clk(clk),
+               .reset_n(reset_n),
+               .calculate(residue_calculate),
+               .ready(residue_ready),
+               .nn(residue_nn),
+               .length(residue_length),
+               .opa_rd_addr(residue_opa_rd_addr),
+               .opa_rd_data(residue_opa_rd_data),
+               .opa_wr_addr(residue_opa_wr_addr),
+               .opa_wr_data(residue_opa_wr_data),
+               .opa_wr_we(residue_opa_wr_we),
+               .opm_addr(residue_opm_addr),
+               .opm_data(residue_opm_data)
+              );
+  blockmem2r1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  residue_mem(
+              .clk(clk),
+              .read_addr0(residue_opa_rd_addr),
+              .read_data0(residue_opa_rd_data),
+              .read_addr1(residue_mem_montprod_read_addr),
+              .read_data1(residue_mem_montprod_read_data),
+              .wr(residue_opa_wr_we),
+              .write_addr(residue_opa_wr_addr),
+              .write_data(residue_opa_wr_data)
+             );
+  blockmem2r1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  p_mem(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .read_addr0(p_mem_rd0_addr),
+        .read_data0(p_mem_rd0_data),
+        .read_addr1(p_mem_rd1_addr),
+        .read_data1(p_mem_rd1_data),
+        .wr(p_mem_we),
+        .write_addr(p_mem_wr_addr),
+        .write_data(p_mem_wr_data)
+       );
+  blockmem2r1wptr #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  exponent_mem(
+               .clk(clk),
+               .reset_n(reset_n),
+               .read_addr0(exponent_mem_int_rd_addr),
+               .read_data0(exponent_mem_int_rd_data),
+               .read_data1(exponent_mem_api_read_data),
+               .rst(exponent_mem_api_rst),
+               .cs(exponent_mem_api_cs),
+               .wr(exponent_mem_api_wr),
+               .write_data(exponent_mem_api_write_data)
+              );
+  blockmem2r1wptr #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  modulus_mem(
+              .clk(clk),
+              .reset_n(reset_n),
+              .read_addr0(modulus_mem_int_rd_addr),
+              .read_data0(modulus_mem_int_rd_data),
+              .read_data1(modulus_mem_api_read_data),
+              .rst(modulus_mem_api_rst),
+              .cs(modulus_mem_api_cs),
+              .wr(modulus_mem_api_wr),
+              .write_data(modulus_mem_api_write_data)
+             );
+  blockmem2r1wptr #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  message_mem(
+              .clk(clk),
+              .reset_n(reset_n),
+              .read_addr0(message_mem_int_rd_addr),
+              .read_data0(message_mem_int_rd_data),
+              .read_data1(message_mem_api_read_data),
+              .rst(message_mem_api_rst),
+              .cs(message_mem_api_cs),
+              .wr(message_mem_api_wr),
+              .write_data(message_mem_api_write_data)
+             );
+  blockmem2rptr1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW))
+  result_mem(
+             .clk(clk),
+             .reset_n(reset_n),
+             .read_addr0(result_mem_int_rd_addr[7 : 0]),
+             .read_data0(result_mem_int_rd_data),
+             .read_data1(result_mem_api_read_data),
+             .rst(result_mem_api_rst),
+             .cs(result_mem_api_cs),
+             .wr(result_mem_int_we),
+             .write_addr(result_mem_int_wr_addr),
+             .write_data(result_mem_int_wr_data)
+            );
diff --git a/src/rtl/montprod.v b/src/rtl/montprod.v
index c50751b..fa7c438 100644
--- a/src/rtl/montprod.v
+++ b/src/rtl/montprod.v
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  b_word_index; //loop counter as a word index
-  reg [04 : 0]         b_bit_index_reg;
-  reg [04 : 0]         b_bit_index_new;
-  reg                  b_bit_index_we;
+  reg [(13 - ADW - 1) : 0] b_bit_index_reg;
+  reg [(13 - ADW - 1) : 0] b_bit_index_new;
+  reg                      b_bit_index_we;
   reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  word_index_reg;
   reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  word_index_new;

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