[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexp] 01/01: Made the adder and shifters words size generic. Updated the montprod and residue to use the generic adder and shifters.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Jun 23 06:25:33 UTC 2015

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joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch perfopt
in repository core/math/modexp.

commit c8c13f792e73b0729d9c533ad3c7295657975dc4
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 08:25:24 2015 +0200

    Made the adder and shifters words size generic. Updated the montprod and residue to use the generic adder and shifters.
 src/rtl/adder32.v  | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 src/rtl/montprod.v | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 src/rtl/residue.v  | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 src/rtl/shl32.v    | 31 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/rtl/shr32.v    | 25 +++++++++++----------
 5 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/adder32.v b/src/rtl/adder32.v
index d9cac45..fa8ed8c 100644
--- a/src/rtl/adder32.v
+++ b/src/rtl/adder32.v
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-// adder32.v
-// ---------
-// 32bit adder with carry in / carry out
+// adder.v
+// -------
+// Adder with separate carry in and carry out. Used in the montprod
+// amd residue modules of the modexp core.
-// Author: Peter Magnusson
+// Author: Peter Magnusson, Joachim Strömbergson
 // Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -36,19 +37,28 @@
+module adder #(parameter OPW = 32)
+              (
+               input      [(OPW - 1) : 0]  a,
+               input      [(OPW - 1) : 0]  b,
+               input                       carry_in,
-module adder32(
-   input      [31 : 0] a,
-   input      [31 : 0] b,
-   input               carry_in,
-   output wire [31 : 0] sum,
-   output wire          carry_out);
+               output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] sum,
+               output wire                 carry_out
+              );
-   reg [32 : 0] adder_result;
+  reg [(OPW) : 0] adder_result;
-   assign sum = adder_result[31:0];
-   assign carry_out = adder_result[32];
+   assign sum = adder_result[(OPW - 1) : 0];
+   assign carry_out = adder_result[(OPW)];
-   always @(a, b, carry_in)
-     adder_result = {1'b0, a} + {1'b0, b} + {32'b0, carry_in};
+   always @*
+     begin
+       adder_result = {1'b0, a} + {1'b0, b} + {{OPW{1'b0}}, carry_in};
+     end
+endmodule // adder
+// EOF adder.v
diff --git a/src/rtl/montprod.v b/src/rtl/montprod.v
index 465fa38..ffee748 100644
--- a/src/rtl/montprod.v
+++ b/src/rtl/montprod.v
@@ -186,38 +186,38 @@ module montprod #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
   // Instantions
-       blockmem1r1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW)) s_mem(
-                                                  .clk(clk),
-                                                  .read_addr(s_mem_addr),
-                                                  .read_data(s_mem_read_data),
-                                                  .wr(s_mem_we_reg),
-                                                  .write_addr(s_mem_wr_addr_reg),
-                                                  .write_data(s_mem_new)
-                                                 );
-  adder32 s_adder_sm(
-                     .a(muxed_s_mem_read_data),
-                     .b(opm_data),
-                     .carry_in(add_carry_in_sm_reg),
-                     .sum(add_result_sm),
-                     .carry_out(add_carry_out_sm)
-                    );
-  adder32 s_adder_sa(
-                     .a(sa_adder_data_in),
-                     .b(opa_data),
-                     .carry_in(add_carry_in_sa_reg),
-                     .sum(add_result_sa),
-                     .carry_out(add_carry_out_sa)
-                    );
-  shr32 shifter(
-                .a(s_mem_read_data),
-                .carry_in(shr_carry_in_reg),
-                .adiv2(shr_data_out),
-                .carry_out(shr_carry_out)
-               );
+  blockmem1r1w #(.OPW(OPW), .ADW(ADW)) s_mem(
+                                             .clk(clk),
+                                             .read_addr(s_mem_addr),
+                                             .read_data(s_mem_read_data),
+                                             .wr(s_mem_we_reg),
+                                             .write_addr(s_mem_wr_addr_reg),
+                                             .write_data(s_mem_new)
+                                            );
+  adder #(.OPW(OPW)) s_adder_sm(
+                                .a(muxed_s_mem_read_data),
+                                .b(opm_data),
+                                .carry_in(add_carry_in_sm_reg),
+                                .sum(add_result_sm),
+                                .carry_out(add_carry_out_sm)
+                               );
+  adder #(.OPW(OPW)) s_adder_sa(
+                                .a(sa_adder_data_in),
+                                .b(opa_data),
+                                .carry_in(add_carry_in_sa_reg),
+                                .sum(add_result_sa),
+                                .carry_out(add_carry_out_sa)
+                               );
+  shr #(.OPW(OPW)) shifter(
+                           .a(s_mem_read_data),
+                           .carry_in(shr_carry_in_reg),
+                           .adiv2(shr_data_out),
+                           .carry_out(shr_carry_out)
+                          );
diff --git a/src/rtl/residue.v b/src/rtl/residue.v
index 3fa1666..ccfaeda 100644
--- a/src/rtl/residue.v
+++ b/src/rtl/residue.v
@@ -45,26 +45,26 @@
-module residue(
-  input wire clk,
-  input wire reset_n,
+module residue #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
+              (
+               input wire clk,
+               input wire reset_n,
-  input wire  calculate,
-  output wire ready,
+               input wire  calculate,
+               output wire ready,
-  input wire  [14 : 0] nn, //MAX(2*N)=8192*2 (14 bit)
-  input wire  [07 : 0] length,
+               input wire  [14 : 0] nn, //MAX(2*N)=8192*2 (14 bit)
+               input wire  [07 : 0] length,
-  output wire [07 : 0] opa_rd_addr,
-  input wire  [31 : 0] opa_rd_data,
-  output wire [07 : 0] opa_wr_addr,
-  output wire [31 : 0] opa_wr_data,
-  output wire          opa_wr_we,
+               output wire [07 : 0] opa_rd_addr,
+               input wire  [31 : 0] opa_rd_data,
+               output wire [07 : 0] opa_wr_addr,
+               output wire [31 : 0] opa_wr_data,
+               output wire          opa_wr_we,
-  output wire [07 : 0] opm_addr,
-  input wire  [31 : 0] opm_data
+               output wire [07 : 0] opm_addr,
+               input wire  [31 : 0] opm_data
+              );
 // Internal constant and parameter definitions.
@@ -143,21 +143,20 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
   // Instantions
-  adder32 subcmp(
-    .a(opa_rd_data),
-    .b( ~ opm_data),
-    .carry_in(sub_carry_in_reg),
-    .sum(sub_data),
-    .carry_out(sub_carry_out)
-  );
-  shl32 shl(
-    .a(opa_rd_data),
-    .carry_in(shl_carry_in_reg),
-    .amul2(shl_data),
-    .carry_out(shl_carry_out)
-  );
+  adder #(.OPW(OPW)) add_inst(
+                              .a(opa_rd_data),
+                              .b( ~ opm_data),
+                              .carry_in(sub_carry_in_reg),
+                              .sum(sub_data),
+                              .carry_out(sub_carry_out)
+                             );
+  shl #(.OPW(OPW)) shl_inst(
+                            .a(opa_rd_data),
+                            .carry_in(shl_carry_in_reg),
+                            .amul2(shl_data),
+                            .carry_out(shl_carry_out)
+                           );
diff --git a/src/rtl/shl32.v b/src/rtl/shl32.v
index 42521fd..bed83e8 100644
--- a/src/rtl/shl32.v
+++ b/src/rtl/shl32.v
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-// shl32.v
-// -------
-// 32bit left shift with carry in / carry out
+// shl.v
+// -----
+// One bit left shift of words with carry in and carry out. Used in
+// the residue module of the modexp core.
-// Author: Peter Magnusson
+// Author: Peter Magnusson, Joachim Strömbergson
 // Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -36,18 +37,20 @@
-module shl32(
-             input  wire [31 : 0] a,
-             input  wire          carry_in,
-             output wire [31 : 0] amul2,
-             output wire          carry_out
-            );
+module shl #(parameter OPW = 32)
+          (
+           input  wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] a,
+           input  wire                 carry_in,
-   assign amul2     = {a[30 : 0], carry_in};
-   assign carry_out = a[31];
+           output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] amul2,
+           output wire                 carry_out
+          );
-endmodule // shl32
+   assign amul2     = {a[(OPW - 2) : 0], carry_in};
+   assign carry_out = a[(OPW - 1)];
+endmodule // shl
-// EOF shl32.v
+// EOF shl.v
diff --git a/src/rtl/shr32.v b/src/rtl/shr32.v
index 66b15c3..40ef111 100644
--- a/src/rtl/shr32.v
+++ b/src/rtl/shr32.v
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 // shr32.v
 // -------
-// 32bit right shift with carry in / carry out.
+// One bit right shift with carry in and carry out.
+// Used in the montprod module of the modexp core.
-// Author: Peter Magnusson
+// Author: Peter Magnusson, Joachim Strömbergson
 // Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -36,18 +37,20 @@
-module shr32(
-             input wire  [31 : 0] a,
-             input wire           carry_in,
-             output wire [31 : 0] adiv2,
-             output wire          carry_out
-            );
+module shr #(parameter OPW = 32)
+          (
+           input wire  [(OPW - 1) : 0] a,
+           input wire                  carry_in,
-  assign adiv2      = {carry_in, a[31 : 1]};
+           output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] adiv2,
+           output wire                 carry_out
+          );
+  assign adiv2      = {carry_in, a[(OPW - 1) : 1]};
   assign carry_out = a[0];
-endmodule // shr32
+endmodule // shr
-// EOF shr32.v
+// EOF shr.v

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