[Cryptech-Commits] [core/hash/sha256] 02/02: Added logic to write state into the state registers. Simplified the state write interface to a common data port.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Thu Jul 16 15:22:12 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch state_access
in repository core/hash/sha256.

commit 34693748aaa7b7d075ad98b69bc31eb722270786
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Thu Jul 16 17:22:04 2015 +0200

    Added logic to write state into the state registers. Simplified the state write interface to a common data port.
 src/rtl/sha256.v      | 32 +++++++++--------------------
 src/rtl/sha256_core.v | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/sha256.v b/src/rtl/sha256.v
index 7f1dc94..5e733bd 100644
--- a/src/rtl/sha256.v
+++ b/src/rtl/sha256.v
@@ -213,29 +213,15 @@ module sha256(
                    // State access ports
-                   .H0_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H0_we(state0_we),
-                   .H1_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H1_we(state1_we),
-                   .H2_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H2_we(state2_we),
-                   .H3_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H3_we(state3_we),
-                   .H4_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H4_we(state4_we),
-                   .H5_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H5_we(state5_we),
-                   .H6_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H6_we(state6_we),
-                   .H7_wr_data(write_data),
-                   .H7_we(state7_we),
+                   .state_wr_data(write_data),
+                   .state0_we(state0_we),
+                   .state1_we(state1_we),
+                   .state2_we(state2_we),
+                   .state3_we(state3_we),
+                   .state4_we(state4_we),
+                   .state5_we(state5_we),
+                   .state6_we(state6_we),
+                   .state7_we(state7_we),
diff --git a/src/rtl/sha256_core.v b/src/rtl/sha256_core.v
index fa21862..3587a85 100644
--- a/src/rtl/sha256_core.v
+++ b/src/rtl/sha256_core.v
@@ -46,29 +46,15 @@ module sha256_core(
                    input wire [511 : 0]  block,
                    // State access ports
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H0_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H0_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H1_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H1_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H2_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H2_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H3_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H3_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H4_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H4_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H5_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H5_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H6_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H6_we,
-                   input wire [31 : 0]   H7_wr_data,
-                   input wire            H7_we,
+                   input wire [31 : 0]   state_wr_data,
+                   input wire            state0_we,
+                   input wire            state1_we,
+                   input wire            state2_we,
+                   input wire            state3_we,
+                   input wire            state4_we,
+                   input wire            state5_we,
+                   input wire            state6_we,
+                   input wire            state7_we,
                    output wire           ready,
@@ -262,6 +248,30 @@ module sha256_core(
               H7_reg <= H7_new;
+          if (state0_we)
+            H0_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state1_we)
+            H1_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state2_we)
+            H2_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state3_we)
+            H3_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state4_we)
+            H4_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state5_we)
+            H5_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state6_we)
+            H6_reg <= state_wr_data;
+          if (state7_we)
+            H7_reg <= state_wr_data;
           if (t_ctr_we)
               t_ctr_reg <= t_ctr_new;

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