[Cryptech-Commits] [user/js/test/novena_eim_base] 03/04: Removed more SPI macros and code. Moving EIM stuff to the bottom.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Jan 21 12:28:41 UTC 2015

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joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository user/js/test/novena_eim_base.

commit c6189d3e41a623fc9ddabb51c574869658fc27b4
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Wed Jan 21 13:26:19 2015 +0100

    Removed more SPI macros and code. Moving EIM stuff to the bottom.
 src/rtl/novena_fpga.v | 263 ++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/novena_fpga.v b/src/rtl/novena_fpga.v
index 57e1a42..ce8dfcd 100755
--- a/src/rtl/novena_fpga.v
+++ b/src/rtl/novena_fpga.v
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module novena_fpga(
   // core instantiation.
   // Wires.
@@ -208,21 +208,6 @@ module novena_fpga(
 			 .bus_d(din_r), .we(!cs0_r && !rw_r), .re(1'b0), .rbk_d(ro_d), // unreadable
 			 .reg_d( r40002wo[15:0] ) );
-   wire [15:0]        romulator_ctl;
-   wire 	      emulate;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_rd_en;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_rst;
-   wire 	      spi_out_rd_en;
-   wire 	      spi_out_rst;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_rd_en;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_rst;
-   assign emulate = romulator_ctl[0];       // 1
-   assign spi_uk_rd_en = romulator_ctl[1];  // 2
-   assign spi_uk_rst = romulator_ctl[2];    // 4
-   assign spi_adr_rd_en = romulator_ctl[3]; // 8
-   assign spi_adr_rst = romulator_ctl[4];   // 10
-   assign spi_out_rd_en = romulator_ctl[5];  // 20
-   assign spi_out_rst = romulator_ctl[6];    // 40
    reg_wo reg_wo_40010 ( .clk(bclk_dll), .bus_a(bus_addr_r), .my_a(19'h40010),
 			 .bus_d(din_r), .we(!cs0_r && !rw_r), .re(!cs0_r && rw_r),
@@ -347,127 +332,65 @@ module novena_fpga(
       eim_dout_pipe2 <= eim_dout_pipe; // retime near the source to allow max time for wire delay
-   wire [15:0] 	      spi_eeprom_rbk;
-   wire [7:0] 	      spi_uk_cmd;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_cmd_updated;
-   wire 	      spiclk_i;
-   wire 	      spiclk;
-   IBUFG spi_clkibufg( .I(F_LVDS_CK_P0), .O(spiclk_i));
-   BUFG spi_clkbufg( .I(spiclk_i), .O(spiclk) );
-   wire [23:0] 	      spi_adr;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_updated;
-   wire [7:0] 	      spi_byte;
-   wire 	      spi_byte_updated;
-   wire [7:0] 	      spi_obyte;
-   wire 	      spi_obyte_updated;
-   wire [11:0] 	      spi_uk_rd_data_count;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_empty;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_overflow;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_full;
-   wire [7:0] 	      spi_uk_dout;
-   wire 	      spi_uk_rd_en_pulse;
-   rising_edge spi_re( .clk(bclk_dll),
-		       .level(spi_uk_rd_en),
-		       .pulse(spi_uk_rd_en_pulse)
-		       );
-   assign romulator_stat[7:0] = spi_uk_dout[7:0];
-   assign romulator_stat[8] = spi_uk_empty;
-   assign romulator_stat[9] = spi_uk_full;
-   assign romulator_stat[10] = spi_uk_overflow;
-   assign romulator_count[11:0] = spi_uk_rd_data_count[11:0];
-   uk_fifo spi_uk (
-		   .rst(spi_uk_rst), // input rst
-//		   .wr_clk(spiclk), // input wr_clk
-		   .wr_clk(!spiclk), // input wr_clk  // invert for monitoring
-//		   .din(spi_uk_cmd), // input [7 : 0] din
-//		   .wr_en(spi_uk_cmd_updated), // input wr_en
-		   .din(spi_byte),
-		   .wr_en(spi_byte_updated),
-		   .rd_clk(bclk_dll), // input rd_clk
-		   .rd_en(spi_uk_rd_en_pulse), // input rd_en
-		   .dout(spi_uk_dout), // output [7 : 0] dout
-		   .full(spi_uk_full), // output full
-		   .overflow(spi_uk_overflow), // output overflow
-		   .empty(spi_uk_empty), // output empty
-		   .rd_data_count(spi_uk_rd_data_count) // output [11 : 0] rd_data_count
-		   );
-   wire [11:0] 	      spi_out_rd_data_count;
-   wire 	      spi_out_empty;
-   wire 	      spi_out_overflow;
-   wire 	      spi_out_full;
-   wire [7:0] 	      spi_out_dout;
-   wire 	      spi_out_rd_en_pulse;
-   rising_edge spi_out_re( .clk(bclk_dll),
-			   .level(spi_out_rd_en),
-			   .pulse(spi_out_rd_en_pulse)
-			   );
-   assign romulator_out_stat[7:0] = spi_out_dout[7:0];
-   assign romulator_out_stat[8] = spi_out_empty;
-   assign romulator_out_stat[9] = spi_out_full;
-   assign romulator_out_stat[10] = spi_out_overflow;
-   assign romulator_out_count[11:0] = spi_out_rd_data_count[11:0];
-   uk_fifo spi_out (
-		   .rst(spi_out_rst), // input rst
-		   .wr_clk(!spiclk), // input wr_clk
-		    // invert from negedge sampling of sdout
-		   .din(spi_obyte),
-		   .wr_en(spi_obyte_updated),
-		   .rd_clk(bclk_dll), // input rd_clk
-		   .rd_en(spi_out_rd_en_pulse), // input rd_en
-		   .dout(spi_out_dout), // output [7 : 0] dout
-		   .full(spi_out_full), // output full
-		   .overflow(spi_out_overflow), // output overflow
-		   .empty(spi_out_empty), // output empty
-		   .rd_data_count(spi_out_rd_data_count) // output [11 : 0] rd_data_count
-		   );
-   wire 	      spi_adr_rd_en_pulse;
-   wire [23:0] 	      spi_adr_dout;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_full;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_overflow;
-   wire 	      spi_adr_empty;
-   wire [13:0] 	      spi_adr_rd_data_count;
-   assign romulator_adr_count[13:0] = spi_adr_rd_data_count[13:0];
-   assign romulator_adr_stat[8] = spi_adr_empty;
-   assign romulator_adr_stat[9] = spi_adr_full;
-   assign romulator_adr_stat[10] = spi_adr_overflow;
-   assign romulator_adr_dout[23:0] = spi_adr_dout[23:0];
-   rising_edge spi_adr_re( .clk(bclk_dll),
-		       .level(spi_adr_rd_en),
-		       .pulse(spi_adr_rd_en_pulse)
-		       );
-   nandadr_fifo spi_adr_fifo (
-			 .rst(spi_adr_rst), // input rst
-			 .wr_clk(spiclk), // input wr_clk
-			 .rd_clk(bclk_dll), // input rd_clk
-			 .din({6'b0,spi_adr[23:0]}), // input [29 : 0] din
-			 .wr_en(spi_adr_updated), // input wr_en
-			 .rd_en(spi_adr_rd_en_pulse), // input rd_en
-			 .dout(spi_adr_dout[23:0]), // output [29 : 0] dout
-			 .full(spi_adr_full), // output full
-			 .overflow(spi_adr_overflow), // output overflow
-			 .empty(spi_adr_empty), // output empty
-			 .rd_data_count(spi_adr_rd_data_count) // output [13 : 0] rd_data_count
-			 );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Heartbeat counter
+  //
+  // Should always run.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+   always @(posedge clk50) begin
+      counter <= counter + 1;
+   end
+   assign FPGA_LED2 = counter[23];
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // EIM stuff to be moved.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+   reg [15:0]	      eim_d_t;
+   reg 		      eim_lba_reg;
+   reg 		      eim_oe_reg;
+   always @(posedge bclk_i) begin
+      eim_lba_reg <= EIM_LBA;
+      eim_oe_reg <= EIM_OE;
+   end
+   always @(posedge bclk_o) begin
+      eim_d_t[ 0] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 1] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 2] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 3] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 4] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 5] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 6] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 7] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 8] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[ 9] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[10] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[11] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[12] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[13] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[14] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+      eim_d_t[15] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
+   end
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim0 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 0]), .I(eim_dout[ 0]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 0]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim1 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 1]), .I(eim_dout[ 1]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 1]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim2 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 2]), .I(eim_dout[ 2]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 2]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim3 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 3]), .I(eim_dout[ 3]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 3]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim4 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 4]), .I(eim_dout[ 4]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 4]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim5 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 5]), .I(eim_dout[ 5]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 5]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim6 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 6]), .I(eim_dout[ 6]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 6]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim7 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 7]), .I(eim_dout[ 7]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 7]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim8 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 8]), .I(eim_dout[ 8]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 8]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim9 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 9]), .I(eim_dout[ 9]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 9]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim10 (.IO(EIM_DA[10]), .I(eim_dout[10]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[10]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim11 (.IO(EIM_DA[11]), .I(eim_dout[11]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[11]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim12 (.IO(EIM_DA[12]), .I(eim_dout[12]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[12]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim13 (.IO(EIM_DA[13]), .I(eim_dout[13]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[13]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim14 (.IO(EIM_DA[14]), .I(eim_dout[14]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[14]));
+   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim15 (.IO(EIM_DA[15]), .I(eim_dout[15]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[15]));
    // Output pipeline registers -- explicit instantiation as their LOCs are controlled in the UCF.
@@ -540,72 +463,6 @@ module novena_fpga(
 		     .Q( eim_dout[15] ),
 		     .CE( 1'b1 ), .S(1'b0) );
-   //////////////
-   /// "heartbeat" counter
-   //////////////
-   always @(posedge clk) begin
-      counter <= counter + 1;
-   end
-   assign FPGA_LED2 = counter[23];
-   //////////////
-   // IOBUFs as required by design
-   //////////////
-   IBUFGDS clkibufgds( .I(CLK2_P), .IB(CLK2_N), .O(clk) );
-   reg [15:0]	      eim_d_t;
-   reg 		      eim_lba_reg;
-   reg 		      eim_oe_reg;
-   always @(posedge bclk_i) begin
-      eim_lba_reg <= EIM_LBA;
-      eim_oe_reg <= EIM_OE;
-   end
-   always @(posedge bclk_o) begin
-      eim_d_t[ 0] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 1] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 2] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 3] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 4] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 5] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 6] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 7] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 8] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[ 9] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[10] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[11] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[12] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[13] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[14] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-      eim_d_t[15] = eim_oe_reg | !eim_lba_reg;
-   end
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim0 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 0]), .I(eim_dout[ 0]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 0]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim1 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 1]), .I(eim_dout[ 1]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 1]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim2 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 2]), .I(eim_dout[ 2]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 2]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim3 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 3]), .I(eim_dout[ 3]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 3]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim4 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 4]), .I(eim_dout[ 4]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 4]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim5 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 5]), .I(eim_dout[ 5]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 5]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim6 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 6]), .I(eim_dout[ 6]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 6]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim7 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 7]), .I(eim_dout[ 7]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 7]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim8 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 8]), .I(eim_dout[ 8]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 8]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim9 (.IO(EIM_DA[ 9]), .I(eim_dout[ 9]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[ 9]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim10 (.IO(EIM_DA[10]), .I(eim_dout[10]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[10]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim11 (.IO(EIM_DA[11]), .I(eim_dout[11]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[11]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim12 (.IO(EIM_DA[12]), .I(eim_dout[12]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[12]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim13 (.IO(EIM_DA[13]), .I(eim_dout[13]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[13]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim14 (.IO(EIM_DA[14]), .I(eim_dout[14]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[14]));
-   IOBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .SLEW("FAST")) IOBUF_eim15 (.IO(EIM_DA[15]), .I(eim_dout[15]), .T(eim_d_t), .O(eim_din[15]));
-   //////////////
-   // DDR3 interface macro
-   //////////////
-   wire c1_clk0, c1_rst0;

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