[Cryptech-Commits] [test/novena_base] 02/04: add a command-line build, for those who like that sort of thing

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Tue Feb 3 16:15:10 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

paul at psgd.org pushed a commit to branch master
in repository test/novena_base.

commit b2d1815e4788f9c3c737c9235e5b102718111373
Author: Paul Selkirk <paul at psgd.org>
Date:   Mon Feb 2 18:06:50 2015 -0500

    add a command-line build, for those who like that sort of thing
 rtl/build/.gitignore              |  52 +++++++++++
 rtl/build/Makefile                |  22 +++++
 rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.bmm |   0
 rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.ucf |   1 +
 rtl/build/xilinx.mk               | 176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 rtl/build/xilinx.opt              |  42 +++++++++
 6 files changed, 293 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rtl/build/.gitignore b/rtl/build/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60e316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/build/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
diff --git a/rtl/build/Makefile b/rtl/build/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5aeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/build/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+project = novena_baseline_top
+vendor = xilinx
+family = spartan6
+part = xc6slx45csg324-3
+top_module = novena_baseline_top
+isedir = /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS
+xil_env = . $(isedir)/settings64.sh
+vfiles = \
+	../src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v \
+	../src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v \
+	../src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v \
+	../src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v \
+	../src/verilog/demo_adder.v \
+	../src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v \
+	../src/verilog/eim_arbiter_cdc.v \
+	../src/verilog/core_selector.v \
+	../src/testbench/tb_demo_adder.v \
+	../src/verilog/eim_indicator.v \
+	../src/ipcore/clkmgr_dcm.v
+include xilinx.mk
diff --git a/rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.bmm b/rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.bmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.ucf b/rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.ucf
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fddd839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/build/novena_baseline_top.ucf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rtl/build/xilinx.mk b/rtl/build/xilinx.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a0216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/build/xilinx.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# The top level module should define the variables below then include
+# this file.  The files listed should be in the same directory as the
+# Makefile.  
+#   variable	description
+#   ----------  -------------
+#   project	project name (top level module should match this name)
+#   top_module  top level module of the project
+#   libdir	path to library directory
+#   libs	library modules used
+#   vfiles	all local .v files
+#   xilinx_cores  all local .xco files
+#   vendor      vendor of FPGA (xilinx, altera, etc.)
+#   family      FPGA device family (spartan3e) 
+#   part        FPGA part name (xc4vfx12-10-sf363)
+#   flashsize   size of flash for mcs file (16384)
+#   optfile     (optional) xst extra opttions file to put in .scr
+#   map_opts    (optional) options to give to map
+#   par_opts    (optional) options to give to par
+#   intstyle    (optional) intstyle option to all tools
+#   files 		description
+#   ----------  	------------
+#   $(project).ucf	ucf file
+# Library modules should have a modules.mk in their root directory,
+# namely $(libdir)/<libname>/module.mk, that simply adds to the vfiles
+# and xilinx_cores variable.
+# all the .xco files listed in xilinx_cores will be generated with core, with
+# the resulting .v and .ngc files placed back in the same directory as
+# the .xco file.
+# TODO: .xco files are device dependant, should use a template based system
+coregen_work_dir ?= ./coregen-tmp
+map_opts ?= -timing -ol high -detail -pr b -register_duplication -w
+par_opts ?= -ol high
+isedir ?= /opt/Xilinx/13.3/ISE_DS
+xil_env ?= . $(isedir)/settings32.sh
+flashsize ?= 8192
+libmks = $(patsubst %,$(libdir)/%/module.mk,$(libs)) 
+mkfiles = Makefile $(libmks) xilinx.mk
+include $(libmks)
+corengcs = $(foreach core,$(xilinx_cores),$(core:.xco=.ngc))
+local_corengcs = $(foreach ngc,$(corengcs),$(notdir $(ngc)))
+vfiles += $(foreach core,$(xilinx_cores),$(core:.xco=.v))
+junk += $(local_corengcs)
+.PHONY: default xilinx_cores clean twr etwr
+default: $(project).bit $(project).mcs
+xilinx_cores: $(corengcs)
+twr: $(project).twr
+etwr: $(project)_err.twr
+define cp_template
+$(2): $(1)
+	cp $(1) $(2)
+$(foreach ngc,$(corengcs),$(eval $(call cp_template,$(ngc),$(notdir $(ngc)))))
+%.ngc %.v: %.xco
+	@echo "=== rebuilding $@"
+	if [ -d $(coregen_work_dir) ]; then \
+		rm -rf $(coregen_work_dir)/*; \
+	else \
+		mkdir -p $(coregen_work_dir); \
+	fi
+	cd $(coregen_work_dir); \
+	$(xil_env); \
+	coregen -b $$OLDPWD/$<; \
+	cd -
+	xcodir=`dirname $<`; \
+	basename=`basename $< .xco`; \
+	if [ ! -r $(coregen_work_dir/$$basename.ngc) ]; then \
+		echo "'$@' wasn't created."; \
+		exit 1; \
+	else \
+		cp $(coregen_work_dir)/$$basename.v $(coregen_work_dir)/$$basename.ngc $$xcodir; \
+	fi
+junk += $(coregen_work_dir)
+date = $(shell date +%F-%H-%M)
+# some common junk
+junk += *.xrpt
+programming_files: $(project).bit $(project).mcs
+	mkdir -p $@/$(date)
+	mkdir -p $@/latest
+	for x in .bit .mcs .cfi _bd.bmm; do cp $(project)$$x $@/$(date)/$(project)$$x; cp $(project)$$x $@/latest/$(project)$$x; done
+	$(xil_env); xst -help | head -1 | sed 's/^/#/' | cat - $(project).scr > $@/$(date)/$(project).scr
+$(project).mcs: $(project).bit
+	$(xil_env); \
+	promgen -w -s $(flashsize) -p mcs -o $@ -u 0 $^
+junk += $(project).mcs $(project).cfi $(project).prm
+$(project).bit: $(project)_par.ncd
+	$(xil_env); \
+	bitgen $(intstyle) -g UnusedPin:Pullnone -g DriveDone:yes -g StartupClk:Cclk -w $(project)_par.ncd $(project).bit
+junk += $(project).bgn $(project).bit $(project).drc $(project)_bd.bmm
+$(project)_par.ncd: $(project).ncd
+	$(xil_env); \
+	if par $(intstyle) $(par_opts) -w $(project).ncd $(project)_par.ncd; then \
+		:; \
+	else \
+		$(MAKE) etwr; \
+	fi 
+junk += $(project)_par.ncd $(project)_par.par $(project)_par.pad 
+junk += $(project)_par_pad.csv $(project)_par_pad.txt 
+junk += $(project)_par.grf $(project)_par.ptwx
+junk += $(project)_par.unroutes $(project)_par.xpi
+$(project).ncd: $(project).ngd
+	if [ -r $(project)_par.ncd ]; then \
+		cp $(project)_par.ncd smartguide.ncd; \
+		smartguide="-smartguide smartguide.ncd"; \
+	else \
+		smartguide=""; \
+	fi; \
+	$(xil_env); \
+	map $(intstyle) $(map_opts) $$smartguide $<
+junk += $(project).ncd $(project).pcf $(project).ngm $(project).mrp $(project).map
+junk += smartguide.ncd $(project).psr 
+junk += $(project)_summary.xml $(project)_usage.xml
+$(project).ngd: $(project).ngc $(project).ucf $(project).bmm
+	$(xil_env); ngdbuild $(intstyle) $(project).ngc -bm $(project).bmm
+junk += $(project).ngd $(project).bld
+$(project).ngc: $(vfiles) $(local_corengcs) $(project).scr $(project).prj
+	$(xil_env); xst $(intstyle) -ifn $(project).scr
+junk += xlnx_auto* $(top_module).lso $(project).srp 
+junk += netlist.lst xst $(project).ngc
+$(project).prj: $(vfiles) $(mkfiles)
+	for src in $(vfiles); do echo "verilog work $$src" >> $(project).tmpprj; done
+	sort -u $(project).tmpprj > $(project).prj
+	rm -f $(project).tmpprj
+junk += $(project).prj
+optfile += $(wildcard $(project).opt)
+top_module ?= $(project)
+$(project).scr: $(optfile) $(mkfiles) ./xilinx.opt
+	echo "run" > $@
+	echo "-p $(part)" >> $@
+	echo "-top $(top_module)" >> $@
+	echo "-ifn $(project).prj" >> $@
+	echo "-ofn $(project).ngc" >> $@
+	cat ./xilinx.opt $(optfile) >> $@
+junk += $(project).scr
+$(project).post_map.twr: $(project).ncd
+	$(xil_env); trce -e 10 $< $(project).pcf -o $@
+junk += $(project).post_map.twr $(project).post_map.twx smartpreview.twr
+$(project).twr: $(project)_par.ncd
+	$(xil_env); trce $< $(project).pcf -o $(project).twr
+junk += $(project).twr $(project).twx smartpreview.twr
+$(project)_err.twr: $(project)_par.ncd
+	$(xil_env); trce -e 10 $< $(project).pcf -o $(project)_err.twr
+junk += $(project)_err.twr $(project)_err.twx
+junk += $(project).lso $(project)_bitgen.xwb $(project)_bitgen.xwbt
+junk += usage_statistics_webtalk.html par_usage_statistics.html webtalk.log _xmsgs default.xreport
+.gitignore: $(mkfiles)
+	echo programming_files $(junk) | sed 's, ,\n,g' > .gitignore
+	rm -rf $(junk)
diff --git a/rtl/build/xilinx.opt b/rtl/build/xilinx.opt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe9d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/build/xilinx.opt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-ifmt mixed
+-ofmt NGC
+-opt_mode speed
+-opt_level 1
+-iuc NO
+-keep_hierarchy no
+-netlist_hierarchy as_optimized
+-rtlview no
+-glob_opt AllClockNets
+-read_cores yes
+-write_timing_constraints NO
+-cross_clock_analysis NO
+-hierarchy_separator /
+-bus_delimiter <>
+-case maintain
+-slice_utilization_ratio 100
+-bram_utilization_ratio 100
+#-dsp_utilization_ratio 100
+-safe_implementation No
+-fsm_extract YES
+-fsm_encoding Auto
+-fsm_style lut
+-ram_extract Yes
+-ram_style Auto
+-rom_extract Yes
+-rom_style Auto
+-shreg_extract YES
+-auto_bram_packing NO
+-resource_sharing YES
+-async_to_sync NO
+#-use_dsp48 auto
+-iobuf YES
+-max_fanout 500
+-register_duplication YES
+-register_balancing No
+-optimize_primitives NO
+-use_clock_enable Auto
+-use_sync_set Auto
+-use_sync_reset Auto
+-iob auto
+-equivalent_register_removal YES
+-slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5

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