[Cryptech-Commits] [test/novena_base] 01/01: Changed to Verilog 2001 interface. Added ports for Cryptech avalanche noise board. Fixed layout.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Sun Feb 1 19:36:33 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository test/novena_base.

commit 7e6657d37db9742d3e6e943b3f01d781a7aa3538
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Sun Feb 1 20:36:22 2015 +0100

    Changed to Verilog 2001 interface. Added ports for Cryptech avalanche noise board. Fixed layout.
 rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v | 258 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
index 890b8bc..d265e67 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
@@ -40,132 +40,144 @@
 module novena_baseline_top
-		gclk_p_pin, gclk_n_pin,
-		eim_bclk, eim_cs0_n, eim_da,
-		eim_lba_n, eim_wr_n,
-		eim_oe_n, eim_wait_n,
-		reset_mcu_b_pin,
-		apoptosis_pin,
-		led_pin
-	);
-		//
-		// Top-Levl Ports
-		//
-	input		wire				gclk_p_pin;			// general-purpose 50 MHz LVDS clock
-	input		wire				gclk_n_pin;			//
-	input		wire				eim_bclk;			// burst clock from cpu
-	input		wire				eim_cs0_n;			// chip select (active low)
-	inout		wire	[15: 0]	eim_da;				// bi-directional address/data bus
-	input		wire				eim_lba_n;			// latch address signal (active low)
-	input		wire				eim_wr_n;			// write enable signal (active low)
-	input		wire				eim_oe_n;			// output enable signal (active low)
-	output	wire				eim_wait_n;			// wait signal (active low)
-	input		wire				reset_mcu_b_pin;	// this must be configured as input w/pullup
-															// not to kill the cpu after configuration
-	output	wire				apoptosis_pin;		// not used, tied to 0
-	output	wire				led_pin;				// visual activity indicator
-		//
-		// Clock Manager
-		//
-		/* Clock manager is used to buffer BCLK and also generate SYS_CLK from GCLK. */
-	wire	sys_clk;
-	wire	sys_rst;
-	wire	eim_bclk_buf;
-	novena_clkmgr clkmgr
-	(
-		.gclk_p			(gclk_p_pin),
-		.gclk_n			(gclk_n_pin),
-		.reset_mcu_b	(reset_mcu_b_pin),
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.bclk_in			(eim_bclk),
-		.bclk_out		(eim_bclk_buf)
-	);
-		//
-		// EIM Arbiter
-		//
-		/* EIM arbiter handles EIM access and transfers it into `sys_clk' clock domain. */
-	wire	[13: 0]	sys_eim_addr;
-	wire				sys_eim_wr;
-	wire				sys_eim_rd;
-	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_dout;
-	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;
-	eim_arbiter eim
-	(
-		.eim_bclk		(eim_bclk_buf),
-		.eim_cs0_n		(eim_cs0_n),
-		.eim_da			(eim_da),
-		.eim_lba_n		(eim_lba_n),
-		.eim_wr_n		(eim_wr_n),
-		.eim_oe_n		(eim_oe_n),
-		.eim_wait_n		(eim_wait_n),
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_addr		(sys_eim_addr),
-		.sys_wren		(sys_eim_wr),
-		.sys_data_out	(sys_eim_dout),
-		.sys_rden		(sys_eim_rd),
-		.sys_data_in	(sys_eim_din)
-	);
-		//
-		// Core Selector (MUX)
-		//
-		/* This multiplexor is used to map demo adder registers somewhere into EIM address space. */
-	core_selector mux
-	(
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.sys_eim_addr	(sys_eim_addr),
-		.sys_eim_wr		(sys_eim_wr),
-		.sys_eim_rd		(sys_eim_rd),
-		.sys_eim_dout	(sys_eim_dout),
-		.sys_eim_din	(sys_eim_din)
+         // Differential input for 50 MHz general clock.
+	 input wire           gclk_p_pin,
+         input wire           gclk_n_pin,
+         // Reset controlled by the CPU.
+         // this must be configured as input w/pullup
+	 input wire           reset_mcu_b_pin,
+         // Cryptech avalanche noise board input and LED outputs
+         input  wire          ct_avalanche_noise,
+         output wire [07 : 0] ct_avalanche_led,
+         // EIM interface
+	 input wire           eim_bclk,   // EIM burst clock. Started by the CPU.
+         input wire           eim_cs0_n,  // Chip select (active low).
+         inout wire [15 : 0]  eim_da,     // Bidirectional address and data port.
+	 input wire           eim_lba_n,  // Latch address signal (active low).
+         input wire           eim_wr_n,   // write enable signal (active low).
+	 input wire           eim_oe_n,   // output enable signal (active low).
+         output wire          eim_wait_n, // Data wait signal (active low).
+	 // Novena utility ports
+	 apoptosis_pin,                   // Hold low to not restart after config.
+	 led_pin                          // LED on edge close to the FPGA.
-		//
-		// LED Driver
-		//
-	eim_indicator led
-	(
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.eim_active		(sys_eim_wr | sys_eim_rd),
-		.led_out			(led_pin)
-	);
-		//
-		// Unused
-		//
-	assign apoptosis_pin		= 1'b0;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Clock Manager
+  //
+  // Clock manager is used to buffer BCLK, generate SYS_CLK
+  // from GCLK and implement the reset logic.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  wire sys_clk;
+  wire sys_rst;
+  wire eim_bclk_buf;
+  novena_clkmgr clkmgr
+    (
+     .gclk_p(gclk_p_pin),
+     .gclk_n(gclk_n_pin),
+     .reset_mcu_b(reset_mcu_b_pin),
+     .sys_clk(sys_clk),
+     .sys_rst(sys_rst),
+     .bclk_in(eim_bclk),
+     .bclk_out(eim_bclk_buf)
+    );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // EIM Arbiter
+  //
+  // EIM arbiter handles EIM access and transfers it into
+  // `sys_clk' clock domain.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  wire	[13: 0]	sys_eim_addr;
+  wire		sys_eim_wr;
+  wire		sys_eim_rd;
+  wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_dout;
+  wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;
+  eim_arbiter eim
+    (
+     .eim_bclk(eim_bclk_buf),
+     .eim_cs0_n	(eim_cs0_n),
+     .eim_da(eim_da),
+     .eim_lba_n	(eim_lba_n),
+     .eim_wr_n(eim_wr_n),
+     .eim_oe_n(eim_oe_n),
+     .eim_wait_n(eim_wait_n),
+     .sys_clk(sys_clk),
+     .sys_addr(sys_eim_addr),
+     .sys_wren(sys_eim_wr),
+     .sys_data_out(sys_eim_dout),
+     .sys_rden(sys_eim_rd),
+     .sys_data_in(sys_eim_din)
+     );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Core Selector (MUX)
+  //
+  // This multiplexer is used to map ore registers into
+  // EIM address space and select which core to send EIM read and
+  // write operations to.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  core_selector mux
+    (
+     .sys_clk(sys_clk),
+     .sys_rst(sys_rst),
+     .sys_eim_addr(sys_eim_addr),
+     .sys_eim_wr(sys_eim_wr),
+     .sys_eim_rd(sys_eim_rd),
+     .sys_eim_dout(sys_eim_dout),
+     .sys_eim_din(sys_eim_din)
+     );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // LED Driver
+  //
+  // A simple utility LED driver that turns on the Novena
+  // board LED when the EIM interface is active.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  eim_indicator led
+    (
+     .sys_clk(sys_clk),
+     .sys_rst(sys_rst),
+     .eim_active(sys_eim_wr | sys_eim_rd),
+     .led_out(led_pin)
+     );
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Cryptech Logic
+  //
+  // Logic specific to the Cryptech use of the Novena.
+  // Currently we just hard wire the LED outputs.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  assign ct_avalanche_led = 8'h55;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Novena Patch
+  //
+  // Patch logic to keep the Novena board happy.
+  // The apoptosis_pin pin must be kept low or the whole board
+  // (more exactly the CPU) will be reset after the FPGA has
+  // been configured.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  assign apoptosis_pin = 1'b0;

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