[Cryptech-Commits] [test/novena_base] 01/01: Removed trailing whitespace and ^M.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Sun Feb 1 08:12:34 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch master
in repository test/novena_base.

commit a67abc2f80d5181d607abb8663d13f6dd8ec1b0b
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Sun Feb 1 09:12:26 2015 +0100

    Removed trailing whitespace and ^M.
 rtl/src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v       | 216 +++++++--------
 rtl/src/verilog/core_selector.v       | 220 +++++++--------
 rtl/src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v         | 486 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 rtl/src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v          |  72 ++---
 rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v | 208 +++++++--------
 rtl/src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v       | 162 ++++++------
 6 files changed, 682 insertions(+), 682 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v b/rtl/src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v
index 104bfa5..631506c 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/cdc_bus_pulse.v
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module cdc_bus_pulse
-	(
-		src_clk, src_din, src_req,
-		dst_clk, dst_dout, dst_pulse
-	);
-		/* This module is based on design suggested on page 27 of an article titled
-		   "Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Design & Verification Techniques Using SystemVerilog"			
-			by Clifford E. Cummings (Sunburst Design, Inc.)
-		*/
-		//
-		// Parameters
-		//
-	parameter	DATA_WIDTH	= 32;		// width of data bus
-		//
-		// Ports
-		//
-	input		wire							src_clk;		// source domain clock
-	input		wire	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	src_din;		// data from source clock domain
-	input		wire							src_req;		// start transfer pulse from source clock domain
-	input		wire							dst_clk;		// destination domain clock
-	output	wire	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	dst_dout;	// data to destination clock domain
-	output	wire							dst_pulse;	// transfer done pulse to destination clock domain
-		//
-		// Source Side Registers
-		//
-	reg							src_ff		= 1'b0;						// transfer request flag
-	reg	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	src_latch	= {DATA_WIDTH{1'bX}};	// source data buffer
-		//
-		// Source Request Handler
-		//
-	always @(posedge src_clk)
-		//
-		if (src_req) begin				// transfer request pulse?
-			src_ff		<= ~src_ff;			// toggle transfer request flag...
-			src_latch	<= src_din;			// ... and capture data in source buffer
-		end
-		//
-		// Source -> Destination Flag Sync Logic
-		//
-	/* ISE may decide to infer SRL here, so we explicitly instantiate slice registers. */
-	wire	flag_sync_first;		// first FF output
-	wire	flag_sync_second;		// second FF output
-	wire	flag_sync_third;		// third FF output
-	wire	flag_sync_pulse;		// flag toggle detector output
-	FDCE ff_sync_first
-	(
-		.C		(dst_clk),
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module cdc_bus_pulse
+	(
+		src_clk, src_din, src_req,
+		dst_clk, dst_dout, dst_pulse
+	);
+		/* This module is based on design suggested on page 27 of an article titled
+		   "Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Design & Verification Techniques Using SystemVerilog"
+			by Clifford E. Cummings (Sunburst Design, Inc.)
+		*/
+		//
+		// Parameters
+		//
+	parameter	DATA_WIDTH	= 32;		// width of data bus
+		//
+		// Ports
+		//
+	input		wire							src_clk;		// source domain clock
+	input		wire	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	src_din;		// data from source clock domain
+	input		wire							src_req;		// start transfer pulse from source clock domain
+	input		wire							dst_clk;		// destination domain clock
+	output	wire	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	dst_dout;	// data to destination clock domain
+	output	wire							dst_pulse;	// transfer done pulse to destination clock domain
+		//
+		// Source Side Registers
+		//
+	reg							src_ff		= 1'b0;						// transfer request flag
+	reg	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	src_latch	= {DATA_WIDTH{1'bX}};	// source data buffer
+		//
+		// Source Request Handler
+		//
+	always @(posedge src_clk)
+		//
+		if (src_req) begin				// transfer request pulse?
+			src_ff		<= ~src_ff;			// toggle transfer request flag...
+			src_latch	<= src_din;			// ... and capture data in source buffer
+		end
+		//
+		// Source -> Destination Flag Sync Logic
+		//
+	/* ISE may decide to infer SRL here, so we explicitly instantiate slice registers. */
+	wire	flag_sync_first;		// first FF output
+	wire	flag_sync_second;		// second FF output
+	wire	flag_sync_third;		// third FF output
+	wire	flag_sync_pulse;		// flag toggle detector output
+	FDCE ff_sync_first
+	(
+		.C		(dst_clk),
 		.D		(src_ff),				// capture flag from another clock domain
-		.Q		(flag_sync_first),	// metastability can occur here
-		.CLR	(1'b0),
+		.Q		(flag_sync_first),	// metastability can occur here
+		.CLR	(1'b0),
 		.CE	(1'b1)
-	);
-	FDCE ff_sync_second
-	(
-		.C		(dst_clk),
+	);
+	FDCE ff_sync_second
+	(
+		.C		(dst_clk),
 		.D		(flag_sync_first),	// synchronize captured flag to remove metastability
-		.Q		(flag_sync_second),	// and pass it to another flip-flop
-		.CLR	(1'b0),
+		.Q		(flag_sync_second),	// and pass it to another flip-flop
+		.CLR	(1'b0),
 		.CE	(1'b1)
-	);	
-	FDCE ff_sync_third
-	(
-		.C		(dst_clk),
+	);
+	FDCE ff_sync_third
+	(
+		.C		(dst_clk),
 		.D		(flag_sync_second),	// delay synchronized flag in another flip-flip, because we need
-		.Q		(flag_sync_third),	// two synchronized flag values (current and delayed) to detect its change
-		.CLR	(1'b0),
+		.Q		(flag_sync_third),	// two synchronized flag values (current and delayed) to detect its change
+		.CLR	(1'b0),
 		.CE	(1'b1)
-	);
-		// when delayed flag value differs from its current value, it was changed 
-		// by the source side, so there must have been a transfer request
-	assign flag_sync_pulse = flag_sync_second ^ flag_sync_third;
-		//
-		// Destination Side Registers
-		//
-	reg							dst_pulse_reg	= 1'b0;						// transfer done flag
-	reg	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	dst_latch		= {DATA_WIDTH{1'bX}};	// destination data buffer
-	assign dst_pulse	= dst_pulse_reg;
-	assign dst_dout	= dst_latch;
-		//
-		// Destination Request Handler
-		//
-	always @(posedge dst_clk) begin
-		//
-		dst_pulse_reg <= flag_sync_pulse;					// generate pulse if flag change was detected
-		//
-		if (flag_sync_pulse) dst_latch <= src_latch;		// by the time destination side receives synchronized
-		//																// flag value, data should be stable, we can safely
-		//																// capture and store it in the destination buffer
-		//
-	end
+	);
+		// when delayed flag value differs from its current value, it was changed
+		// by the source side, so there must have been a transfer request
+	assign flag_sync_pulse = flag_sync_second ^ flag_sync_third;
+		//
+		// Destination Side Registers
+		//
+	reg							dst_pulse_reg	= 1'b0;						// transfer done flag
+	reg	[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	dst_latch		= {DATA_WIDTH{1'bX}};	// destination data buffer
+	assign dst_pulse	= dst_pulse_reg;
+	assign dst_dout	= dst_latch;
+		//
+		// Destination Request Handler
+		//
+	always @(posedge dst_clk) begin
+		//
+		dst_pulse_reg <= flag_sync_pulse;					// generate pulse if flag change was detected
+		//
+		if (flag_sync_pulse) dst_latch <= src_latch;		// by the time destination side receives synchronized
+		//																// flag value, data should be stable, we can safely
+		//																// capture and store it in the destination buffer
+		//
+	end
diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/core_selector.v b/rtl/src/verilog/core_selector.v
index 2db2a05..eb6551a 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/core_selector.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/core_selector.v
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module core_selector
-	(
-		sys_clk, sys_rst,
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module core_selector
+	(
+		sys_clk, sys_rst,
 		sys_eim_addr, sys_eim_wr, sys_eim_rd,
-		sys_eim_dout, sys_eim_din
-	);
-		//
-		// Ports 
-		//
-	input		wire				sys_clk;
-	input		wire				sys_rst;
-	input		wire	[13: 0]	sys_eim_addr;
-	input		wire				sys_eim_wr;
+		sys_eim_dout, sys_eim_din
+	);
+		//
+		// Ports
+		//
+	input		wire				sys_clk;
+	input		wire				sys_rst;
+	input		wire	[13: 0]	sys_eim_addr;
+	input		wire				sys_eim_wr;
 	input		wire				sys_eim_rd;
-	input		wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_dout;
-	output	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;
-		//
-		// Internal Registers
-		//
-	reg	[31: 0]	reg_x					= {32{1'b0}};
-	reg	[31: 0]	reg_y					= {32{1'b0}};
-	reg	[15: 0]	reg_ctl				= {16{1'b0}};
-	reg	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din_reg	= {32{1'b0}};
-		//
-		// Parameters
-		//
-	localparam	ADDER_BASE_ADDR		= 12'h321;	// upper 12 bits of address
-	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X	= 2'd0;		// X
-	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y	= 2'd1;		// Y
-	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Z	= 2'd2;		// Z
-	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC	= 2'd3;		// {STATUS, CONTROL}
-		/* This flag detects whether adder core is being addressed. */
-	wire eim_access_adder	= (sys_eim_addr[13:2] == ADDER_BASE_ADDR) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-		/* These flags detect whether write or read access is requested. */
-	wire eim_access_write	= sys_eim_wr & eim_access_adder;
-	wire eim_access_read		= sys_eim_rd & eim_access_adder;
-		//
-		// Write Request Handler
-		//
-	always @(posedge sys_clk)
-		//
-		if (sys_rst) begin
-			reg_x					<= {32{1'b0}};
-			reg_y					<= {32{1'b0}};
-			reg_ctl				<= {16{1'b0}};
-		end else if (eim_access_write) begin
-			//
-			case (sys_eim_addr[1:0])
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X:		reg_x		<= sys_eim_dout;
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y:		reg_y		<= sys_eim_dout;
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC:		reg_ctl	<= sys_eim_dout[15: 0];
-			endcase
-			//
-		end
-		//
-		// Read Request Handler
-		//
-	wire	[31: 0]	reg_z;
-	wire	[15: 0]	reg_sts;
-	always @(posedge sys_clk)
-		//
-		if (sys_rst)					sys_eim_din_reg	<= {32{1'b0}};
-		//
-		else if (eim_access_read) begin
-			//
-			case (sys_eim_addr[1:0])
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_x;
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_y;
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Z:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_z;
-				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= {reg_sts, reg_ctl};
-			endcase
-			//
-		end
-	assign sys_eim_din = sys_eim_din_reg;
-		//
-		// Demo Adder Core
-		//
-	demo_adder adder_core
-	(
-		.clk	(sys_clk),
-		.rst	(sys_rst),
-		.x		(reg_x),
-		.y		(reg_y),
-		.z		(reg_z),
-		.ctl	(reg_ctl),
-		.sts	(reg_sts)
-	);
+	input		wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_dout;
+	output	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;
+		//
+		// Internal Registers
+		//
+	reg	[31: 0]	reg_x					= {32{1'b0}};
+	reg	[31: 0]	reg_y					= {32{1'b0}};
+	reg	[15: 0]	reg_ctl				= {16{1'b0}};
+	reg	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din_reg	= {32{1'b0}};
+		//
+		// Parameters
+		//
+	localparam	ADDER_BASE_ADDR		= 12'h321;	// upper 12 bits of address
+	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X	= 2'd0;		// X
+	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y	= 2'd1;		// Y
+	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Z	= 2'd2;		// Z
+	localparam	ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC	= 2'd3;		// {STATUS, CONTROL}
+		/* This flag detects whether adder core is being addressed. */
+	wire eim_access_adder	= (sys_eim_addr[13:2] == ADDER_BASE_ADDR) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+		/* These flags detect whether write or read access is requested. */
+	wire eim_access_write	= sys_eim_wr & eim_access_adder;
+	wire eim_access_read		= sys_eim_rd & eim_access_adder;
+		//
+		// Write Request Handler
+		//
+	always @(posedge sys_clk)
+		//
+		if (sys_rst) begin
+			reg_x					<= {32{1'b0}};
+			reg_y					<= {32{1'b0}};
+			reg_ctl				<= {16{1'b0}};
+		end else if (eim_access_write) begin
+			//
+			case (sys_eim_addr[1:0])
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X:		reg_x		<= sys_eim_dout;
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y:		reg_y		<= sys_eim_dout;
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC:		reg_ctl	<= sys_eim_dout[15: 0];
+			endcase
+			//
+		end
+		//
+		// Read Request Handler
+		//
+	wire	[31: 0]	reg_z;
+	wire	[15: 0]	reg_sts;
+	always @(posedge sys_clk)
+		//
+		if (sys_rst)					sys_eim_din_reg	<= {32{1'b0}};
+		//
+		else if (eim_access_read) begin
+			//
+			case (sys_eim_addr[1:0])
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_X:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_x;
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Y:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_y;
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_Z:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= reg_z;
+				ADDER_OFFSET_REG_SC:	sys_eim_din_reg	<= {reg_sts, reg_ctl};
+			endcase
+			//
+		end
+	assign sys_eim_din = sys_eim_din_reg;
+		//
+		// Demo Adder Core
+		//
+	demo_adder adder_core
+	(
+		.clk	(sys_clk),
+		.rst	(sys_rst),
+		.x		(reg_x),
+		.y		(reg_y),
+		.z		(reg_z),
+		.ctl	(reg_ctl),
+		.sts	(reg_sts)
+	);
diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v b/rtl/src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v
index 247ff69..1e39629 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/eim_arbiter.v
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module eim_arbiter
-	(
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module eim_arbiter
+	(
 		eim_bclk, eim_cs0_n, eim_da,
 		eim_lba_n, eim_wr_n,
-		eim_oe_n, eim_wait_n,
-		sys_clk,
-		sys_addr,
-		sys_wren, sys_data_out,
-		sys_rden, sys_data_in
-	);
-		//
-		// Ports
-		//
-	input		wire				eim_bclk;		// | eim bus
-	input		wire				eim_cs0_n;		// |
+		eim_oe_n, eim_wait_n,
+		sys_clk,
+		sys_addr,
+		sys_wren, sys_data_out,
+		sys_rden, sys_data_in
+	);
+		//
+		// Ports
+		//
+	input		wire				eim_bclk;		// | eim bus
+	input		wire				eim_cs0_n;		// |
 	inout		wire	[15: 0]	eim_da;			// |
-	input		wire				eim_lba_n;		// |
+	input		wire				eim_lba_n;		// |
 	input		wire				eim_wr_n;		// |
-	input		wire				eim_oe_n;		// |
-	output	wire				eim_wait_n;		// |
-	input		wire				sys_clk;			// system clock
-	output	wire	[13: 0]	sys_addr;		// | user bus
-	output	wire				sys_wren;		// |
-	output	wire	[31: 0]	sys_data_out;	// |
-	output	wire				sys_rden;		// |
-	input		wire	[31: 0]	sys_data_in;	// |
-		//
-		// Data/Address PHY
-		//
-	/* PHY is needed to control bi-directional address/data bus. */
-	wire	[15: 0]	da_ro;	// value read from pins
-	reg	[15: 0]	da_di;	// value drives onto pins
-	eim_da_phy da_phy
-	(
-		.buf_io	(eim_da),	// <-- connect directly top-level port
-		.buf_di	(da_di),
-		.buf_ro	(da_ro),
-		.buf_t	(eim_oe_n)	// <-- driven by EIM directly
-	);
-		//
-		// FSM
-		//
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT			= 5'b0_0_000;	// arbiter is idle
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START	= 5'b1_1_000;	// got address to write at
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_LSB		= 5'b1_1_001;	// got lower 16 bits of data to write
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_MSB		= 5'b1_1_010;	// got upper 16 bits of data to write
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_WAIT	= 5'b1_1_100;	// request to user-side logic sent
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE	= 5'b1_1_111;	// user-side logic acknowledged transaction
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START	= 5'b1_0_000;	// got address to read from
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_WAIT		= 5'b1_0_100;	// request to user-side logic sent
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY	= 5'b1_0_011;	// got acknowledge from user logic
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_LSB		= 5'b1_0_001;	// returned lower 16 bits to master
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_MSB		= 5'b1_0_010;	// returned upper 16 bits to master
-	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_DONE		= 5'b1_0_111;	// transaction complete
-	reg	[ 4: 0]	eim_fsm_state			= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;	// fsm state
-	reg	[13: 0]	eim_addr_latch			= {14{1'bX}};				// transaction address
-	reg	[15: 0]	eim_write_lsb_latch	= {16{1'bX}};				// lower 16 bits of data to write
-		/* These flags are used to wake up from INIT state. */
-	wire	eim_write_start_flag		= (eim_lba_n == 1'b0) && (eim_wr_n == 1'b0) && (da_ro[1:0] == 2'b00);
-	wire	eim_read_start_flag		= (eim_lba_n == 1'b0) && (eim_wr_n == 1'b1) && (da_ro[1:0] == 2'b00);
-		/* These are transaction response flag and data from user-side logic. */
-	wire				eim_user_ack;
-	wire	[31: 0]	eim_user_data;
-		/* FSM is reset whenever Chip Select is de-asserted. */
-		//
-		// FSM Transition Logic
-		//
-	always @(posedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n) begin
-		//
-		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1) eim_fsm_state <= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;
-		//
-		else begin
-			//
-			case (eim_fsm_state)
-				//
-				// INIT -> WRITE, INIT -> READ
-				//
-				EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT: begin
-					if (eim_write_start_flag)	eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START;
-					if (eim_read_start_flag)	eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START;
-				end
-				//
-				// WRITE
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				//
-					if (eim_user_ack)				eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE;
-				//
-				//
-				// READ
-				//
-				//
-					if (eim_user_ack)				eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY;
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				//
-				default: 							eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;
-				//
-			endcase
-			//
-		end
-		//
-	end
-		//
-		// Address Latch
-		//
-	always @(posedge eim_bclk)
-		//
-		if ((eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT) && (eim_write_start_flag || eim_read_start_flag))
-			eim_addr_latch <= da_ro[15:2];
-		//
-		// Additional Write Logic
-		//
-	always @(posedge eim_bclk)
-		//
-		if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START)
-			eim_write_lsb_latch <= da_ro;
-		//
-		// Additional Read Logic
-		//
-	/* Note that this stuff operates on falling clock edge, because the cpu
-    * samples our bi-directional data bus on rising clock edge.
-	 */
-	always @(negedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n)
-		//
-		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1)										da_di <= {16{1'bX}};					// don't care what to drive
-		else begin
-			//
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_LSB)		da_di	<= eim_user_data[15: 0];	// drive lower 16 bits at first...
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_MSB)		da_di	<= eim_user_data[31:16];	// ...then drive upper 16 bits
-			//
-		end		
-		//
-		// Wait Logic
-		//
-		/* Note that this stuff operates on falling clock edge, because the cpu
-		*  samples our WAIT_N flag on rising clock edge.
-		*/
-	reg	eim_wait_reg	= 1'b0;
-	always @(negedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n)
-		//
-		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1)											eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// clear wait
-		else begin
-			//
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b1;		// start waiting for write to complete
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b1;		// start waiting for read to complete
-			//
-			if (eim_fsm_state	== EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// write transaction done
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// read transaction done
-			//
-			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT)				eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// fsm is idle, no need to wait any more
-			//
-		end
-	assign eim_wait_n = ~eim_wait_reg;
-		/* These flags are used to generate 1-cycle pulses to trigger CDC transaction.
-		 * Note that FSM goes from WRITE_LSB to WRITE_MSB and from READ_START to READ_WAIT
-		 * unconditionally, so these flags will always be active for 1 cycle only, which
-		 * is exactly what we need.
-		 */
-	wire	arbiter_write_req_pulse		= (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_LSB)  ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-	wire	arbiter_read_req_pulse		= (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-		//
-		// CDC Block
-		//
-	/* This block is used to transfer request data from BCLK clock domain to SYS_CLK clock domain and
-	 * then transfer acknowledge from SYS_CLK to BCLK clock domain in return. Af first 1+1+14+32 = 48 bits
-	 * are transfered, these are: write flag, read flag, address, write data. During read transaction
-	 * some bogus write data is passed, which is not used later anyway. During read requests 32 bits of data
-	 * are returned, during write requests 32 bits of bogus data are returned, that are never used later.
-	 */
-	eim_arbiter_cdc eim_cdc
-	(
-		.eim_clk			(eim_bclk),
-		.eim_req			(arbiter_write_req_pulse | arbiter_read_req_pulse),
-		.eim_ack			(eim_user_ack),
-		.eim_din			({arbiter_write_req_pulse, arbiter_read_req_pulse, eim_addr_latch, da_ro, eim_write_lsb_latch}),
-		.eim_dout		(eim_user_data),
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_addr		(sys_addr),
-		.sys_wren		(sys_wren),
-		.sys_data_out	(sys_data_out),
-		.sys_rden		(sys_rden),
-		.sys_data_in	(sys_data_in)
-	);
+	input		wire				eim_oe_n;		// |
+	output	wire				eim_wait_n;		// |
+	input		wire				sys_clk;			// system clock
+	output	wire	[13: 0]	sys_addr;		// | user bus
+	output	wire				sys_wren;		// |
+	output	wire	[31: 0]	sys_data_out;	// |
+	output	wire				sys_rden;		// |
+	input		wire	[31: 0]	sys_data_in;	// |
+		//
+		// Data/Address PHY
+		//
+	/* PHY is needed to control bi-directional address/data bus. */
+	wire	[15: 0]	da_ro;	// value read from pins
+	reg	[15: 0]	da_di;	// value drives onto pins
+	eim_da_phy da_phy
+	(
+		.buf_io	(eim_da),	// <-- connect directly top-level port
+		.buf_di	(da_di),
+		.buf_ro	(da_ro),
+		.buf_t	(eim_oe_n)	// <-- driven by EIM directly
+	);
+		//
+		// FSM
+		//
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT			= 5'b0_0_000;	// arbiter is idle
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START	= 5'b1_1_000;	// got address to write at
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_LSB		= 5'b1_1_001;	// got lower 16 bits of data to write
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_MSB		= 5'b1_1_010;	// got upper 16 bits of data to write
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_WAIT	= 5'b1_1_100;	// request to user-side logic sent
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE	= 5'b1_1_111;	// user-side logic acknowledged transaction
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START	= 5'b1_0_000;	// got address to read from
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_WAIT		= 5'b1_0_100;	// request to user-side logic sent
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY	= 5'b1_0_011;	// got acknowledge from user logic
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_LSB		= 5'b1_0_001;	// returned lower 16 bits to master
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_MSB		= 5'b1_0_010;	// returned upper 16 bits to master
+	localparam	EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_DONE		= 5'b1_0_111;	// transaction complete
+	reg	[ 4: 0]	eim_fsm_state			= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;	// fsm state
+	reg	[13: 0]	eim_addr_latch			= {14{1'bX}};				// transaction address
+	reg	[15: 0]	eim_write_lsb_latch	= {16{1'bX}};				// lower 16 bits of data to write
+		/* These flags are used to wake up from INIT state. */
+	wire	eim_write_start_flag		= (eim_lba_n == 1'b0) && (eim_wr_n == 1'b0) && (da_ro[1:0] == 2'b00);
+	wire	eim_read_start_flag		= (eim_lba_n == 1'b0) && (eim_wr_n == 1'b1) && (da_ro[1:0] == 2'b00);
+		/* These are transaction response flag and data from user-side logic. */
+	wire				eim_user_ack;
+	wire	[31: 0]	eim_user_data;
+		/* FSM is reset whenever Chip Select is de-asserted. */
+		//
+		// FSM Transition Logic
+		//
+	always @(posedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n) begin
+		//
+		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1) eim_fsm_state <= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;
+		//
+		else begin
+			//
+			case (eim_fsm_state)
+				//
+				// INIT -> WRITE, INIT -> READ
+				//
+				EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT: begin
+					if (eim_write_start_flag)	eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START;
+					if (eim_read_start_flag)	eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START;
+				end
+				//
+				// WRITE
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				//
+					if (eim_user_ack)				eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE;
+				//
+				//
+				// READ
+				//
+				//
+					if (eim_user_ack)				eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY;
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				//
+				default: 							eim_fsm_state	<= EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT;
+				//
+			endcase
+			//
+		end
+		//
+	end
+		//
+		// Address Latch
+		//
+	always @(posedge eim_bclk)
+		//
+		if ((eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT) && (eim_write_start_flag || eim_read_start_flag))
+			eim_addr_latch <= da_ro[15:2];
+		//
+		// Additional Write Logic
+		//
+	always @(posedge eim_bclk)
+		//
+		if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START)
+			eim_write_lsb_latch <= da_ro;
+		//
+		// Additional Read Logic
+		//
+	/* Note that this stuff operates on falling clock edge, because the cpu
+    * samples our bi-directional data bus on rising clock edge.
+	 */
+	always @(negedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n)
+		//
+		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1)										da_di <= {16{1'bX}};					// don't care what to drive
+		else begin
+			//
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_LSB)		da_di	<= eim_user_data[15: 0];	// drive lower 16 bits at first...
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_MSB)		da_di	<= eim_user_data[31:16];	// ...then drive upper 16 bits
+			//
+		end
+		//
+		// Wait Logic
+		//
+		/* Note that this stuff operates on falling clock edge, because the cpu
+		*  samples our WAIT_N flag on rising clock edge.
+		*/
+	reg	eim_wait_reg	= 1'b0;
+	always @(negedge eim_bclk or posedge eim_cs0_n)
+		//
+		if (eim_cs0_n == 1'b1)											eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// clear wait
+		else begin
+			//
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_START)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b1;		// start waiting for write to complete
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b1;		// start waiting for read to complete
+			//
+			if (eim_fsm_state	== EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_DONE)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// write transaction done
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_READY)		eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// read transaction done
+			//
+			if (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_INIT)				eim_wait_reg	<= 1'b0;		// fsm is idle, no need to wait any more
+			//
+		end
+	assign eim_wait_n = ~eim_wait_reg;
+		/* These flags are used to generate 1-cycle pulses to trigger CDC transaction.
+		 * Note that FSM goes from WRITE_LSB to WRITE_MSB and from READ_START to READ_WAIT
+		 * unconditionally, so these flags will always be active for 1 cycle only, which
+		 * is exactly what we need.
+		 */
+	wire	arbiter_write_req_pulse		= (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_WRITE_LSB)  ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+	wire	arbiter_read_req_pulse		= (eim_fsm_state == EIM_FSM_STATE_READ_START) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+		//
+		// CDC Block
+		//
+	/* This block is used to transfer request data from BCLK clock domain to SYS_CLK clock domain and
+	 * then transfer acknowledge from SYS_CLK to BCLK clock domain in return. Af first 1+1+14+32 = 48 bits
+	 * are transfered, these are: write flag, read flag, address, write data. During read transaction
+	 * some bogus write data is passed, which is not used later anyway. During read requests 32 bits of data
+	 * are returned, during write requests 32 bits of bogus data are returned, that are never used later.
+	 */
+	eim_arbiter_cdc eim_cdc
+	(
+		.eim_clk			(eim_bclk),
+		.eim_req			(arbiter_write_req_pulse | arbiter_read_req_pulse),
+		.eim_ack			(eim_user_ack),
+		.eim_din			({arbiter_write_req_pulse, arbiter_read_req_pulse, eim_addr_latch, da_ro, eim_write_lsb_latch}),
+		.eim_dout		(eim_user_data),
+		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
+		.sys_addr		(sys_addr),
+		.sys_wren		(sys_wren),
+		.sys_data_out	(sys_data_out),
+		.sys_rden		(sys_rden),
+		.sys_data_in	(sys_data_in)
+	);
diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v b/rtl/src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v
index 9fe0c3b..9b76d3b 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/eim_da_phy.v
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module eim_da_phy
-	(
-		buf_io,
-		buf_di, buf_ro,
-		buf_t
-	);
-		//
-		// Parameters
-		//
-	parameter BUS_WIDTH = 16;
-		//
-		// Ports
-		//
-	inout		wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_io;	// connect directly to top-level pins
-	input		wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_di;	// drive input (value driven onto pins)
-	output	wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_ro;	// receiver output (value read from pins)
-	input		wire							buf_t;	// tristate control (driver is disabled during tristate)
-		//
-		// IOBUFs
-		//
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module eim_da_phy
+	(
+		buf_io,
+		buf_di, buf_ro,
+		buf_t
+	);
+		//
+		// Parameters
+		//
+	parameter BUS_WIDTH = 16;
+		//
+		// Ports
+		//
+	inout		wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_io;	// connect directly to top-level pins
+	input		wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_di;	// drive input (value driven onto pins)
+	output	wire	[BUS_WIDTH-1:0]	buf_ro;	// receiver output (value read from pins)
+	input		wire							buf_t;	// tristate control (driver is disabled during tristate)
+		//
+		// IOBUFs
+		//
 	genvar i;
-	generate for (i=0; i<BUS_WIDTH; i=i+1)
+	generate for (i=0; i<BUS_WIDTH; i=i+1)
 		begin: eim_da
-			//
-			IOBUF #
-			(
+			//
+			IOBUF #
+			(
 				.DRIVE			(12),
 				.SLEW				("FAST")
-			)
-			IOBUF_inst
-			(
+			)
+			IOBUF_inst
+			(
 				.IO	(buf_io[i]),
 				.O		(buf_ro[i]),
 				.I		(buf_di[i]),
 				.T		(buf_t)
-			);			
+			);
-	endgenerate		
+	endgenerate
diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
index a62f311..57ef434 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_baseline_top.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module novena_baseline_top
-	(
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module novena_baseline_top
+	(
 		gclk_p_pin, gclk_n_pin,
 		eim_bclk, eim_cs0_n, eim_da,
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module novena_baseline_top
-		led_pin
-	);
+		led_pin
+	);
 		// Top-Levl Ports
-	input		wire				gclk_p_pin;			// general-purpose 50 MHz LVDS clock 
+	input		wire				gclk_p_pin;			// general-purpose 50 MHz LVDS clock
 	input		wire				gclk_n_pin;			//
 	input		wire				eim_bclk;			// burst clock from cpu
@@ -27,106 +27,106 @@ module novena_baseline_top
 	input		wire				eim_oe_n;			// output enable signal (active low)
 	output	wire				eim_wait_n;			// wait signal (active low)
-	input		wire				reset_mcu_b_pin;	// this must be configured as input w/pullup
+	input		wire				reset_mcu_b_pin;	// this must be configured as input w/pullup
 															// not to kill the cpu after configuration
 	output	wire				apoptosis_pin;		// not used, tied to 0
-	output	wire				led_pin;				// visual activity indicator
-		//
-		// Clock Manager
-		//
-		/* Clock manager is used to buffer BCLK and also generate SYS_CLK from GCLK. */
-	wire	sys_clk;
-	wire	sys_rst;
-	wire	eim_bclk_buf;
-	novena_clkmgr clkmgr
-	(
-		.gclk_p			(gclk_p_pin),
-		.gclk_n			(gclk_n_pin),
-		.reset_mcu_b	(reset_mcu_b_pin),
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.bclk_in			(eim_bclk),
-		.bclk_out		(eim_bclk_buf)
-	);
-		//
-		// EIM Arbiter
-		//
-		/* EIM arbiter handles EIM access and transfers it into `sys_clk' clock domain. */
+	output	wire				led_pin;				// visual activity indicator
+		//
+		// Clock Manager
+		//
+		/* Clock manager is used to buffer BCLK and also generate SYS_CLK from GCLK. */
+	wire	sys_clk;
+	wire	sys_rst;
+	wire	eim_bclk_buf;
+	novena_clkmgr clkmgr
+	(
+		.gclk_p			(gclk_p_pin),
+		.gclk_n			(gclk_n_pin),
+		.reset_mcu_b	(reset_mcu_b_pin),
+		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
+		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
+		.bclk_in			(eim_bclk),
+		.bclk_out		(eim_bclk_buf)
+	);
+		//
+		// EIM Arbiter
+		//
+		/* EIM arbiter handles EIM access and transfers it into `sys_clk' clock domain. */
 	wire	[13: 0]	sys_eim_addr;
-	wire				sys_eim_wr;
+	wire				sys_eim_wr;
 	wire				sys_eim_rd;
 	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_dout;
-	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;	
-	eim_arbiter eim
-	(
-		.eim_bclk		(eim_bclk_buf),
-		.eim_cs0_n		(eim_cs0_n),
+	wire	[31: 0]	sys_eim_din;
+	eim_arbiter eim
+	(
+		.eim_bclk		(eim_bclk_buf),
+		.eim_cs0_n		(eim_cs0_n),
 		.eim_da			(eim_da),
-		.eim_lba_n		(eim_lba_n),
+		.eim_lba_n		(eim_lba_n),
 		.eim_wr_n		(eim_wr_n),
-		.eim_oe_n		(eim_oe_n),
-		.eim_wait_n		(eim_wait_n),
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_addr		(sys_eim_addr),
-		.sys_wren		(sys_eim_wr),
-		.sys_data_out	(sys_eim_dout),
-		.sys_rden		(sys_eim_rd),
-		.sys_data_in	(sys_eim_din)
-	);
-		//
-		// Core Selector (MUX)
-		//
-		/* This multiplexor is used to map demo adder registers somewhere into EIM address space. */
-	core_selector mux
-	(
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.sys_eim_addr	(sys_eim_addr),
-		.sys_eim_wr		(sys_eim_wr),
-		.sys_eim_rd		(sys_eim_rd),
-		.sys_eim_dout	(sys_eim_dout),
-		.sys_eim_din	(sys_eim_din)
-	);
-		//
-		// LED Driver
-		//
-	eim_indicator led
-	(
-		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
-		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
-		.eim_active		(sys_eim_wr | sys_eim_rd),
-		.led_out			(led_pin)
-	);
-		//
-		// Unused
-		//
-	assign apoptosis_pin		= 1'b0;
+		.eim_oe_n		(eim_oe_n),
+		.eim_wait_n		(eim_wait_n),
+		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
+		.sys_addr		(sys_eim_addr),
+		.sys_wren		(sys_eim_wr),
+		.sys_data_out	(sys_eim_dout),
+		.sys_rden		(sys_eim_rd),
+		.sys_data_in	(sys_eim_din)
+	);
+		//
+		// Core Selector (MUX)
+		//
+		/* This multiplexor is used to map demo adder registers somewhere into EIM address space. */
+	core_selector mux
+	(
+		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
+		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
+		.sys_eim_addr	(sys_eim_addr),
+		.sys_eim_wr		(sys_eim_wr),
+		.sys_eim_rd		(sys_eim_rd),
+		.sys_eim_dout	(sys_eim_dout),
+		.sys_eim_din	(sys_eim_din)
+	);
+		//
+		// LED Driver
+		//
+	eim_indicator led
+	(
+		.sys_clk			(sys_clk),
+		.sys_rst			(sys_rst),
+		.eim_active		(sys_eim_wr | sys_eim_rd),
+		.led_out			(led_pin)
+	);
+		//
+		// Unused
+		//
+	assign apoptosis_pin		= 1'b0;
diff --git a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v
index 2f8c02f..5713383 100644
--- a/rtl/src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v
+++ b/rtl/src/verilog/novena_clkmgr.v
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-module novena_clkmgr
-	(
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module novena_clkmgr
+	(
 		gclk_p, gclk_n,
-		sys_clk, sys_rst,
-		bclk_in, bclk_out
-	);
-		//
-		// Ports
-		//
-	input		wire	gclk_p;			// signal from clock pins
-	input		wire	gclk_n;			//
-	input		wire	reset_mcu_b;	// cpu reset (async)
-	output	wire	sys_clk;			// buffered system clock output
-	output	wire	sys_rst;			// system reset output (sync)
-	input		wire	bclk_in;			// signal from clock pin
-	output	wire	bclk_out;		// buffered clock output
-		//
-		//
-	wire gclk;
+		sys_clk, sys_rst,
+		bclk_in, bclk_out
+	);
+		//
+		// Ports
+		//
+	input		wire	gclk_p;			// signal from clock pins
+	input		wire	gclk_n;			//
+	input		wire	reset_mcu_b;	// cpu reset (async)
+	output	wire	sys_clk;			// buffered system clock output
+	output	wire	sys_rst;			// system reset output (sync)
+	input		wire	bclk_in;			// signal from clock pin
+	output	wire	bclk_out;		// buffered clock output
+		//
+		//
+	wire gclk;
 		.I		(gclk_p),
 		.IB	(gclk_n),
 		.O		(gclk)
-	);
-		//
-		// DCM
-		//
-	wire	dcm_reset;		// dcm reset
-	wire	dcm_locked;		// output clock valid
-	wire	gclk_missing;	// no input clock
-	clkmgr_dcm dcm
-	(
-		.CLK_IN1					(gclk),
-		.RESET					(dcm_reset),
-		.INPUT_CLK_STOPPED	(gclk_missing),
-		.CLK_OUT1				(sys_clk),
-		.CLK_VALID				(dcm_locked)
-	);
+	);
+		//
+		// DCM
+		//
+	wire	dcm_reset;		// dcm reset
+	wire	dcm_locked;		// output clock valid
+	wire	gclk_missing;	// no input clock
+	clkmgr_dcm dcm
+	(
+		.CLK_IN1					(gclk),
+		.RESET					(dcm_reset),
+		.INPUT_CLK_STOPPED	(gclk_missing),
+		.CLK_OUT1				(sys_clk),
+		.CLK_VALID				(dcm_locked)
+	);
 		// DCM Reset Logic
-		//
-	/* DCM should be reset on power-up, when input clock is stopped or when the CPU gets reset. */
-	reg	[15: 0]	dcm_rst_shreg	= {16{1'b1}};	// 16-bit shift register
+		//
+	/* DCM should be reset on power-up, when input clock is stopped or when the CPU gets reset. */
+	reg	[15: 0]	dcm_rst_shreg	= {16{1'b1}};	// 16-bit shift register
 	always @(posedge gclk or negedge reset_mcu_b or posedge gclk_missing)
 		if ((reset_mcu_b == 1'b0) || (gclk_missing == 1'b1))	dcm_rst_shreg	<= {16{1'b1}};
 		else																	dcm_rst_shreg	<= {dcm_rst_shreg[14:0], 1'b0};
-	assign dcm_reset = dcm_rst_shreg[15];
+	assign dcm_reset = dcm_rst_shreg[15];
 		// System Reset Logic
-		//
-	/* System reset is asserted for 16 cycles whenever DCM aquires lock. */
+		//
+	/* System reset is asserted for 16 cycles whenever DCM aquires lock. */
 	reg	[15: 0]	sys_rst_shreg	= {16{1'b1}};	// 16-bit shift register
 	always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_mcu_b or posedge gclk_missing or negedge dcm_locked)
 		if ((reset_mcu_b == 1'b0) || (gclk_missing == 1'b1) || (dcm_locked == 1'b0))	sys_rst_shreg	<= {16{1'b1}};
-		else if (dcm_locked == 1'b1)																	sys_rst_shreg	<= {sys_rst_shreg[14:0], 1'b0};		
-	assign sys_rst = sys_rst_shreg[15];
-		//
-		//
-	(
-		.I		(bclk_in),
-		.O		(bclk_out)
-	);
+		else if (dcm_locked == 1'b1)																	sys_rst_shreg	<= {sys_rst_shreg[14:0], 1'b0};
+	assign sys_rst = sys_rst_shreg[15];
+		//
+		//
+	(
+		.I		(bclk_in),
+		.O		(bclk_out)
+	);

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